Posts Tagged ‘slaughter’

Bill Gates Coming at World with Bird Flu “Vaccine,” After Child Slaughter in UK, 4,000% Higher Deaths in Vaccinated Children

Excess deaths since 2022 in the UK were primarily in the vaccinated, official UK data show, according to an analysis by The Daily Sceptic. The findings mirror data published by the UK Office of National Statistics (ONS) in July 2022, which show that for the time period published, vaccinated persons had a higher risk of […]

Aloysius Fozdyke – The Sheeple are Headed for Slaughter

“This is the Age of Satan! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! The last seven months have seen the laws of war gloriously and flagrantly abandoned, together with freedoms trashed. It’s now open slather.  In Australia, the mainstream media is awash with gender-based/domestic violence stories – politicians frothing at the mouth – but […]

Israel’s planned slaughter of genetically engineered red heifers will herald Temple rebuilding, unveiling of Antichrist (Jewish messiah)

(NaturalNews) The reason for the October 7 “Operation Al Aqsa Flood” Hamas attack on Israel has everything to do with the “five perfectly red heifers” that were… Source


JANUARY 30TH, 2024 Source Kit Klarenburg In the wake of the International Court of Justice’s (ICJ) landmark ruling in a case brought by South Africa against Israel, which found the Jewish state could be committing genocide in Gaza and must immediately cease its indiscriminate, industrial-scale slaughter of unarmed, innocent Palestinians of all ages, many Western […]

Terrorists Slaughter 41 Christians in Kaduna State, Nigeria 

Location of Kaduna state in Nigeria. (Map data © 2024 Google) ABUJA, Nigeria, January 8, 2024 (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Suspected Fulani terrorists on Wednesday (Jan. 3) killed 41 Christians and kidnapped many others in two counties of southern Kaduna state, Nigeria, sources said. The assailants in the early morning attacked… Source

An Explainer Of Jan. 6 And Its Aftermath-Idiots Allowing Themselves to Be led To The Slaughter By Instigators Working For The Rothschild’s Sodom & Gomorrah On the Potomac Child Raping Political Whores from Both Wings of the Same Carrion Slurping Vulture

January 6 was a handful of 30 shekel Judas Goats leading a herd of well meaning but very ignorant sheep through the slaughterhouse doors for the benefit of the little children raping political whores of Sodom & Gomorrah on the Potomac and their Master. The Ole Dog! Source

The Jewish establishment’s blindness to Palestinian slaughter also hurts U.S. Jews

Israel’s racism against Palestinians has subsumed official Jewish life. American Jews have abandoned their best traditions out of deference to a militant state that exists in constant fear of those it subjugates. Source

CHRISTMAS SLAUGHTER! 250 Palestinians died and another 500 were injured in the last 24 hours alone

READ HERE: Israeli airstrike kills more than 100 people in central Gaza refugee camp “The death toll in the Israel-Hamas war surged higher Monday as Israel ramped up its strikes on Gaza. Health officials there reported 250 Palestinians died and another 500 were injured in the last 24 hours alone. All this comes as Israeli […]

Spiritual principles now being used to justify slaughter of innocents in Gaza, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich tells Mike Adams

Spiritual principles now being used to justify slaughter of innocents in Gaza, former Congressman Dennis Kucinich tells Mike Adams For former Cleveland Mayor and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, people are choosing to use their spiritual ideologies to support the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, instead of promoting peace. “We’re in a moment where what [George] […]

GAZA SLAUGHTER-HOUSE! More than 11,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and 27,490 wounded

READ HERE: As of Friday, more than 11,000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed and 27,490 wounded, according to the local health ministry. While the White House has cast doubt on Palestinian figures, the US State Department believes the true numbers might be even higher.   Source

Victor Davis Hanson’s Dick Gets Hard When Mass Gang Rapes and Mass Slaughter is Done

The Khazarian Hanson defends General Sherman for lining up his troops to gang rape little children, pregnant women and minister’s daughters, often to death while burning grandma’s and grandpas to death in their own homes. I must add I question the moral fiber and indeed the very humanity of anyone who tries to excuse Sherman’s […]

Estee Slaughter: Beauty Giant Implodes To 6 Year Low As Consumers Hit Brick Wall

Estee Slaughter: Beauty Giant Implodes To 6 Year Low As Consumers Hit Brick Wall When we looked at the performance of consumer stocks last quarter, we found a not unexpected divergence between companies catering to lower income consumers, which have been hammered for much of 2023, and those targeting rich buyers, which – especially in […]

Israel Continues to Slaughter THOUSANDS Of Palestinian Children in GAZA

Israel Has Slaughtered Thousands of Children in Gaza By infostormer  – October 25, 2023 4 The Israelis have killed thousands of children in Gaza according to multiple sources.     This is obviously not self defense. This is just a slaughter of innocent people. Turkey’s leader Erdogan is correct in his assessment of the situation. […]

Every Person Knowing About the Slaughter in Gaza Should Be Calling Congress to Defund & Detach From Israhell

202-224-3121 and ask for your Congressperson! Defund Israel….no more money for Israel. No Wars for Israel who is trying to get us all into WW3. Israel is a part of the British Empire!  Created by the Balfour Declaration in the City of London.  FUCK ISRAEL!!!  No one should support killing babies in Hospitals and total […]

Russia Abstained in the UN Vote To Stop the Slaughter of Palestinians by the Invading Occupier red Russian Khazarians

Well, some things never change! The Ole Dog! Source


OCTOBER 18TH, 2023 Source Elizabeth Vos Gaza — (Consortium News) — Hundreds of people were killed on Tuesday by a devastating airstrike on the Anglican al-Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City. Although Israel now blames the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) for the bombing, observers, including reporters from MSNBC and the BBC, suggest that this is unlikely. A reporter for the BBC stated on air: The Israeli […]

Football clubs slaughter their players

27-Year-Old Women’s Soccer Star Maddy Cusack DIES SUDDENLY Must be the climate change… LIONESS OF JUDAH MINISTRY SEP 25 READ IN APP Exposing The Darkness is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. Upgrade to paid One-time or recurring donations can be made through Ko-Fi: […]

The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!

Hawaii is a Polynesian Kingdom which has been illegally militarily occupied by the evil of US/WASHINGTON DC since late in the 19th century. I know how they feel as I am a Texican in the occupied Republic of Texas which has been illegally militarily occupied since 1865 by the evil of the US/WASHINGTON DC. At […]

Slaughter By the Death Cult Running Canada

With thanks to Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Director of Global, for the help he gave me in pulling this essay together. Introduction We are living through a time when an alleged Covid-19 “vaccine” is having the effect of crippling, maiming and killing a significant portion of the Earth’s people. Looking out at the World from […]

Abu Mazen visit whitewashes PA role in Jenin slaughter, but Palestinians remain wary

On Wednesday, July 12, acting Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas and several PA security chiefs, including the secretary general of the Palestinian Liberation Organization’s Executive Committee, Hussein al-Sheikh, and head of General Intelligence Services, Majed Faraj, flew into Jenin in a Jordanian-operated helicopter. A delegation headed by Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, Minister of Interior Ziyad […]

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