Every Person Knowing About the Slaughter in Gaza Should Be Calling Congress to Defund & Detach From Israhell

202-224-3121 and ask for your Congressperson!

Defund Israel….no more money for Israel.

No Wars for Israel who is trying to get us all into WW3.

Israel is a part of the British Empire!  Created by the Balfour Declaration in the City of London.  FUCK ISRAEL!!!  No one should support killing babies in Hospitals and total genocide of innocent people over the Hamas terrorists created by Israel, trained by Israel & Used by Israel for this False Flag PsyOp.  Israel is part of a CRIME SYNDICATE aka the British Empire.  The BRITISH EMPIRE has gotten rich off the Dope Trade.  Israel makes money off of trafficking women and children, Organ trafficking, and God Knows what else.  The Rothschild’s/British Empire want Israel to be their CRIME CAPITOL of the World.


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