Posts Tagged ‘oppose’

Kandiss Taylor Threatens Violence Against Those Who Oppose Christian Nationalism

Kandiss Taylor is a flat-earth, election-denying conspiracy theorist who unsuccessfully ran for governor in Georgia in 2022. Undaunted by her paltry showing in that election, Taylor subsequently became a Georgia GOP district chair and also began hosting a weekly program called “Jesus, Guns, and Babies” on the far-right Stew Peters Network. Peters himself if a […]

New Anti-SEMITISM: If you oppose genocide, you are now labeled an anti-Semite

(NaturalNews) To be antisemitic is to be hostile or prejudiced against Jewish people. Since the initial attack of Hamas in Gaza that invited a violent retaliation… Source

Over 2/3 of Jewish Israelis oppose humanitarian aid to Palestinians starving in Gaza 

A new Israeli Democracy Institute survey shows that 68% of Jewish Israelis oppose “the transfer of humanitarian aid to Gaza residents.” Source

Biden Again Threatens To Use F-16s on Patriots Who Oppose Gov’t Overreach

Joe Biden has again used his platform to threaten “patriots” who oppose government corruption and overreach with extreme violence. According to Biden, patriots who exercise their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms with a view to keeping the tyrannical government in check will be defeated with F-16s. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get […]

Jan 18 – Donald Trump Vows To Oppose CBDC

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Trump Vows To Oppose CBDC Creation In The U.S. Do you trust him?  Former President Donald Trump pledged, if reelected, to resist any effort by the Federal Reserve to develop a central bank digital currency (CBDC). In a Wednesday campaign speech, Trump argued that such dollar-backed virtual money […]

Dec 26 – The Young Oppose Israeli Barbarism

Support for military aid to Israel is essentially split and has declined in the last 2 months, per Quinnipiac poll. 46% oppose, 45% support. There’s also a major generational divide. Opposition by age bracket:18-34: 72%35-49: 53%50-64: 36%65+: 28% — bryan metzger (@metzgov) December 20, 2023 Please send links and comments to [email protected] Santa Fired for […]

Poll: Nearly three quarters of young voters oppose Biden’s Gaza policy

A new poll found that nearly three quarters of voters aged 18-29 oppose the Biden administration’s Gaza policy. Source

Growing Coalition of Republicans Oppose Importing Palestinians to U.S.

A fast-growing coalition of Republican lawmakers is drawing a hard line over the war in Israel, declaring that they will oppose any attempts by President Joe Biden to resettle Palestinians across the United States. Source

Ukraine Threatens To ‘Hunt Down’ Americans Who Oppose Further Military Aid for Kiev

The secret service agency of the Ukrainian Armed Forces (UAF) will “hunt down” and assassinate any “anti-Ukraine” journalists or podcast hosts who convince the American people to oppose further military aid for Kiev. According to […] The post Ukraine Threatens To ‘Hunt Down’ Americans Who Oppose Further Military Aid for Kiev appeared first on The […]

Majority of Palestinians oppose Oslo Accords: Poll

SEP 15, 2023 According to the poll, almost half the West Bank’s population supports the establishment of armed resistance groups News Desk According to a poll carried out by Palestinian news outlet Maan between 6 September and 9 September, a majority of Palestinians believe that the signing of the 1993 Oslo Accords – which resulted in the […]

Will GOP oppose Biden’s pick for Israel ambassador over his involvement in Iran deal?

Biden has nominated former former Obama offical Jack Lew as ambassador to Israel. GOP lawmakers are criticizing the pick over his connections to the Iran deal. Source

Reparations Backlash: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Cash Payments For Slavery According To Berkeley Poll

Reparations Backlash: California Voters Oppose “Unfair” Cash Payments For Slavery According To Berkeley Poll The sprawling social experiment known as California faces an uphill battle on reparations, after a new poll from UC Berkeley and the LA Times reveals that voters overwhelmingly oppose the idea of cash payments for black descendants of slaves by a […]

Gun owners oppose new ATF regulation that prohibits private firearm transfers: REGISTRATION paves the way for CONFISCATION

(NaturalNews) Responsible gun owners across the U.S. are up in arms over a new regulation altering the classification of firearm dealers released by the Bureau of… Source

To Oppose Tyranny Is Your Duty

aug 30 2023 We catch up with Mitchell Maxberry, a US-born Kiwi independent researcher and keen historian, to discuss the issues with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and the mainstream media, among other issues within New Zealand’s current political landscape. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A Message to Humanity: The Time for Silence is […]

Poll: Most New Yorkers Oppose Housing Migrants in Dorms Meant for Students

The majority of New Yorkers are opposed to Mayor Eric Adams (D) housing newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens in college dormitories across the city, a new poll reveals.  Source

California Begins Arresting Parents Who Oppose Child Sex Surgery

California has announced plans to begin arresting and imprisoning parents who dare to question child sex surgery. SB 596, written by Sen. Anthony Portantino, will “address the issue of teachers facing harassment and aims to provide […] The post California Begins Arresting Parents Who Oppose Child Sex Surgery appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Germans Oppose EU Combustion Engine Ban, Survey Shows

    A survey released Friday by German broadcaster ARD showed that the majority of Germans oppose banning combustion engines in new cars across the European Union. Germany has recently blocked an EU vote to ban the sale of new vehicles with combustion engines across the bloc from 2035. What did the survey show? Two-thirds […]

Nations Oppose Russian, Belarusian Participation In Olympics: Letter

The governments of more than 30 nations signed a letter calling on the IOC to clarify the definition of “neutrality.” Source

NJ Palestine solidarity organizations oppose resolution to adopt IHRA antisemitism definition

New Jersey Palestine solidarity organizations have released a petition calling on New Jersey legislators — and “all New Jersey citizens” — to reject a new joint resolution (AJR 211/SJR 113) pending in both houses of the New Jersey state legislature. The resolution resolves that New Jersey adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) “Working definition of anti-Semitism,” which […]

New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’

The authoritarian left-wing New Zealand government has ordered citizens to report their friends and family to the police if they suspect them of opposing government policies, including COVID measures. According to literature released by Jacinda […] The post New Zealand Demands Citizens Report ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ Who ‘Oppose Gov’t Policies’ as ‘Terrorists’ appeared first on News […]

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