Posts Tagged ‘HIT’

The Pokemon Zombie Apocalypse: Hoards of Mindless Sheeple Stampede Anywhere the Masters Summon Them

Hoards of mindless sheeple stampede anywhere the puppet masters plant fictitious monsters by Mike Adams By now, you’ve probably heard of Pokemon Go, the new “hybrid reality” mobile app game that overlays real world geographic locations with virtual monsters that are collected for points. What you may not yet know is that the game was […]

Remembering the United Nations & Canadian role in deposing and assassinating Patrice Lumumba

     56 years ago today the United Nations launched a peacekeeping force that contributed to one of the worst post-independence imperial crimes in Africa. The Organisation des Nations Unies au Congo (ONUC) delivered a major blow to Congolese aspirations by undermining elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba. Canada played a significant role in ONUC and Lumumba’s […]

ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria’s ‘migrant hunter’

ISIS has put a $50,000 bounty on the head of a self-styled ‘migrant hunter’ who organises gangs of vigilantes to patrol and hunt down illegal asylum seekers in Bulgaria. Dinko Valev, 29, uses two armoured vehicles to patrol territory near the city of Yambol, close to the border with Turkey. But now it has been […]

The Cop Who Killed Philando Castile Wasn’t White

Editor’s Comment: Cries of racism and trending hastags over the death of Philando Castile have ceased. Why? Because the cop who shot him isn’t White. If the media was truly concerned with police violence, they’d cover all instances equally not just hyper focus on the cases that involve only White cops and black men while denying the far […]

Iran plant blaze not act of sabotage: Minister of petroleum

Iranian Minister of Petroleum Bijan Zangeneh says a raging blaze at a petrochemical plant in southwest Iran has not been caused as a result of an act of sabotage. The Iranian minister has traveled to the site of the blaze at the industrial zone of Mahshahr in Khouzestan Province to personally supervise attempts to extinguish […]

Surface to air missile brought down TWA Flight 800

     In March 2004, the American people first learned about “the wall.” The occasion was the eighth public hearing of the 9/11 Commission. Asked to account for the intelligence failures that led up 9/11, Director of Central Intelligence George Tenet blamed the “wall that was in place between the criminal side and the intelligence side.” […]

Canada’s Foreign Policy: ‘Copy and Paste” of Washington’s War Crimes Agenda

Iranians, Palestinians inseparable, top cleric stresses

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Chairman of Iran’s Assembly of Experts Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati reminded the US that it will never be able to separate Iranians from the oppressed people of Palestine. Speaking to reporters at the International Quds Day rallies in the central city of Qom on Friday morning, Ayatollah Jannati said Iranian and Palestinian people […]

Tokyo Electric Power Co. admits covering up severity of the Fukushima meltdown

(NaturalNews) With millions of lives on the line and entire oceans and ecosystems at risk, the Japanese government deliberately lied to the world in 2011, conspiring with Japan energy company Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), to keep the population entirely misled and confused of the whereabouts surrounding the Fukushima nuclear disaster. A new […]

EU disintegration ‘practically irreversible’ – Soros

“Britain eventually may or may not be relatively better off than other countries by leaving the EU, but its economy and people stand to suffer significantly in the short to medium term,” Soros wrote in a commentary on the website Project Syndicate. “The catastrophic scenario that many feared has materialized, making the disintegration of the […]

‘I don’t like the 666’: Pope rejects suspect donation from Argentinian government

Scholas Occurrente is an international educational network that was created at the initiative of the Pontiff following his election in 2013. The funds from the center-right Argentinian government were to go to covering the cost of maintaining its Buenos Aires headquarters and providing salaries for 36 of its staff, but the offer was rebuffed in a […]

US Military Admits Bombing Syrian Rebels Trained By The Pentagon

The US military has admitted bombing a Syrian rebel unit it had trained and armed purportedly to fight ISIS terrorists. A report in the  Wall Street Journal said that the incident was the most serious setback for the controversial Pentagon program that was looking to find new recruits to train. A friendly-fire incident occurred in May, prompting […]

Zarif, Nalbandian highlight economic ties

TEHRAN, Jun. 05 (MNA) – Foreign Minister Javad Zarif has told his Armenian counterpart Iran would help solve Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Republic of Azerbaijan.Mohammad Javad Zarif and Edward Nalbandian met and discussed bilateral and regional issues of interest on Sunday. Zarif believed that Tehran-Yerevan ties would contribute to regional stability and peace; “both countries would […]

Is there a secret government-alien base at Denver International Airport?

     Comment: Yet another very interesting article to recently surface from a mainstream – if somewhat sensationalistic – website. If one considers that any of the darker more “conspiratorial” elements of the story are more true than not, then one must also look at the information presented below and consider what may be disinformation, and […]

3 Syrians planned major ISIS suicide attacks in central Duesseldorf

The chilling details that emerged showed that two of the attackers wanted to detonate suicide vests in central Duesseldorf while the other members would look to kill as many people in the vicinity with a combination of explosives and gunfire.  Terrorists set ‘sights’ on Euro 2016, warns Germany’s intel chief The suspects were identified as […]

Pak expert stresses Iran’s role in making peace between India and Pakistan

Tehran. May 31, The Iran Project – A Pakistani expert believes that Iran plays the major role in resolving the problems between Pakistan and India. Speaking to a reporter on Tuesday Seyyed Mujahid Ali, a Pakistani columnist and expert of Indian subcontinent field said, “Chabahr agreement has no negative effect on Gwadar port however due to subcontinent’s […]

The exchange of Nazi Uki: Putin’s poisoned gift to the Ukraine?

     As most commentators had predicted, Putin has agreed to exchange Nadezhda Savchenko for 2 Russians citizens accused by the Junta of being terrorists. To be honest, I am deeply disgusted by the fact that this rabid Nazi was allowed to walk free. Of course, I understand that IF the two Russians captured by the […]

Magnitude 5.5 earthquake hits near the island of Crete in Greece

     Greek authorities say a strong earthquake with preliminary magnitude 5.5 has occurred off the southern island of Crete, but no damage or injuries have been reported. Athens University’s Geodynamic Institute says the undersea quake struck at 11:36 a.m. Wednesday, 30 kilometres (19 miles) south-southeast of Crete’s southeastern tip. Greece is one of the world’s […]

Woman who was climbing Everest in bid to prove ‘vegans can do anything’ dies

A 34-year-old Australian woman who attempted to climb Mount Everest to prove that vegans are not ‘malnourished and weak’ has died.      University lecturer Maria Strydom perished from a lack of oxygen in Nepal on Saturday afternoon after having to turn back from the final leg of her expedition because she felt unwell. She, along […]

Magnesium’s critical role in alleviating mood disorders

     In February of 2006 the New York Times[1] reported that, “While violent crime has been at historic lows nationwide and in cities like New York, Miami and Los Angeles, it is rising sharply in many other places across the country. And while such crime in the recent past was characterized by battles over gangs […]

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