Posts Tagged ‘gen’

Iran, EU to hold 2nd round of commercial talks

ILNA: Iran and the EU are expected to hold the second phase of trade and economic negotiations in the 8th month of Iranian calendar year (October 22-November 20). Director General of the European, American and the Commonwealth of Independent States at Iranian Trade Development Organization Abolfazl Koudei said the first meeting between Iran and the […]

Nothing can silence Bahrainis anymore: Ayatollah Khamenei

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei has strongly criticized the revocation of the citizenship of a senior cleric in Bahrain, saying Bahraini youths cannot be silenced anymore.  “In Bahrain, a ruthless and arrogant minority is oppressing the majority; and has now carried out an act of aggression against the diligent scholar, Sheikh Isa Qassim. […]

Photos: Iran’s FM Zarif attends SCO meeting in Tashkent

Iran’s Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif attends the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) meeting in Uzbekistan capital, Tashkent, on Friday. He also has met with is Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on the sideline of the event.     Source Article from

Israeli forces execute Palestinian girl in West Bank

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli occupation executed Palestinian girl on Thursday afternoon at an illegal Israeli checkpoint of Ennab in West Bank city of Tul-Karm. Eyewitnesses said that the Israeli occupation forces executed the Palestinian female youth after she had lost her way towards an Israeli military tower at the aforementioned checkpoint. According to […]

"Don’t go out after sunset or you’ll be raped" – Swedish Police Chief…

From: Youtube description: Swedish police have given up trying to protect Swedish women from the exponential rise of rapes and gang rapes by newly arrived Arab and North African migrants. Police Chief of stersund, Stephen Jerand, advised all women to not go out after sunset because they are likely to be […]

Deputy FM: Iran, powers to start implementation of N. deal in coming weeks

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Majid Takht Ravanchi declared early January as the date for the nuclear agreement between Tehran and powers to come into force. “God willing, this job (implementation of the nuclear deal) will be fulfilled in the midst of (the Iranian month) Dey (December 22-January 20) and before the end of […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

Greek coastguard filmed ‘trying to sink’ Syrian refugee boat

The footage was released by the Turkish Institute of Public Diplomacy and shows a person on board the Greek vessel trying to sink the inflatable dinghy, despite it being packed with 58 refugees. The life raft began to sink, with the refugees frantically blowing whistles and shouting for help. The Turkish coastguard intervened and pulled […]

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