Posts Tagged ‘Jewry’

Michael Hoffman – Organized Jewry Killed Christ

Good Friday–According to the politically correct view now in vogue,  the Pharisees of 33 A.D. were more sinned against than sinning.   Christ’s Crucifixion is still happening today.  Christ was crucified because he taught that God is Love;  God loves all people equally.  Judaism believes Jews are Chosen by God.  In fact, they believe they ARE God. We […]

Makow — Organized Jewry’s Business Model is Parasitism

    (Jewish predators. Yukos Board, 2003. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)       I repost this again because we need constant reminders of the big picture. The business model of Organized Jewry is parasitism, feeding off and killing the host, the goyim. This does not apply to […]

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists

Executive Council of Australian Jewry Incorporated Terrorists $27.5M given to Australian Jewry of terrorists from our Attorney General on 8th January 2024… AND $550K to Emmanuel Synagogue on 12th January 2024… And these are just the ones that I found there’s definitely more… During a cost of living crisis… But sure, let’s only harp on […]

Top Jewish Scholar Admits Hitler Launched WWII To Stop ‘World Jewry’ From ‘Annihilating Germany’

[Based on many of the recent comments we’ve received on related articles concerning WWII, we are republishing this article from 4 years ago, adding additional information and updated links.] (Times Of Israel) According to nonagenerian Yehuda Bauer — one of the foremost jewish ‘Holocaust’ scholars — Adolf Hitler’s launching of World War II to prevent […]

Edward Menez – Organized Jewry has Destroyed the West

Assimilation……or Clannishness? Western nations are reaching a tipping point.  They are about to rise up against the migrants  and their Masonic Jewish sponsors i.e. Klaws Swab & the WEF. by Edward Menez ( Close to 20 years ago I asked a question of my predominantly Hispanic high school students, almost all of those of Mexican decent. […]

“Japs, Jewry And Trannies”: Media Matters President’s Bigoted Blogs Resurface Amid Spat With Musk

On Monday, Elon Musk’s X sued Media Matters, claiming that the David Brock-founded leftist ‘watchdog’ group manipulated the platform to show major ads next to Nazi imagery, causing a flood of advertisers to leave the platform. “The end result was a feed precision-designed by Media Matters for a single purpose: to produce side-by-side ad/content placements […]

Hamas Is the Scapegoat; Jewry Is the Terrorist

The Ben-Gurion Canal as global Jewish strategy Israel Destroys Gaza to Control World’s Most Important Shipping Lane – Rumble Joe Rogan and Abby Martin on the Jewish Terrorism against Gaza,vid:sCo9a5LtKsY,st:0 (copy and paste please.) Share this: Source

Thank Organized Jewry for Migrant Invasion

In a book Henry Kissinger called “brilliant and provocative… Difficult to dismiss,” Jacques Attali confirms that the Illuminati bankers are imposing a hideous “Brave New World” on mankind, one divorced from goodness, truth, or reality.     “Organized Jewry” = Rothschilds, UN, WEF, Freemasonry and Demonrats (Thank them for killing, maiming, and enslaving you using […]

jewry Really Makes You Ill

The must-read book (2019) “What Really Makes You Ill?” by Dawn Lester & David Parker debunks “Germ Theory” and the promotes “Terrain Theory”, bringing awareness to the fact that germs are not the cause of diseased tissue, but rather germs seek their natural habitat, which is diseased tissue.  Source

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840

“Old As jewry Itself” – jewish Ritual Murders Up to the Year 1840 January 3, 2023 Reich Revision 2 Comments J e w i s h  R i t u a l – M u r d e r :   a   H i s t o r i c a l   I […]

Germany’s Legal Cleansing of Parasitic Jewry and the Subsequently Profitable Holocaust Lie

The Six Million Lie By Ben Klassen Masters of the Big Lie.  The jews have expertly utilized the “Big Lie” technique since the beginning of their historical existence. Over the last 5,000 years, they have become unexcelled masters of that technique. Their religion is based on it, their wealth is based on it, and in […]

Chabad three-roosters prediction has Jewry defeating Russia and U.S.A. using Red China

By Rav Yaakov Bak March 26, 2022 Anno Domini Translated from the Russian The following is a transcript (translated from Hebrew) of a video by venerable Rav Yitzhak-David Grossman of the Migdal Or organization in Israel, published a few weeks before the Russian attack on Ukraine:  When I was a child and stood next to […]

Soviet Israel—the continuation of Edomite Red Jewry

By Charles WeismanDecember, 1991 Anno DominiExcerpt from Who is Esau-Edom? As with any script the Bible reveals certain traits, attributes and characteristics of the various actors or characters it talks about. We can thus find in the Bible some attributes and characteristics of Esau-Edom, which will help identify who this actor was in history and […]

Isi Leibler, activist for Soviet Jewry who helped expose World Jewish Congress scandal, dies at 86

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Marianne Steiner, 101, Holocaust survivor supported German Jewry research

As a young Jewish refugee in the late 1930s, Marianne Steiner brought creative flair to her job as a window dresser at Saks Fifth Avenue, the upscale department store in Manhattan. While her family was well off before fleeing Nazi Germany, their finances in New York were more limited. At the time, Steiner owned only […]

On This Day: Alhambra Decree begins tragic expulsion of Spanish Jewry

March 31, 1492 marked a tragic day for Spanish Jewry, when the infamous Alhambra Decree declared the expulsion of all Jews from Spain. While explorer Christopher Columbus set out to “sail the ocean blue,” the Jews of Spain were packing their things and fleeing for their lives. “The counsel and advice of prelates, great noblemen […]

Intellectuals launch magazine on European Jewry’s population ‘crisis’

Jewish journalists, academics and other writers from across Europe have established a new magazine focused on the “current situation of European Jews,” or what they deem a “crisis” signified by the continent’s shrinking Jewish population.K., which is named after the protagonist of Kafka’s novel “The Castle,” launched Monday online with a French-language edition and another […]

Germany commits to support Israeli German-Speaking Jewry Heritage Museum

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Erdan vows to reconnect Israel with all sectors of US Jewry

“I look forward to working with President [Joe] Biden and his new administration to continue strengthening that friendship and promoting those values,” he said in his first public address since assuming his position in Washington on January 20. “I intend to build on the long tradition of bipartisan support for Israel and work with members […]

Orthodox Jewry reels as rabbis die during COVID-19 pandemic

Three times on Sunday, Orthodox men carried the body of a beloved Torah scholar wrapped in a black and white prayer shawl through the streets of Jerusalem to a freshly dug grave. First there was Rabbi Dovid Soloveitchik, the 99-year-old heir to a vaunted tradition of Talmud study. A few hours later it was Rabbi […]

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