Posts Tagged ‘bigoted’

Barbra Streisand: ‘Bigoted Trump DESERVES To Be Assassinated’

Hollywood icon Barbra Streisand has declared that Donald Trump deserves to be assassinated due to his ‘bigoted’ views. Streisand blasted Trump in an unhinged X post earlier this week, declaring that the would-be assassin, Thomas […] The post Barbra Streisand: ‘Bigoted Trump DESERVES To Be Assassinated’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

“Japs, Jewry And Trannies”: Media Matters President’s Bigoted Blogs Resurface Amid Spat With Musk

On Monday, Elon Musk’s X sued Media Matters, claiming that the David Brock-founded leftist ‘watchdog’ group manipulated the platform to show major ads next to Nazi imagery, causing a flood of advertisers to leave the platform. “The end result was a feed precision-designed by Media Matters for a single purpose: to produce side-by-side ad/content placements […]

Three AZ GOP Leaders Appear on Bigoted Christian Nationalist ‘CrossTalk’ Program

Three Arizona Republican officials appeared on a far-right program hosted by racist Christian nationalists on Monday night. In Florida for the premier of right-wing propagandist Dinesh D’Souza’s latest film, which took place at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago property last week, Arizona state Sens. Wendy Rogers and Justine Wadsack and Maricopa County Republican Party Chairman […]

10 Bigoted and Extremist Things Laura Loomer, Trump’s Expected Hire, Has Said

Former President Donald Trump told aides to hire far-right activist Laura Loomer in a campaign role, according to a report Friday from the New York Times. Loomer is an anti-Muslim, white nationalist and Christian nationalist-supporting activist and failed congressional candidate. The New York Times reports that Trump recently met with Loomer, and that it “is […]

US celebrations of Israeli independence that leave out Palestinian story are bigoted (this means you, Pelosi)

This ought to be a rule in American politics: Statements celebrating Israel’s independence are bigoted if they fail to address what happened to Palestinians when Israel was born. Today is the day Israel declared itself a state, and we are seeing the usual flood of U.S. politicians congratulating Israel. (Ritchie Torres, of course. Bob Menendez. […]

Bipartisan ‘No Hate Act’ Introduced in US Congress to Combat Tide of Bigoted Violence

People participate in a Stop Asian Hate rally at Columbus Park in New York City, U.S., April 3, 2021. REUTERS/Jeenah Moon US Jewish groups praised the reintroduction on Thursday of bipartisan legislation to fight the rising tide of hate crimes against Asian-Americans and other groups, through better reporting systems and more law enforcement training. The […]

You’re not Bigoted or Crazy. You’re Being Gaslighted

You’re not Bigoted or Crazy. You’re Being Gaslighted Henry Makow We are being told that the election wasn’t stolen, despite a mountain of evidence that it was. This is gaslighting. Distract yourselves folks with “riots” and “impeachments” while liberty is eradicated in the land of the free. And in case you’re not sure, we’ll take […]

Our Bigoted Brains

Our Bigoted Brains Above photo: From Art Killing Apathy. If you’ve ever moved beyond small talk and vapid pleasantries in conversation then you’ve likely dealt with the infuriating occurrence of trying to convince someone of a fact they just don’t want to accept. Beyond just avoiding the information, they almost seem hardwired to reject your […]

State Dep’t is ‘bigoted, anti-Semitic, Israel-hating’ for saying Palestinian statelessness fosters violence

In yet another exposure of the fraudulent peace process, the State Department report on terrorism for 2016, released this month, said that some Palestinian violence is driven by “a lack of hope” in ever gaining sovereignty: Continued drivers of violence included a lack of hope in achieving Palestinian statehood, Israeli settlement construction in the West […]

Bigoted Americans, Far More Supportive of War Against Syria

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