Posts Tagged ‘ritual’


DISCLAIMER: There are number of details within this excellent documentary that we do not support, however, this body of evidence spanning over 1000 years of both personal and court documents of FAKE JEW , “Jewish” Ritual Murder, is extremely compelling. May we add the author of this video has neglected to define these “JEWISH” perpetrators […]

Brother Nathaniel Skirts Issue of Satanic Ritual Murder

“Brother Nathaniel, though content to expose a great deal about his Jewish Satanic Tribal lineage, absolutely refuses to even begin to discuss the massive, ancient and ongoing ritual torture, bloodletting and sacrifice of children which has ALWAYS taken place in ALL synagogues worldwide, and is at the core of Judaism.” (Disclaimer – Assimilated Jews do […]

Patrick O’Carroll– Jewish Ritual Murder – Who’s Next?

Organized Jewry is waging a war against God and man.  Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion.  “Jewish law is specific that the victim at Passover must be a white child under the age of seven, who must be bled white, crowned with thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed and finally given the last […]

Mike Stone- Child Sacrifice is Fundamental Deep State Ritual

Child sex trafficking and child murder  are the currency and the glue that holds the entire deep state together.  Every player on any level is involved  with the exploitation of children in one way or another.  It’s the one subject no one wants to talk about. by Mike Stone ( Our country’s proxy war against Russia […]

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’

Cosmopolitan Magazine Promotes Satanic Abortion Ritual: ‘This Is the Most Demonic Thing I’ve Ever Seen’ Source

Jewish Ritual Murder Discussion Share this: Source

San Francisco APEC Conference Was an Illuminati Occult Ritual

“What is their goal? “They” believe our world is organized like a pyramid (see below)  and they are the highest level. They also believe in ritual sacrifice; to absolve their sins  they commit more sin. They are destroying the layer below them,  offering these people up as a ritual offering. “ By CK  ( San […]

Flagellantism Is the New Political Ritual 

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL The old FedEx envelope was clever, a work of art even, optimistic and colorful, signifying speed and progress. What a beautiful contrast to the plainness of the US Postal Service. For years, I can recall dropping off these treasures and paying maybe $10 to assure its delivery across the country, […]

Survivor Jeanette Archer Speaks Out About Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children [VIDEO]

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The Last Taboo: Jewish Ritual Murder

  Human blood and  the Cain-Satanic Seedline: The most taboo subject on the net:   It is still going on today.  The adrenochrome industry:     Pray for the destruction of these nephilim in human form. The post The Last Taboo: Jewish Ritual Murder appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Satanic Ritual Abuse & MKULTRA (Assassin Programming) Source

Disney’s  New Cartoon Series Features Ritual Murder Cult; Disney Is Become Beautified EVIL

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FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking (video)

By Medeea Greere May 21, 2023Updated:May 21, 2023 16 Mins Read Bombshell: FBI Declassifies Files on the CIA’s Involvement in Satanic Ritual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking Medeea Greere, an independent publisher, is now on Telegram at and exists only on reader support as we publish Truth, Freedom and Love for public awareness. Thank You for your […]

Pope Gregory X Gaslights Christians — Jews Would Never Commit Ritual Murder Because The Bible Forbids Drinking Blood

Pope Gregory X In 1272, Pope Gregory X issued a Papal Bull entitled “Letter To The Jews” which attempted to reassure Christians that the widespread reports of Jews abducting and murdering Christian children for use in their secret occult blood rituals were completely unfounded. In his “Letter To The Jews” Gregory writes, “Gregory, bishop, servant […]

Suited for Battle: The Elaborate Ritual of Donning Medieval Knight Armor (Video)

In the Middle Ages, donning armor was an essential part of preparing for battle. The process of putting on armor was a ritual that required time, effort, and assistance from squires. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Video History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Introduction – jewish Ritual Murder: A Historical Investigation, Dr. Hellmut Schramm

The time has come for the thousand-year jewish ritual murder secret to be exposed to the light; may this work, which has been many years in the making, be called upon to keep coming generations alert! Source

Highly Significant Bronze Age and Roman Ritual Center Discovered in England

A team of archaeologists from the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) have uncovered a 4,000-year-old treasure trove of ritual and religious activity in Overstone, near Northampton, England.  Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840 January 3, 2023 Reich Revision 2 Comments J e w i s h  R i t u a l – M u r d e r :   a   H i s t o r i c a l   I […]

jewish Ritual Murder – A Historical Investigation

Thus has it been for millennia — so it is again today. The blood of the non-jew rises up against the fanatic blood-politics of the jews. Germany has been intended by History to have the leading role in this mammoth struggle: morality struggles against immorality, heroism against criminality, light against darkness, and blood against blood! […]

The KHAZARIAN jewish Tradition of Ritual Murder

MY own Great Grandfather type Edward the 1st kicked the Khazarian Jews out of Merry Ole in 1290 AD for ritually gang raping and sacrificing English children in their heathen black magic rituals. And Usury. Now, the Ole Dog! always figured if an evil bunch of soul-less demonically possessed anti-human scum did not want the […]

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