Posts Tagged ‘sheeple’

Aloysius Fozdyke – The Sheeple are Headed for Slaughter

“This is the Age of Satan! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! The last seven months have seen the laws of war gloriously and flagrantly abandoned, together with freedoms trashed. It’s now open slather.  In Australia, the mainstream media is awash with gender-based/domestic violence stories – politicians frothing at the mouth – but […]


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An Example of How the Sheeple are Fed Cherry Picked Propaganda

I will insert comments and evidence to back up my comments inside [——] as the article goes. This article is a good example of those writing such “historical” articles being massively ignorant of true history or lying by omission to cover some countries and “leaders” war crimes while caterwauling about other’s war crimes and holocaust. […]

Millions of Dead Sheeple, Brought To You By Pfizer

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Lo There Do I See The Multitude of Sheeple

Lo there do I see the multitudes of sheeple- In their ego and ignorance they consider themselves to be human, real people- They bleat in fear and ignorance with every single breath they take- Sheep of this otherwise beautiful planet a trashed out dung heap do make- In their low IQed egotistical delusions of grandeur […]

Humanity Must Be Saved From The Sheeple


Another Day, Another Bull S#it Controlled Opposition Article To Convince The Sheeple The Scamdemic Was Really A “Pandemic”- “Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds”

Take this BULL SHIT headline: “Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected: New Study Finds”. Allow the Ole Dog! to translate the Zionist Speak for you. Killer Jabbed sheeple get sick and die because they took a Killer Jab meant to euthanize the sheeple, because the sheeple feared a non existent “virus” 217 […]

June 26 – Sheeple Stay in Line After Vax Death

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Canadian Woman Dies Minutes After Getting ‘Booster’; People Who Watched Her Die Remain in Line to Get Their Shot “What is especially disturbing in this case is that people who were present at the pharmacy, who watched Carol Pearce die right in front of them, kept waiting […]

Cowering In The Grave They Dug ThemSelves, The American Sheeple Expired.

Cowering In The Grave They Dug ThemSelves, The American Sheep Expired-Bleating frantically, in their own piss and Poop softened pen mired- Smelly stupid herd animals, with illusions of balls of brass-Who sold their American birthright for a cold six-pack, and a warm piece of ass- They turned each other in, to the rich oppressors “law”-Then […]

Will the Sheeple Ever Wake Up?

GET THE PICTURE??????? Katie Hopkins on excess deaths in 2022 Vernon Coleman on what to expect in 2023:   What’s going to happen in 2023? Nothing good for those who are still politically asleep!   Praise Yahweh and pass the ammunition!         The post Will the Sheeple Ever Wake Up? appeared first […]

Rothschild’s Bitch Tulsi Gabby Sows Lies and Confusion For the Sheeple

Tutsi Gabby who’s soul was sold for 30 fiat shekels to the Ratschilds is trying to sow confusion in the minds of the American sheep. The lying witch said: “Our democracy is in grave danger. Government institutions – from DOJ, DHS to the IRS – are blatantly being weaponized against political opponents of those in […]

VACCINE WARS: Top 7 ways American ‘sheeple’ have been manipulated with VACCINE MISINFORMATION by the dishonest establishment

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) War is a very scary concept, and most people are righteously terrified of nuclear bombs and missiles that can destroy entire nations of people in one fell swoop. Weapons of mass destruction are available to many countries around the globe, and have been used to kill and maim millions of people, mostly […]

Music for the Sheeple

Weird Al’s Latest:  (((FOIL))). [embedded content] Oldie, but  Goodie, from Steppenwolf with lead singer, German-born John Kay:  THE OSTRICH: [embedded content] Enjoy! Get Eli’s book, The Great Impersonation at Amazon Kindle: The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-christ has Deceived the Whole World – Kindle edition by James, Eli. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ […]

Music for the Sheeple

Weird Al’s Latest:  (((FOIL))). [embedded content] Oldie, but  Goodie, from Steppenwolf with lead singer, German-born John Kay:  THE OSTRICH: [embedded content] Enjoy! Get Eli’s book, The Great Impersonation at Amazon Kindle: The Great Impersonation: How the Anti-christ has Deceived the Whole World – Kindle edition by James, Eli. Religion & Spirituality Kindle eBooks @ […]

How President Trump is Sold Out to the ZIONISTS; We Have a Gov’t of Thieves Supported by Sheeple

by Admin · Published December 10, 2020 · Updated December 10, 2020 Think You’re Awake? Think Again! Being AWAKE means recognizing that Biden and Trump are two divisive sides of the same counterfeit coin. Any political leaders who support masking, distancing and vaccinating the population is a servant of the Davos Demon (Klaus Schwab) and the dystopian global reset.Watch […]


Most people who get ordinary vaccines appear to suffer no ill effects. However, Thimerosal, in vaccines, has been blamed for causing permanent injury to a minority of people. Thimerosal is a mercury-based preservative that was taken out of childhood vaccines in 2003, but is still used in flu vaccines that are given to children and pregnant […]


School. Scott Jensen@drscottjensen·Aug 21Let’s talk about the FEAR FORMULA It is a scamdemic. Do you trust the top people, like Trump and Biden? Donald Trump’s sister Maryanne is secretly recorded by his niece Mary saying ‘you can’t trust him’, he’s ‘cruel’ and has been ‘lying’ throughout his presidency Jimmy Carter’s brother Billy received $250,000 (£190,000) […]


School. Scott Jensen@drscottjensen·Aug 21Let’s talk about the FEAR FORMULA It is a scamdemic. Do you trust the top people, like Trump and Biden? Donald Trump’s sister Maryanne is secretly recorded by his niece Mary saying ‘you can’t trust him’, he’s ‘cruel’ and has been ‘lying’ throughout his presidency Jimmy Carter’s brother Billy received $250,000 (£190,000) […]

Zombie-Like Lives of Sheeple From Birth To Death

To understand the zombie-like lives of sheeple, we need to first investigate the word sheeple, so we know what it means. According to, the word sheeple means, “people who are docile, compliant, or easily influenced : people likened to sheep”. This word is derived from the combination of the words sheep and people. In many ways, […]

Breeding Obedient Sheeple; The China Syndrome Cometh

There is an episode called “Nosedive,” the first episode of “Black Mirror” season 3, on Netflix that describes this exact future scenario shown in the below video. It does not look good for mankind. For those of us who see the disaster ahead and feel it, we see the pieces of the puzzle […]

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