Posts Tagged ‘barbarism’

The IDF’s Gaza Genocide Proceeds With All Deliberate Speed and Barbarism

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March 22 – Israeli Barbarism Continues Unabated

War on Gaza: Israeli forces target aid workers in string of killings amid imminent famine Death is the only escape from Gaza, as the world looks on helplessly. Mourners gather next to the bodies of Palestinian men who secured aid convoys in Gaza, after they were killed in an Israeli strike in Gaza City, 20 […]

Dec 26 – The Young Oppose Israeli Barbarism

Support for military aid to Israel is essentially split and has declined in the last 2 months, per Quinnipiac poll. 46% oppose, 45% support. There’s also a major generational divide. Opposition by age bracket:18-34: 72%35-49: 53%50-64: 36%65+: 28% — bryan metzger (@metzgov) December 20, 2023 Please send links and comments to [email protected] Santa Fired for […]

Nov 4 – Israel is Model for Barbarism & Ethnic Cleansing

(The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds and drops their hints) We can all expect to receive this treatment. We already are! COVID lockdowns. Sacrifice of Ukraine. Migration. Gender Dysphoria. Cabalists (Organized Jewry & Freemasonry) are waging war on humanity. Non-Satanists are being ethnically cleansed. But until this reaches their mass media, no one notices. […]

The Palestinian struggle at the crossroads between barbarism and hope

The past month has been nothing less than traumatic for the Palestinian people.  The massacre in Jenin, ongoing invasions, arrests, home demolitions; 36 people have been killed, eight of them children. Adam Ayyad, 15, was aware that a Palestinian under Israeli apartheid is always a potential target. The handwritten will he carried in his pocket […]

Is Israeli Barbarism Rooted in the Old Testament?

  May 24, 2018  Dr. Ashraf al-Qedra, the spokesperson of the Palestinian Health Ministry in the Gaza Strip, has reported Sunday that Israeli soldiers have killed 112 Palestinians, and injured 13,190 since the Great Return March protests started on the Palestinian Land Day, March 30th, 2018. Dr. al-Qedra said that the soldiers killed 13 Palestinian […]

Diaspora Jews have had enough of Israel and Zio-Barbarism

Reported by Gilad Atzmon Attila Somfalvi, a leading Israeli journalist reports on Ynet that American Jews are showing signs of Zio-fatigue. Some prominent leaders of the Jewish American community have openly admitted that in recent years there has been a radical shift in attitudes about Israel. Many Diaspora Jews prefer to stay away from Israel and its […]

The People of Afghanistan Have Had Truly Enough of Western Imperialist Barbarism

Antiquities of Iraqi origin seized in Tehran subway

According to a report by ISNA, as translated by IFP, the antiquities recovered in Tehran’s Sadeghieh metro station were later handed over to the Tehran Province Department of Cultural Heritage. Mohammad Reza Nemati, the head of the Department, told ISNA that the relics included 6 glass scent bottles, some bronze bangles dating from a different […]


Ziad Fadel LATAKIA:  The Syrian Army is heading straight for the Turk border and, it appears, is under orders to hit back at Turk troops should they fire in support of the fleeing terrorists.  Just 2 hours ago, the SAA liberated these villages and areas:   ‘Ayn Al-Baydha Sheer Al-Dhab’ah Ruwaysat Rashshu   The areas […]

Coincidence? Baltic Invasion Story Reappears as Pentagon Seeks to Quadruple Europe Military Spending

Featured image: Finland’s army soldiers attend the multinational NATO exercise Saber Strike in Adazi, Latvia © Ints Kalnins / Reuters / Reuters It seems that Putin is about to invade the Baltics. Again. With journalists and commentators distracted by Syria and Europe’s refugee crisis, Putin’s enduring desire to dash Westwards across the continent “recreating the […]

Israel’s left pushes back against rightwing ‘delegitimization’

Old battles between Israel’s right and left are playing out inside of the government and on the streets of Tel Aviv, amid a Knesset discussion on sanctioning left-wing groups. The NGO transparency bill proposed last November by right-wing minister of Justice Ayelet Shaked would require organizations that receive funds from foreign donors to disclose the sources […]

Smirking Zionists Prove Shooting of Israeli Family in Car is a Hoax

Smirking Zionists Prove Shooting of Israeli Family in Car is a Hoax – A Cover for Murder of Palestinians There can be no doubt about it, Zionist Jews are malicious mass murderers, doing so through great acts of deception. They draw vast blood and then lie, saying that they are the victims of such horrors. […]

4,300 earthquakes strike Indonesia in 2015

     At least 4,300 earthquakes measuring more than 3 in Richter scale happened in Indonesia in 2015, according to a report. As many as 360 earthquakes among them were felt and 7 of them were destructive. A seismologist from the Bandung Institute of Technology Irwan Meilano said that on average, in Indonesia, earthquakes happened every […]

Meet the US Lobbyists and Big Money Interests Pushing to End the Oil Exports Ban

The ongoing push to lift the ban on exports of U.S.-produced crude oil appears to be coming to a close, with Congress agreeing to a budget deal with a provision to end the decades-old embargo.  Just as the turn from 2014 to 2015 saw the Obama Administration allow oil condensate exports, it appears that history may repeat […]

Cops Pepper Spray Crowd of School Kids Protesting a Cop Caught on Film Body Slamming Child

Pawtucket, RI — At Toleman High School on Wednesday, a brief video sparked outrage showing a police officer violently arresting a 14 -year-old boy. Police said that student was acting unruly before the incident, allegedly trying to fight another student, so they moved in. According to police, while the officer was trying […]

Cops Pepper Spray Crowd of School Kids Protesting a Cop Caught on Film Body Slamming Child

Pawtucket, RI — At Toleman High School on Wednesday, a brief video sparked outrage showing a police officer violently arresting a 14 -year-old boy. Police said that student was acting unruly before the incident, allegedly trying to fight another student, so they moved in. According to police, while the officer was trying […]

Modern Barbarism : A Malodorous Umbrella Concept

Has anyone noticed that the political air is wafting rancid lately? That is the smell of modern barbarism.   by Dr. Lawrence Davidson   Modern barbarism is a malodorous umbrella concept. Underneath the umbrella are lots of fetid phobias, isms and behaviors: Islamophobia, homophobia, xenophobia, semi-fascism, scapegoating, stereotyping, bullying, libeling and a growing, aggressive intolerance […]

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