Posts Tagged ‘diaspora’

Sleepless in Beirut: A struggle of Lebanese diaspora in the 2006 war

July 30, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English By Rachel Hamdoun This is not a story of leaving Lebanon but take this as a letter from those living on the outside and looking in, incapable of acting to cease the atrocities as a result of distance, to a homeland they can only reach through a screen.  […]

Ukraine first, Iranian diaspora second and Dutch people maybe the last!

TEHRAN – Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte along with some other officials of the country, including Minster of Justice and some members of the Parliament, had a meeting on March 16 with one of the most infamous Iranian diaspora members, Masumeh Alinejad Qomi Kollaei, aka Masih Alinejad, and made some remarks in regards to recent […]

A Greek Christmas in the Diaspora – the Challenges and the Blessings

Christmas in the Diaspora can be bittersweet for many of us who have loved ones in Greece.  However, it’s also a time of year we can embrace our unique identity, a combination of two cultures, and share it with others. One of the main challenges Greeks face in the lead up to Christmas is the… […]

Ethiopian Diaspora Groups Prepare To Protest West’s Support For TLPF

Ethiopian diaspora across the Western world is condemning the US and the EU for “emboldening” the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) which resumed the war in the northern part of the country on August 24, ending the truce initiated by the federal government in March. “Deploring the International community, in particular the UN, United States […]

The Greek Diaspora Around the World

From ancient times to the modern day, Greeks of the diaspora have enriched the international community in across many fields. Read the full story on

Greek Diaspora Community Leader Petros Galatoulas Passes Away

Petros Galatoulas, former President of the Federation of Hellenic Societies of Greater New York, passed away on Saturday at the age of 66. The prominent figure in the Greek diaspora community had been facing a series of health problems before his passing. Galatoulas was a significant member of the Greek-American and Greek immigrant community in […]

The Passion of the Greek Diaspora for Greece

Credit: Mstyslav Chernov, CC BY-SA 3.0 From ancient times to the modern day, Greeks of the diaspora — those who have left their native land to make a home abroad — have enriched the international community. By Constantine Passaris Last year’s bicentennial celebrations of the Greek revolution of 1821 spotlighted the passion of the Greek […]

“Hellenism”: Hymn to the Greek Diaspora Released

Greek-Australians on Australia Day. Credit: Credit: Chris Phutully/Wikimedia Commons/ CC BY 2.0 A hymn to the Greek Diaspora titled “Hellenism” was released recently by the General Secretariat of Hellenes Abroad and Public Diplomacy. Renowned composer Evanthia Reboutsika wrote the music, based on lyrics by Lina Nikolakopoulou. The hymn is a touching melody dedicated to all Hellenes who […]

Greece Honors Distinguished Hellenes of the Diaspora

Greek President Katerina Sakellaropoulou meets the honorees in Athens on Thursday. Credit: Presidency of the Hellenic Republic Greece honored eight distinguished figures of the Greek diaspora for excellence in their fields and promoting Greece abroad in an event on Thursday in Athens. The third edition of the annual Argo Awards, held under the auspices of […]

English-Greek Man Needs Diaspora’s Help to Fight Leukemia

Leukemia patient Alex Nicholson of the UK needs help in finding a bone marrow donor for needed stem cell treatment to fight his leukemia. He is hoping to find a match among the Greek diaspora around the world. Photo courtesy Alex Nicholson Alex Nicholson, a 24-year-old man of Greek and English heritage, needs help now […]

Diaspora Minister Promises Action on Citizenship for Greek Adoptees

Linda Carol Trotter of The Eftychia Project met with Greek Minister for the Diaspora Andreas Katsaniotis on Monday regarding the granting of Greek citizenship for Greek adoptees. Credit: Facebook/The Eftychia Project Andreas Katsaniotis, Greece’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Diaspora, met with officials from The Eftychia Project (TEP), a group of Greek adoptees, […]

Israeli Diaspora Minister sees American Jewish support for Black Lives Matter as a threat to Israel

Israel’s Diaspora Minister Nachman Shai spoke last week on an American Jewish Committee podcast (‘People of the Podcast’), bemoaning the threat of ‘losing America’ because more Jews (and particularly young ones) are becoming more critical of Israel: When I briefed the cabinet the other day I said, if we see more of the radical left […]

Diaspora Rushes to Help Greece During Worst Fires in Modern History

People from the village of Pefki aboard a ferry which evacuated them from the area on Sunday. Organizations and individuals from the Greek diaspora are now organizing fundraisers to help in the Greece fire recovery. Credit: Greek Reporter The Greek diaspora, always ready to help the motherland in an emergency, is now rushing to help […]

Greek Left Votes Down Bill to Remove Diaspora’s Voting Restrictions

The Greek Parliament failed to approve the lifting on restrictions for the Diaspora vote. Credit: AMNA Greek leftist parties on Wednesday voted in Parliament against an amendment that would have removed all restrictions for the Diaspora to vote in national elections. The amendment proposed by the governing New Democracy party was only supported by the […]

Greece to Establish Greek Diaspora Day

Credit: Greek government Kostas Vlassis, the deputy Foreign Minister of Greece, responsible for the Greek diaspora, sent an open letter recently to the Greek diaspora worldwide asking them to propose a date for the establishment of the ”Greek Diaspora Day.” In his letter, Vlassis notes that ”2021 is a milestone year in the centuries-old journey […]

Young Diaspora Jews came to volunteer in Israel, receive vaccine as well

Young people who came to Israel as part of the Masa Israel Journey organization have also had the privilege of getting an early coronavirus vaccine, according to a statement by The Israel Experience company About 5,000 individuals have received the vaccine this way, many of which have lost relatives to the coronavirus.“We have made a […]

Proposed limit on US aid to Israel tests the pro-Israel diaspora – opinion

In the partisan changeover that resulted from the 2020 US elections, there were bound to be some tests and challenges for those of us who identify within the broad spectrum of “pro-Israel.” The first is now upon us: a proposed bill emerging in the House of Representatives that places a set of limitations on how […]

Diaspora Sends Hundreds of Proposals to Mark Greece’s Bicentennial

Young Greek-Americans show their pride by holding the Greek flag with the illuminated Savannah Convention Center behind them. Credit: Vasilis Varlagas The Greek Diaspora has sent hundreds of proposals for actions and events marking Greece’s bicentennial, “Greece 2021” committee president Gianna Angelopoulos-Daskalaki said on Friday. “The committee has received 319 proposals for actions and events […]

President Rivlin broadcasts Israel’s 73rd birthday message to the diaspora

Browse > Home / News / President Rivlin broadcasts Israel’s 73rd birthday message to the diaspora April 15, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article President Reuven Rivlin sends Independence Day greetings to Israeli citizens and to Jewish communities around the world. [embedded content]Credits: video – Omer Meron, sound – Ben Peretz (GPO) Like […]

Diaspora communities offered online Yom HaZikaron program by WZO

On Tuesday evening, the State of Israel will mark the beginning of Yom HaZikaron, remembering Israel’s fallen soldiers and victims of terror attacks. This year, for the first time, the World Zionist Organization, in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense, has created a pre-recorded Yom HaZikaron State ceremony for Jewish communities worldwide. The forty-two-minute program, […]

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