Posts Tagged ‘syrias’

CrossTalking – Ending Syrias proxy war

CrossTalking – Ending Syrias proxy war By Syrias years-long catastrophe is coming to a close. Foreign backing of opposition and terrorist forces are in retreat and face eradication. But the struggle is far from over. The war is essentially won, though winning a lasting peace will be no easy task. CrossTalking with Adel Darwish, […]

Watching The Hawks – Syrias Twisted Tales & Supreme Court Fallibility

Watching The Hawks – Syrias Twisted Tales & Supreme Court Fallibility Watching The The rhetorical and battle lines grow increasingly blurred in Syria. A new study reveals the shocking fallibility of the Supreme Court. Dr. Jane Orient weighs in on how the opioid epidemic has reached the critical point its at now. NASA uses […]

Iran’s communication minister to visit Russia next week

MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. Iran’s Minister of Communication and IT Mahmoud Vaezi will pay a visit to Russia next week, the Iranian embassy in Moscow said on Wednesday. “An economic delegation led by Vaezi will visit Astrakhan and Moscow next week. Meetings with Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov and the Eurasian […]

Shoot-from-the-lip Trump tried to back out of Pence veep pick during midnight phone call to aides

     CNN’s Dana Bash reported Friday that GOP candidate Donald Trump was uncertain about his selection for vice presidential running mate — so much so that he asked his aides at midnight whether there was any way to avoid it. Trump took the unprecedented step of suddenly announcing that Indiana Gov. Mike Pence would be […]

Nobody Wants to Take Ownership of Failed Coup in Turkey

nsnbc : Turkey’s President R. Tayyip Erdogan demanded that the USA extradite the US-based cleric Fetullah Gülen, said to be behind this weekend’s failed military coup. Justice Minister Bekir Bozdag blamed the Gülenist Hizmet movement. Hizmet, for its part, rejects the accusations. Republican nationalists for their part, also point the fingers at Gülen, who lived […]

ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria’s ‘migrant hunter’

ISIS has put a $50,000 bounty on the head of a self-styled ‘migrant hunter’ who organises gangs of vigilantes to patrol and hunt down illegal asylum seekers in Bulgaria. Dinko Valev, 29, uses two armoured vehicles to patrol territory near the city of Yambol, close to the border with Turkey. But now it has been […]

Russia Expects to Discuss Eastward Expansion with NATO

nsnbc : The Russian Foreign Ministry announced Thursday, that Moscow expects to discuss NATO’s eastwards expansion at a Russia-NATO Council meeting on July 13. The meeting will be held only days after the conclusion of NATO’s Summit in Warsaw, Poland. Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Foreign Ministry, told the press that “The central topic of […]

Targeted Assassinations, Manipulating the Data: Obama Says up to 116 Civilians Killed in Six Years of Drone Raids

Targeted Assassinations, Manipulating the Data: Obama Says up to 116 Civilians Killed in Six Years of Drone Raids

Selected Articles: Genocidal Corporate Media

Persian treasures on display in Aquileia

(ANSA) – Rome, June 23 – Treasures from the ancient city of Persepolis are now on display at Aquileia’s archaeological museum, in a collaboration between Italy and Iran that aims to combine history with the fight against art trafficking and terrorism. The exhibition, “Lions and Bulls from Ancient Persia to Aquileia”, includes 25 objects spanning […]

Professor rejects Marxism after traveling the globe: ‘Socialism doesn’t work’

At least one professor in America does not feel the Bern. University of Massachusetts Dartmouth Professor Jack Stauder says his political and ideological conversion away from socialism and Marxism occurred when he actually witnessed these systems in action. After traveling to more than 110 countries to pursue various forms of research, notably cultural anthropology, Stauder […]

Why one life hack can change everything for you: The simple things that matter

     Take a look at your life right now. Are you feeling like something is off? Are you unmotivated or having trouble getting something going but aren’t sure what it is or what to do? The truth is, the answer to “feeling stuck” can be found in the simple foundations of our lives. How you […]

Activist Calls for Task Force against Pedophilia in Malaysia

nsnbc : Malaysian social activist Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye called for the establishment of a high-level task force to address child sex abuse in Malaysia. Lee’s call follows in the recent wave of outrage over atrocities committed by convicted British pedophile Richard Huckle. However, incest and child sex abuse are deeply entrenched in Malaysian […]

Iran, UN urge Yemen ceasefire to continue in Ramadan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian and Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the UN special envoy to Yemen, called for a ceasefire that has been in place in Yemen since April to continue as the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan is approaching. In a telephone conversation on […]

Isfahan, industrial heart of Iran: German official

Isfahan, June 2, IRNA – Saxon State Minister of Economic Affairs, Labor and Transport of Germany Martin Dulig described Isfahan as the cultural and industrial heart of Iran. Dulig made the description at a trade meeting in this central Iranian province on Wednesday afternoon. Isfahan in Iran and Saxon in Germany have many characteristics in […]

Iraqi forces have entered ISIS-held Fallujah – AFP citing commanders

“The operation to enter Fallujah began on [Monday] morning,” an Iraqi official told AFP. An Iraqi military officer told Reuters the government’s military unit is currently trying to advance in Falluja, with explosions and heavy gunfire reportedly heard in Falluja’s southern Naimiya district. Iraqi forces slice through ISIS fortifications on all fronts around Fallujah (VIDEO) […]

Hillary Clinton To Be Indicted, Cover-Up Underway

The Huffington Post removed an article on Sunday afternoon claiming that the FBI plans to indict Hillary Clinton on charges of federal racketeering.  Journalist Frank Huguenard wrote an article entitled “Hillary Clinton to be Indicted on Federal Racketeering Charges,” which has since been deleted, suggesting that Hillary may be about to be arrested by the FBI. In […]

Lessons from Chabahar

On the day when Pakistan struggled to find the words with which to register its reaction to the killing of Mullah Akhtar Mansour in a drone strike on its soil, the leaders of India, Iran and Afghanistan were preparing to meet in Tehran to finalise an agreement. The latter will take economic cooperation between the […]

Magnesium’s critical role in alleviating mood disorders

     In February of 2006 the New York Times[1] reported that, “While violent crime has been at historic lows nationwide and in cities like New York, Miami and Los Angeles, it is rising sharply in many other places across the country. And while such crime in the recent past was characterized by battles over gangs […]

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