Posts Tagged ‘strokes’

Study Says Covid Jabs Seem To Cut Risk Of Heart Attacks & Strokes

According to a new study, Covid vaccinations now appear to be beneficial in preventing heart and circulatory conditions. The study, published in the journal Heart admits that some jabs are associated to side effetcs like blood […] The post Study Says Covid Jabs Seem To Cut Risk Of Heart Attacks & Strokes appeared first on The […]

Steve Wozniak and C-Knight both have strokes; Brandon Cowperthwaite has brain cancer; John York’s cancer treatment; Kel Mitchell’s “medical emergency”; Wynonna Judd “hanging on for dear life”… but nothing to see here

More stunning silences from Lamestream and governments all … still think it’s safe & effective? ….EWNZ From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack Alyssa Farah Griffin missing from “The View”; Stevante Clark has a “mild heart attack”; Cavaliers running back Perris Jones “carted off field after terrifying injury” Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak was rushed to a […]

Media now blaming COVID jab-related heart attacks and strokes on CLIMATE CHANGE

The latest excuse from the establishment for rising rates of heart attack and stroke is “extreme heat waves spawned by climate change.” A new study, we are told, links a surge in cardiovascular deaths to really warm temperatures, which apparently hurt people who are black and old at disproportionately higher rate than other demographics. Instead […]

Scientists Warns Strokes Are Now Contagious: “That’s Why Everyone Is Suddenly Getting Them”

Scientists have declared that the recent rise in strokes may be due to the fact that they are now “contagious.” According to a new study, some recipients from blood transfusions suffered massive brain bleeds and […] The post Scientists Warns Strokes Are Now Contagious: “That’s Why Everyone Is Suddenly Getting Them” appeared first on The […]

How we are spreading neuro-toxins amongst the population to cause strokes

NATO Secretly Deploying Neural Nano-Toxins from their Wuhan Lab posted by INTEL-DROP September 6, 2023 0 comment SHARE 0FacebookTwitterPinterestLinkedinTumblrVKOdnoklassnikiRedditStumbleuponWhatsappTelegramSkypeViberEmail Dr Giordano talks about how he and his colleagues at the medical branches of NATO have been conjuring up some nano-particulate smart dust that can cause STROKE EPIDEMICS, in what he calls a “scatter arrangement”, meaning that they can just […]

Proof: Strokes are caused by the COVID vaccines

I bet $1M that the vax causes strokes. Any takers? They knew this at the very start of the vaccination campaign if they were paying attention to the adverse event reports. I’ll show you how they knew. Steve Kirsch Jan 17 2023 Executive summary The COVID vaccines cause strokes. There is no doubt about it. […]

Excess Heart Attacks and Strokes in UK Now Being Blamed on NHS Backlogs & Delays

It seems that doctors are no longer baffled over the increasing rates of excess heart and stroke related deaths across the UK. Blaming covid jabs is now just another ‘conspiracy theory’ as disruption to NHS services is being blamed for the tens of thousands of excess heart related deaths. This follows the release of analysis […]


Un-Killer Jabbed.

“COVID-19” Killer Jab Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Killer Jabs

The corporate media is now controlled by the interests of Big Pharma which has spent over $1 BILLION in promoting COVID-19 vaccines. See: Local, National Media Paid $MILLIONS To Push COVID-19 Vaccines Even last night’s Oscar’s show was sponsored by Pfizer and BioNTech. So when this corporate media now switches their focus to trying […]

Neurological Injuries Soar After Shots : Strokes, Bels Palsy, Paralysis, MS

The biggest story of the century is not Russia invading Ukraine; rather, it is the no-so-silent destruction of peoples health and lives taking place right under our noses. The worst is strokes, which have increased 68,000 percent after taking the mRNA shot as compared to all other vaccines before it. And then there are the […]

Nurses Blow Whistle on Staggering Number of Heart Problems and Strokes in The Fully Vaccinated

By captaindaretofly In South California, hospitals are seeing more cases of vaccine-induced illnesses, and this has not gone unnoticed. A handful of brave nurses have come forward to speak out about what they have witnessed. In Ventura County, which is located to the north of Los Angeles, cases of “unexplained” heart issues, strokes and blood […]

Is the Media Programming Us to Normalize Strokes & Heart Attacks in Children and Young Adults?

Is the Media Programming Us to Normalize Strokes & Heart Attacks in Children and Young Adults? Date: October 30, 2021Author: Nwo Report Source:I’ve noticed several disturbing instances of predictive programming the past few days.Check out these images circulating around social media from public ads and mainstream media articles: MiOWNopinions@MiNopinions As Canada rolls out the jab […]

NZ – Many of the injuries and deaths recorded are blood clots, strokes and heart attacks (Health Forum NZ)

Note: The NZ citizens’ register now has 70 confirmed NZ deaths (see below) From The Health Forum NZ page @ Facebook Here in New Zealand we continue to roll out the CV V at pace.Every day of my life is currently filled with taking messages about New Zealanders who have died or suffered serious injury […]

Doctor Warns How COVID mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Will Cause Delayed Strokes & Heart Attacks — ‘The Worst Is Yet To Come’

During a recent interview on the Laura Lynn show, Dr. Charles Hoffe, MD — who practices in British Columbia, Canada — explained in very simple terms how the mRNA COVID vaccines create the spike proteins which cause widespread microscopic blood clotting that will eventually kill many people within three years of taking the shots. “The […]

Two Tier Society: Full Capacity Foo Fighters, Springsteen, Strokes Gigs Announced For FULLY VACCINATED ONLY

As America begins to open back up, fears of a two tier society are becoming a reality with the announcement that popular bands and artists will perform live shows, but only for fully vaccinated audiences. Three gigs in particular made headlines as it was confirmed that Bruce Springsteen will revive his Broadway musical starting June […]

Covid-19 could cause strokes among young & healthy people, including in asymptomatic cases – study

Scientists from more than 30 countries say they have detected an “unusually high” percentage of young people among patients that were hospitalized with a stroke after having Covid-19, including in asymptomatic form. One in four post-Covid stroke patients is younger than 55, according to the comprehensive international study published in the peer-reviewed journal Stroke. This […]

FDA: 4 Volunteers Who Received Pfizer Vaccine Had Mini Strokes Causing Facial Paralysis

    Four people who got Pfizer’s dangerous and experimental coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s Palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to U.S. regulators’ report on the shot: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors […]

FDA: 4 Volunteers Who Received Pfizer COVID Vaccine Had Mini Strokes Causing Facial Paralysis

Four people who got Pfizer’s dangerous and experimental coronavirus vaccine in the firm’s trial developed Bell’s Palsy, a form of temporary facial paralysis, according to U.S. regulators’ report on the shot: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators said there wasn’t any clear way that the vaccine caused Bell’s palsy, but warned that doctors should watch […]

Left Celebrates Drudge News on POTUS “Mini-Strokes” – Trump Refutes “Fake News”

Leftists celebrated on Twitter after conservative news aggregator Drudge Report published a story claiming President Donald Trump denied suffering “a series of mini-strokes” last year, accompanied by a video showing Trump “dragging” his right leg. The keyword “Drudge” began trending Tuesday as social media users contrasted’s previous fervent support of the president with the […]

2 Indonesian men sentenced to 85 strokes in public caning for gay sex

The couple, aged 20 and 23, will both receive 85 strokes in a public caning after found guilty for breaking strict Sharia regulations against homosexuality. “The defendants are proven to have committed sodomy and are found guilty,” Reuters quotes the presiding judge in the Banda Aceh court, Khairil Jamal, as saying in a statement. The […]

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