Posts Tagged ‘love’

Crisis triggers piling up at a faster rate — will we make through 2016 without a major catastrophe?

     We are a little over half way through 2016 and, at the current rate, it will be a miracle if the year finishes without outright catastrophe in half the nations of the world. Some might call these events “Black Swans,” some might call them completely engineered threats, others might call it all a simple […]

South Front: Studying Turkish Coup Attempt

m Filed under: Erdogan, IRAQ, neo-Ottoman, Russia, Turkey, USA, War on Syria Tagged: | Fethullah Gulen, YPG Source Article from

CIA Agents Arrested In Turkey For Erdogan Assassination Attempt

President Putin has been notified of the arrest of two CIA agents who Turkey say shot down a Russian plane last November, and attempted to assassinate President Erdogan.  According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) for the Republic of Turkey, the two captured CIA pilots were not only responsible for shooting down the Russian Sukhoi […]

KulturKampf: Hobbes’ Leviathan Pt. 1

The Right Stuff July 17, 2016 This week’s episode the Camera stellata discusses the first half of Thomas Hobbes’ most influential work, The Leviathan, and its relevancy to todays current cultural crisis. Show Notes Source Article from

Elections 2016: The Hillary-Donald Mudslinging Campaign is Underway…

Dallas shooting: Law enforcement’s use of vehicle based IED to kill suspect raises a few questions

     Last nights shooting and killing of several policemen in Dallas, Texas is still somewhat mysterious. At one point the Dallas police chief asserted that four attackers were working together with rifles and triangulating themselves in positions for the attack. Two of them were reported as snipers on roof. This led me to estimate that […]

Fit In, Go To School, Get A Job & Buy Things: The Madness Of Our World Illustrated In Another Animated Video

How often do we take time out during the day to take a step back and really look at what we, as a whole, are doing on this planet? Most of us are solely concerned with the immediacy of our own lives — going to school, finding a job, and figuring out how we are going […]

New World Order Statist Soros Speaking to the European Parliament Calls for Multi-Billions in EU ‘Surge Funding’

Without sufficient funding, the EU cannot perform the functions it was designed for nor meet the expectations of the European people. And because it fails to achieve the objectives it has set for itself, the Union loses its legitimacy and the support of its citizens. The refugee crisis illustrates the problem. At least €30 billion […]

London grocery stores prepare to sell Fukushima rice despite health concerns over radiated food

(NaturalNews) Rice grown in the zone surrounding the still-radioactive Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will now be sold in London grocery stores, the European Union (EU) announced in late June. In March 2011, the Fukushima plant suffered multiple meltdowns after being struck by a massive earthquake and tsunami. It was the worst nuclear […]

Study Finds Cats Have An Incredible Ability That Makes Them Even More Mysterious

Cats are superior creatures. Small in stature but large in ego, their dominance is all about confidence. Their overwhelming neurotic tendencies keep them from falling subject to the ferocious world around them, from cucumbers and puppies to vacuums and curious kids. They jump high, get low, outrun and out-hide the peasants that surround them. They refuse to […]

Submission: 10 challenging questions on the cox-murder

“I´ll not be surprised if there´s a big, noisy security/terror scare jut pre-referendum that´s best dealt with by the UK being in the EU.” (Guardian contributor Charlie Skelton, May 31th) “Let us suppose you are losing an argument. The facts are overwhelmingly against you, and the more people focus on the reality […]

Iraq Arrests Over 500 ISIS Suspects Trying To Flee Fallujah

Iraqi forces have arrested more than 500 suspected ISIS terrorists who were trying to hide among civilians fleeing the city of Fallujah. The Islamic state fighters were attempting to flee Fallujah by blending in with civilians who have been escaping the besieged city in their thousands in recent days. The Iraqi army had opened a […]

From BRICS to RCS? India cements military alliance with U.S.

     Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s two-day visit to Washington this week marked a watershed in the transformation of India into a frontline state in US imperialism’s military-strategic offensive against China. This offensive—known in Washington parlance as the “pivot to Asia,” or “rebalance”—has already seen the US redeploy the bulk of its naval and air […]

NY governor’s decree escalates Israel’s fight against BDS

Charlotte Silver Activism and BDS Beat 6 June 2016 New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signs anti-BDS executive order, in New York City on 5 June. Standing, center, is Ido Aharoni, the Israeli consul general. Kevin P. Coughlin Office of Governor Andrew M. Cuomo New York governor Andrew Cuomo signed a decree on Sunday ordering state […]

Medical Errors: STILL the Third Leading Cause of Death

2nd June 2016 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World History tells us it can take decades before a medical truth becomes accepted as fact, and recent headlines are a perfect example of this. Sixteen years ago, I read an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) that stunned me. […]

Sweden accepts NATO troops amid anti-Russia hysteria: Zio-Watch, May 25-26, 2016

Donald Trump attending the 2016 the New York State Republican Gala in New York City, April 14, 2016. (Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images) WASHINGTON (JTA) — Donald Trump and the Republican National Committee announced a fund-raising team that includes five current or former Republican Jewish Coalition board members. Of 20 members of the Victory Leadership Team […]

What If We Are The “Bad Guys”?

28th May 2016 By Irwin Ozborne Contributing writers for Wake Up World “We were told to just shoot people, and the Officers would take care of us” – Iraqi War Veteran Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, was a 14-year-old girl who was gang-raped by U.S. Soldiers while they killed her family before ending her life. It was all […]

Indian Women Being Sold In Saudi Arabia & Other Gulf States

India’s welfare minister has claimed that Indian women “are being sold like products in a retail shop” to  Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Women are sold for £4000 in Saudi Arabia and around £2000 in Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait. Palle Raghunatha Reddy said that women from Andhra Pradesh and the neighbouring […]

How This Simple Educational Model Can Change the World

25th May 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World “In the modern age of production and consumption, in the age of money and power, the meaning of education has become distorted. The Latin root of the word education – educare – means to ‘bring out’, whereas the present implication of the word education […]

Elijah Wood Claims Hollywood Is Gripped By A Powerful Paedophile Ring

Elijah Wood has claimed that Hollywood is in the grip of a child sexual abuse scandal. The actor who played Frodo Baggins in the lord of the rings said that Hollywood  has been been gripped by cases of sexual abuse similar to the Jimmy Savile scandal in Britain — and that the child abuse is ‘probably […]

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