Posts Tagged ‘east’

Nazi Leader Alex Jones Rushes The Young Turks

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 22, 2016 Alex Jones has officially fully redeemed himself. He rushed The Young Turks’ set with Roger Stone. This was beautiful. I didn’t realize TYT was broadcasting from Cleveland. This was really, really good. Cenk was rustled over 9000 after Jones pointed out that he’s getting money from the Saudis. He […]

Traditional American political buffoonery

Syrian Free Press Bernie Sanders, the champion of American liberalism (…for fools who believed in it…) is now the best Hillary Clinton supporter. There is an American politician candidate in which you can believe? Trump? Another Zionist puppet with a very wide mouth…Hear him Trump: “The only democracy in ME is Israel…”(here another version of the same […]

Incredible waterspout filmed in Big Pine Key, Florida

     Watch as this extremely large Waterspout threatens waterfront homes in Big Pine Key, Florida. This video was shot by legendary storm chaser Jim Leonard. Source Article from

US House votes to block heavy water purchase from Iran in defiance of nuclear deal

The legislation was passed on Wednesday by 249-176, with support mostly coming from the Republican majority.The ‘No 2H2O from Iran Act’ literally prohibits purchase or licensing of the purchase of heavy water produced in Iran. Heavy water is an important by-product of producing nuclear weapons and energy, but it is not radioactive. In April, the US Department […]

Billionaire Paedophile Jeffrey Epstein Created Clinton Foundation

Billionaire paedophile Jeffrey Epstein has claimed that he was responsible for founding the Clinton Foundation, and that the Clinton’s are now desperately trying to cover up his ties to the organization.  Lawyers representing Epstein claim that he co-founded the Clinton Foundation during plea negotiations with the U.S. Attorney’s office. reports: […]

Bahamas To Its Citizens Traveling To The US: Beware of Out of Control Cops

It appears even foreigners are scared of United States law enforcement. The Bahamian government is warning its citizens to use extreme caution when traveling to the United States. The recommendation follows the “extrajudicial killings” of blacks, Caribbean outlet Antillean Media Group(AMG) reports, “which have spurred increased unrest across America.” The recent murders of Alton Sterling, […]

To Unite, or Not to Unite? That is the Question

Phillip J. Watt, ContributorWaking Times There’s so many lies, false flags, psy-ops, divide & conquer strategies, problem-reaction-solutions and an array of other deceptive tactics designed to keep us in a state of fear, focused on separate issues and fighting each other. Therefore, it’s simply sense to keep an open mind, not blindly […]

NATO Summit Closes By Condemning Russia. US Soldiers and Weapons to Russia’s Border

Iran Coverage: Iran to Merkel: Missile work to continue

Blocking trade with Iran to further weaken US: Analyst Press TV has interviewed Jan Oberg, founder of in Lund, about the US House of Representatives approving measures to block sale… Source Article from

UK MP Alex Salmond: Corbyn coup was timed to distract him from calling for Blair’s head over Chilcot report

     In normal political times Wednesday would see the most dramatic event of the year. Thirteen years after the Iraq war and seven years after the start of his Inquiry, Sir John Chilcot will deliver his findings. In particular for the relatives of the 179 service personnel who died, but also for everyone living with […]

Pope Francis criticizes countries like Turkey and the US that talk peace in Syria yet supply arms to fighters

     Pope Francis has criticized countries that talk of wanting peace in Syria, yet continue to supply arms to the warring sides. The Pope did not name any names, but said in a video message to a charity group holding a conference on Syria: “While the people suffer, incredible quantities of money are being spent […]

In Transparent Act, Obama Administration Erases Civilian Deaths From Drone Strikes

President Barack Obama’s administration claims 64 to 116 “non-combatants” have been killed by CIA or United States military drone strikes. The number is preposterously low, and the best evidence yet of how the government propagandizes the public into believing drones are “precise” and rarely kill anyone but targeted “terrorists.” The casualty counts, along […]

Judiciary chief: US lies about human rights blown by Washington’s support for suppression of Yemeni, Bahraini people

TEHRAN (FNA)- Washington’s support for the suppression of the Bahraini nation and war on Yemen revealed its lies about advocacy of human rights, Iran’s Judiciary Chief Sadeq Amoli Larijani said on Tuesday. “The US and Europe’s lies about (supporting) human rights” were unveiled; “they support attacks against the Bahraini and Yemeni people, all of them […]

North Korea Fires Two Ballistic Missiles Into Sea of Japan

North Korea (the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) has launched two powerful mid-range ballistic missiles, according to U.S. and South Korean officials, early on Wednesday. The suspected Musudan missiles were launched within hours of each other. They bring the number of missiles test fired since April to six. U.S. Strategic Command in Hawaii tracked two […]

US Outdoors: “It’s a White Thing.”

Users of American’s outdoor national parks are overwhelmingly white, even in states where nonwhites form the majority of the population, new figures on national park usage have confirmed. The fact that the majority of nonwhites do not like hiking, camping, or nature is, of course, being blamed on “white racism”—even though there is not […]

Testimony from Crimeans who managed to escape Kiev when the USA installed fascists illegally took power

Crimeans Recount Their Experiences When The West Took Ukraine Eric Zuesse This news-report consists of a compilation of accounts that Crimeans have given to human rights groups or directly posted to the internet, regarding their experiences when the freely elected President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, who had received 75% of the votes of Crimeans, was […]

Destructive tornado blows through Xanthi, Greece

     A tornado whizzed through Xanthi, a city in Thrace, northeast Greece, spreading panic and destruction in its path early on Tuesday. The extreme weather phenomenon came in the wake of three earlier tornadoes that had swept through the plains of Xanthi. Destruction was noted at the municipalities of Avdiron and Topirou, whereas problems were […]

Rare ‘red sprites’ burst out of supercell storm in Texas

     Very rare ‘Red Sprites’ shoot out of the tops of supercell thunderstorms near Amarillo, Texas. Source Article from

Al-Nusra Terrorists Seen Heading For Aleppo From Turkey

According to the Russian Center for Syrian reconciliation, a column of trucks escorted by 160 Al-Nusra Front terrorists have been seen crossing over from Turkey into Syria in the north of Idlib province. The Al-Qaeda affiliated militants are said to be heading for Aleppo to reinforce terrorists fighting there. According to the center’s report, ISIS […]

Syria needs Iran’s police experiences: Official

Tehran, June 8, The Iran Project – Syrian deputy interior minister says Syria needs to benefit from Iran’s police ability and knowledge, praising the country’s anti-arrogant positions. In a meeting with Iran’s police Chief Brigadier General Hossein Ashtari on Wednesday, Syrian deputy interior minister Khalid Abdullah Khezr said Syria needs Iran’s police experiences. Since the […]

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