Posts Tagged ‘programming’

Globalists programming ChatGPT to “reduce vaccine hesitancy” by parroting public health narratives

(NaturalNews) At the end of this month, new research will be presented at the Conference of the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases… Source

Priming, predictive programming and Hollywood

BY RHODA WILSON ON MARCH 16, 2024 • ( 2 COMMENTS ) Throughout history, images and stories have played a crucial role in obtaining long-term control or influence over societies and cultures. The enchanting and captivating qualities of storytelling and mythmaking through fables, poetry and drama have proven to be a successful method of shaping public opinion for centuries. In Ancient Greece, Plato […]

Dec 18 – Cyberattack. Civil War. Hollywood’s Predictive Programming

(Left, after a cyberattack, self-driving Teslas leave dealer lots and pile up on highways.) Despite the Obama’s participation, “Leave the World Behind” does not come across as a woke movie. Yes, the main character, a sympathetic Black professional says, “there is no evil Cabal. It’s all happening by accident,” the Whites are not demonized. It’s on Netflix. […]

More Predictive Programming. Britain 2033 Source

PREDICTIVE PROGRAMMING ALERT: New Warning Says Half Of US At Risk Of Grid Down This Winter

READ HERE:   Source

Satanic Ritual Abuse & MKULTRA (Assassin Programming) Source



Applied Predictive Programming – Long in Advance the XFiles told everyone what will be happening now


H.G. Wells’ Predictive Programming Revolution: UFOs, Drugs, and the Great Reset

Just when you thought that every possible type of propaganda has already been unleashed onto the world, Congressional hearings on aliens entered the scene in 2023 Of course, the world has been awash in UFO-themed narratives within pop culture since the earliest days of the Cold War. Even Laurence Rockefeller himself (4th grandson of John […]

Predictive Programming in 1981: Trilateral Commission and New World Order

This was revealed on an episode of Barney Miller in 1981, entitled Field Associate. Predictive programing hidden in plain sight, as per usual. Front running the truth with the “conspiracy theory” labels. That script was greenlit on a comedy show, they knew they could flaunt it, and none would believe it. Would you like to learn more about […]

Predictive programming / Agenda 2030

22 feb 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global Walkout begins September 4th at 8pm London time and continue every weeks. Next step february 26th. One step at a time, hand in […]

Mossad-Produced Fight Club 9/11 Predictive Programming

Eye-opening documentary on the blatant 9/11 predictive programming featured in the 1999 film Fight Club. Fight Club was produced by Israeli arms dealer, nuclear materials thief, Mossad agent, and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan Source



Predictive Programming: X-Files Episode Exposes COVID Lockdown Tactics

Alex Jones breaks down newly rediscovered clips from the X-Files exposing the pandemic lockdown tactics of the globalist elites before the engineered Covid outbreak. “It’s really important to understand the globalist’s master plan and why […] The post Predictive Programming: X-Files Episode Exposes COVID Lockdown Tactics appeared first on News Punch. Source

Kanye Threatened With MK-Ultra Programming by jewish Trainer

Ye’s jewish trainer is threatening him with MK-Ultra type programming if he doesn’t back down from his stand against the jewish power structure. Source

Predictive Programming, Revelation of the Method & COVID-23

When major events impact millions, and even billions, of people, there will, inevitably, be a wide range of opinions put forth to explain the crisis. From political explanations to religious testimony, thinkers from all walks of life seek to deconstruct those events which alter the lives of the masses. Source

(SADS) Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Programming the Population

Sudden Adult Death Syndrome: Programming the Population Published on March 14, 2022 Written by Seemingly overnight, the world is inundated by constant news coverage of Ukraine, imminent nuclear attacks, and World War III. Every passing hour delivers a broadcasting deluge focused on nefarious Russian forces. Naturally, the perfectly orchestrated diversion tactic is certainly no […]

Is the Media Programming Us to Normalize Strokes & Heart Attacks in Children and Young Adults?

Is the Media Programming Us to Normalize Strokes & Heart Attacks in Children and Young Adults? Date: October 30, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:I’ve noticed several disturbing instances of predictive programming the past few days.Check out these images circulating around social media from public ads and mainstream media articles: MiOWNopinions@MiNopinions As Canada rolls out the jab […]

Bank Of England Says Govt Needs To Make Decision On Digital Currency ‘Programming’

In June this year, the Bank of England urged Government ministers to decide whether a central bank digital currency should be made “programmable”, which would allow the issuer control over how it was spent by the recipient. Tom Mutton, a director at the Bank of England, said that programming could become a key feature of […]

“Hollywood is being used for social programming and mind control” Mel Gibson

CRIME BYTEXANS JACK & DODIEON APRIL 10, 2021 • ( 17 COMMENTS ) Actor Mel Gibson explained to a BBC television audience in July 2020 how he had been blacklisted by Hollywood’s controlling monarchs in 2006. Gibson in The Patriot What he was about to reveal would at first bring a barrage of media fury labeling him a conspiratorist. Over time, […]

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