Posts Tagged ‘ethiopian’

Egypt’s Negative Stance on the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

If you read Cairo newspapers, one of the main topics of great concern to residents of Egypt’s capital, and indeed to all Egyptians, is the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). The headlines say a lot: “Ethiopia wants to monopolize all water sources,” “Ethiopia is trying to deceive the Nile Basin countries,” “Ethiopia is constantly trying […]

Renewed TPLF terror war against the Ethiopian people

And the fighting continues.

Ethiopian Diaspora Groups Prepare To Protest West’s Support For TLPF

Ethiopian diaspora across the Western world is condemning the US and the EU for “emboldening” the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) which resumed the war in the northern part of the country on August 24, ending the truce initiated by the federal government in March. “Deploring the International community, in particular the UN, United States […]

Gunmen Slaughter over 40 Villagers in Ethiopian Ethnic Conflict

Ethiopia’s civil war between the federal government and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is not the only deadly ethnic conflict raging in that turbulent country. On Friday, residents of the Oromiya region reported digging mass graves for at least 42 villagers slaughtered by a rival tribal militia.

Christians reach isolated Ethiopian group

Ethiopia (Mission Network News) — In the mountains of Ethiopia, there lived a group of about 6,000 people unreached by the story of Jesus. They practice a local animist religion, believing that all beings have a life force and that spirits can possess people. In a 2010 poll, 11 percent of Ethiopians said sacrifices to […]

Christians reach isolated Ethiopian group

Ethiopia (Mission Network News) — In the mountains of Ethiopia, there lived a group of about 6,000 people unreached by the story of Jesus. They practice a local animist religion, believing that all beings have a life force and that spirits can possess people. In a 2010 poll, 11 percent of Ethiopians said sacrifices to […]

Christians reach isolated Ethiopian group

Ethiopia (Mission Network News) — In the mountains of Ethiopia, there lived a group of about 6,000 people unreached by the story of Jesus. They practice a local animist religion, believing that all beings have a life force and that spirits can possess people. In a 2010 poll, 11 percent of Ethiopians said sacrifices to […]

Former Ethiopian military officer reveals plot to kill Mandela during military training

Sixty years after Nelson Mandela was trained in guerilla warfare in Ethiopia, a former military officer who acted as his security guard said there had been an attempt to kill the South African anti-apartheid icon during the training. On the eve of International Nelson Mandela Day, which is being observed on Monday, Capt. Guta Dinka, 89, […]

Egypt’s worries about the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi said his country was pursuing “diplomacy and patience” on the Great Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) issue, although he added firmly that “no one will compromise on Egypt’s water quota.” This rather firm statement by the Egyptian President came after Ethiopia announced plans to unilaterally implement the third phase of filling […]

Tigray forces say Ethiopian airstrike kills 56 civilians

An airstrike in Ethiopia’s embattled Tigray region has killed at least 56 people at a camp for displaced people, a spokesman for the Tigray forces said on Saturday, as the country’s war continues despite the government’s talk of reconciliation. “Another callous drone attack,” Getachew Reda tweeted, saying the civilians had fled the conflict elsewhere in […]

Phallic Ethiopian Megaliths Are 1000 Years Older Than Believed

Ethiopia’s Gedeo zone has the largest concentration of stone stelae in Africa. A new study published in the Journal of African Archaeology has pushed back the dates of megalithic stelae dotting the landscape of the Gedeo zone in southern Ethiopia by a whole millennium, from AD 1100 to 50 BC! Ashenafi Zena, Ethiopian native and lead author […]

TPLF’s War On Ethiopian Government Is A US-EU Backed Ploy

Above Photo: Tigray refugees on the banks of the Tekeze River on the border of Ethiopia with Sudan in November 2020. The civil war instigated by the TPLF against the Ethiopian Government has already killed thousands and forced millions to flee. Narimal El-Mofty. To Thwart Cooperation In The Horn Of Africa Says Former Ethiopian Diplomat. […]

Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A unifying Peoples Project

Image Credit: EDUARDO SOTERAS/AFP/Getty Images With a population of 118 million (expected to top 200 million by the end of 2049) Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa. 70% (c.80 million) are under thirty, the median age being just 20. The majority of people live in rural areas where infrastructure is poor or […]

Study finds Ethiopian Israeli high schoolers falling behind

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Israel’s Chief Rabbi Ruling That Ethiopian Jews Are ‘Full-Fledged Jews’ Proves No Jews Are Real Israelites

When Israel announced this week that it intended to deport almost 100 “Black Israelites” who had emigrated to Israel from Chicago in the 1970s, it raised a persistent problem in Israel — how “Jews of color” are treated, especially the so-called “Beta Israel” Jews from Ethiopia who are still openly discriminated against: While racial tensions […]

Graphic video shows Ethiopian troops executing prisoners in Tigray – CNN

A gruesome video allegedly filmed by a whistleblower in the Ethiopian Army shows what appears to be Ethiopian troops executing an estimated 34 unarmed men in the Tigray region in January, the US-based Tigrai Media House reported. — CNN International (@cnni) April 2, 2021 “Why don’t you come close and film the execution of these?” […]

Nearly two years after protest over Ethiopian Israeli’s shooting, protester indicted for threatening police officers

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Last Ethiopian aliyah flight of Operation Rock of Israel arrives

The last flight of Operation Rock of Israel, the latest effort to bring the remainder of the Falash Mura community in Ethiopia to Israel landed this morning with some 300 new immigrants disembarking at Ben Gurion airport.  Aliyah and Absorption Minister Pnina Tamana Shata who led the government’s efforts to restart the immigration of the […]

300 Ethiopian Immigrants Arrive In Israel, Ending Four-month Airlift

Some 300 Ethiopian immigrants landed Thursday in Israel as part of a government initiative to bring members of the country’s Jewish community to the country. The new arrivals were greeted at Ben Gurion Airport by Immigration Minister Pnina Tamano-Shata and Jewish Agency chairman Isaac Herzog. They were the last of 2,000 Ethiopian immigrants to arrive […]

Amnesty says Eritrean troops killed hundreds of Ethiopian civilians

Eritrean soldiers killed hundreds of civilians in Ethiopia‘s ancient town of Axum between November 28 and 29, rights group Amnesty International said on Friday, one of several mass killings reported during a conflict that erupted nearly four months ago in the northern region of Tigray. “Over an approximately 24-hour period, on 28-29 November 2020, Eritrean […]

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