Posts Tagged ‘gunmen’

Muslim Gunmen Kill 14-Year-Old Christian Boy in Pakistan

Sunil Masih,14, was killed on Feb. 5, 2024 in Gujranwala District, Pakistan. (Christian Daily International-Morning Star News screenshot) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Muslim gunmen shouting threats against Christians shot a 14-year-old Christian dead on Monday (Feb. 5) in Pakistan, sources said. Sunil Masih and… Source

Masked Gunmen Storm TV Channel in Ecuador, Take Hostages

Cameras were rolling Tuesday as masked gunmen stormed the set of an Ecuadorian news program while the show was broadcasting live. Shock footage out of Guayaquil, Ecuador, captured the harrowing moments around 10 gunmen entered the TC Televisión studios during the Despues de el Noticiero program and ordered everyone on the floor. The incident unfolded […]

Gunmen open fire on convoy crossing into US from Mexico, wounding 3

A group of gunmen attacked a convoy of vehicles traveling into Mexico from the United States, wounding three people, including Americans. The Associated Press reported that the attack on Saturday occurred on the bridge that connects the town of Miguel Aleman with Roma, Texas, according to the Tamaulipas state security department. The department initially reported that… […]

Gulf Cartel Apologizes for Kidnapping, Killing U.S. Citizens — Surrenders 5 Gunmen

The Matamoros faction of the Gulf Cartel tied up five of their own gunmen Thursday and left them alive near a poster board as an apology for kidnapping and killing U.S. citizens over the past weekend. Source

Philippine Governor, 5 Others Killed By Gunmen In Attack

Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo called for justice in the wake of the attack that killed her husband, Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo, on Saturday. Source

Gunmen Threaten Messi, Shoot Up Family-Owned Supermarket

Police say suspects left a threatening message for soccer superstar Lionel Messi and opened fire at a business owned by his in-laws in Argentina’s third-largest city. Source

Gunmen Slaughter over 40 Villagers in Ethiopian Ethnic Conflict

Ethiopia’s civil war between the federal government and the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) is not the only deadly ethnic conflict raging in that turbulent country. On Friday, residents of the Oromiya region reported digging mass graves for at least 42 villagers slaughtered by a rival tribal militia.

WATCH: Mexican Military Kills 11 Cartel Gunmen During Stakeout

Cartel gunmen tried to ambush a squad of Mexican military officers, setting off a fierce shootout where authorities killed 11 and arrested seven more.

Sacramento Shooting: Multiple Gunmen Allegedly Opened Fire After Fight

Police indicate a Sunday morning shooting in Sacramento, California, occurred following a fight and that multiple shooters were involved. Early Sunday, Breitbart News reported that six people were killed and numerous others injured as bullets were fired. A roadblock is set a block away from the scene of an apparent mass shooting in Sacramento, CA, […]

Gunmen Target Clergymen in Pakistan: One Murdered, Another Injured

Memorial Service Held at Site of 2013 Massacre 01/31/2022 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – Gunmen targeted three priests traveling home from church in Pakistan’s northwestern city of Peshawar on January 30, killing one and injuring the other. Father William Siraj (75 years) died instantly from multiple gunshot wounds, while Father Naeem Patrick was treated for a […]

Gunmen Kill Town Mayor, Wound Another in South Philippines

A police officer secures an area where Mayor Darussalam Lajid of Al-Barka town was killed and Mayor Alih Sali of Akbar town was wounded while walking at Baliwasan village in Zamboanga city, southern Philippines, on Dec. 6, 2021. (AP Photo) ZAMBOANGA, Philippines—Motorcycle-riding gunmen killed a town mayor and wounded another in a brazen attack Monday […]

Muslim Gunmen in Pakistan Wound at least Four Christians

Asif Masih was shot when Muslim gunmen attacked Lahore, Pakistan’s Sherakot area on Sept. 6, 2021. (Morning Star News) LAHORE, Pakistan (Morning Star News) – Muslims in an area of Lahore, Pakistan on Monday (Sept. 6) fired high-powered weapons at the homes of Christians, wounding a pregnant woman and at least three other people, sources said. […]

Gunmen Kill Two Mexican Journalists in One Week

Gunmen shot and killed two Mexican journalists this week as the country continues to be labeled one of the most dangerous places for media workers in the world. Mexico recorded five murders of media workers so far this year. This week, a group of gunmen murdered 47-year-old Ricardo Dominguez Lopez, the owner of the news […]

Biden Silent as Texas Mom and Two Kids Kidnapped in the Open by Cartel Gunmen

A Texas family has been kidnapped by a cartel while traveling through Mexico, and there’s been complete silence on the abduction from the White House. According to reports, gunman from the Los Zetas cartel are responsible for the kidnapping of the family of 39-year-old Gladys Cristina Perez Sanchez. The mom and her two children, ages […]

Gunmen Raid Home of Bishop-Elect in South Sudan, Shooting Him Twice

Two gunmen broke into the home of Bishop-elect Christian Carlassare in Rumbek, South Sudan, early Monday, shooting him twice in the legs. The assault occurred sometime between midnight and 2:00 a.m. and is believed to have been meant as a warning to the prelate, who is being transported to Nairobi for treatment. On March 8, […]

Motorbike gunmen kill Greek crime reporter in early morning shooting

Greek crime reporter George Karaivaz, who worked for Private Star TV and was known for his coverage of legal issues, was shot dead by two gunmen riding a motorcycle near his Athens home early on Friday, local police confirmed. The incident occurred close to Karaivaz’s home in Alimos, in the south of the Greek capital. […]

Gunmen abduct 30 students in Nigeria, police confirm, in ongoing spate of kidnappings

Nigerian police have said that 30 students remain unaccounted for after gunmen targeted a technical college in the northwest of the country late Thursday night, as the shocking trend of student kidnapping continues. Speaking on Friday, Kaduna State’s security commissioner, Samuel Aruwan, said that the militants, often referred to as bandits, struck at 11:30pm on […]

Gunmen release 27 schoolchildren after abduction in Nigeria

Gunmen in Nigeria have released 42 people, including 27 students, who were kidnapped from a boarding school in the north-central state of Niger last week, the state’s governor said. Their release comes just one day after a separate raid on a school in Nigeria’s Zamfara state, where a gang seized more than 300 girls. Twenty-seven […]

Gunmen kidnap hundreds of girls from boarding school in Nigeria

More than 300 girls have been abducted by gunmen from a school in Nigeria’s north-western Zamfara state. Witnesses reported seeing the girls being forced into vehicles, whilst some fifty students managed to escape. A joint search and rescue operation by police and the military is underway to find them. Mamumda Inuwa works in security at […]

More Than 300 Schoolgirls Kidnapped By Gunmen In Nigeria

LAGOS, Nigeria (AP) — Gunmen abducted 317 girls from a boarding school in northern Nigeria on Friday, police said, the latest in a series of mass kidnappings of students in the West African nation. Police and the military have begun joint operations to rescue the girls after the attack at the Girls Science Secondary School […]

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