Posts Tagged ‘game’

Shoot-from-the-lip Trump tried to back out of Pence veep pick during midnight phone call to aides

     CNN’s Dana Bash reported Friday that GOP candidate Donald Trump was uncertain about his selection for vice presidential running mate — so much so that he asked his aides at midnight whether there was any way to avoid it. Trump took the unprecedented step of suddenly announcing that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence would be […]

Remembering the United Nations & Canadian role in deposing and assassinating Patrice Lumumba

     56 years ago today the United Nations launched a peacekeeping force that contributed to one of the worst post-independence imperial crimes in Africa. The Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo (ONUC) delivered a major blow to Congolese aspirations by undermining elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Canada played a significant role in ONUC and Lumumba’s […]

Israelis take on Facebook ‘monster’ with claims it knowingly incites Palestinian attacks

Over the last few years Israel and its most ardent supporters have waged a campaign to restrict critical speech of the Jewish state on social media. They want the state to have the same rights as individuals under Facebook’s community standards. As it stands, threats against individuals, are prohibited. But smearing a nation, or threatening […]

Report: Cop, Bailiffs Shot at Courthouse

A police officer was also wounded in the attack reported by local media. The gunshots were heard around 2:20pm local time, and by 3:00pm the shooter was declared dead with Sheriff Paul Bailey stating the situation was under control. “They had a gentleman in there, in his jail greens and handcuffs,” witness Mark […]

From patriots to drunks to mercenaries: Analyzing the collapse of the Ukrainian Army

     On June 24th, 2016 Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko signed Decree No. 271 on demobilization. This military discharge affects 17,000 military servicemen mobilized into the UAF in the framework of the 5th mobilization wave of 2015. Poroshenko stated that those demobilized will be replaced with contract soldiers, and that there is no longer any need […]

Introduction to the ‘Growing Earth’ Theory

As the days pass, there is a growing number of people who have begun to wake up and explore many aspects of life that were once thought to be concrete, only to realize that the world might operate a lot differently then they previously thought. by Tim Bryant Some of those include the banking system, […]

Progressives fleeing from Hillary, willing to make America great again in exchange for no WWIII

If Hillary Clinton gets elected president of the United States, she would lead the world towards World War III, an American political analyst says. Stephen Lendman, a writer, syndicated columnist, TV commentator, and radio show host in Chicago, made the remarks in an interview with Press TV on Monday, after Clinton, the Democratic presidential frontrunner, […]

Hyena attacks four youngsters in India

     Four teenagers suffered bite wounds in what they claimed was an attack by a hyena in Tarsadi village near Kosamba early on Monday. The four young boys were slepping outside their house when they were attacked by the wild animal. The victims claimed that it was a hyena that attacked them but forest department […]

7 Clues the Orlando Shooting May be Another False Flag Event

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times Are we looking at an Orlando false flag with the recent mass shooting at Pulse (a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida) where over 50 people were reportedly killed? False flag attacks happen in the US with a certain and predictable regularity. It has been awhile since the last […]

New Zealand Sitting On Half-Trillion-Dollar Debt Bomb

New Zealand Sitting On Half-Trillion-Dollar Debt Bomb June 6th, 2016 Via: NZ Herald: New Zealand is sitting on a half-a-trillion-dollar debt bomb and Kiwis are increasingly treating their houses like cash machines, piling on the debt as they watch the value of their properties […]

Lugansk People’s Republic calls for diplomatic ‘total mobilization’ – force Poroshenko to abide by Minsk!

     The head of the LPR, Igor Plotnitsky, has appealed to the Republic’s citizens with a statement concerning Kiev’s failure to fulfill the Minsk Agreements: Dear compatriots! Dear countrymen! Since the very beginning, we have traversed the path of goodness, lawfulness and justice. We went out to hold legal protests against the violent coup in […]

Worse than the Nazis: israeli forces open fire on fishermen, farmers, and level lands in Gaza

Israeli forces open fire on fishermen, farmers, and level lands in Gaza   GAZA CITY (Ma’an) — A Palestinian was injured after Israeli naval forces on Tuesday opened fire on fishermen, detaining four and confiscating their boats, as Israeli forces also opened fire on farmers and leveled lands elsewhere in the Gaza Strip. The detained […]

US seizure of Iranian assets may open old wounds

TEHRAN, Iran — More than a month after the US Supreme Court’s ruling that some $2 billion in offshore Iranian assets can be used to compensate families of victims of the 1983 bombing of the US Marines headquarters in Beirut, some Iranian officials are urging their government to take action by referring the case to […]

Unbelievable Israeli racism against Palestinian women

By Ylenia Gostoli Al Jazeera, Jaffa -”I think twice before going out to Tel Aviv. I calculate how long the trip is, how long it will take, what the route is,” said Sawsan Kurdi, a 53-year-old mother of six from Jaffa. “We’re talking about traditional women with a headscarf,” she added. “If you get on […]

Religious zealotry waging and winning a quiet revolution in Israel

     In a surprise move, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week forced out his long-serving defence minister, Moshe Yaalon. As he stepped down, Mr Yaalon warned: “Extremist and dangerous elements have taken over Israel.” He was referring partly to his expected successor: Avigdor Lieberman, leader of the far-right Yisrael Beiteinu party, whose trademark outbursts […]

Confirmed: UN Testimony Proves Geoengineering and Chemtrails Are Not Just a Conspiracy Theory

by Christina Sarich of Waking Times The grand experiment to alter weather for the benefit of the agricultural industry and the military industrial complex can be ignored no longer. After watching the following video, any sane person will have proof that chemtrails not only exist, but that they are being used to manipulate weather, and for motivations […]

White Family in Cleveland Slaughtered by Group of Black People

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

White Family in Cleveland Slaughtered by Group of Black People

Please support us if you can. Daily Stormer is 100% reader-funded. And these bastards are always at our throats. Sign-up with Liberapay to make a weekly recurring credit/debit card donation: Details on signing up for Liberapay and other contribution options here. Source Article from

Political Revolution Will Continue Long After Bernie Saners’ Campaign

Print Friendly Above Photo: A YEAR AGO, WHEN BERNIE SANDERS ANNOUNCED HIS RUN FOR PRESIDENT, few thought his bid would amount to more than a protest campaign. But today, after more than 2 million donors and 400,000 volunteers have helped Sanders build a highly effective political organization that has earned him victories in 18 states so […]

‘Air tankers won’t stop Alberta fire’: Massive Canadian blaze spreads to 85,000 hectares

On Thursday, the enormous fire that had already destroyed hundreds of homes and encircled a city and several communities was picked up by 70 kilometer-per-hour (44mph) winds and spread to 85,000 hectares. The most severe part of the roaring front moved south of Fort McMurray, with no signs of stopping.  Over 1,110 firefighters, 145 helicopters, […]

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