Posts Tagged ‘philippine’

Explosive hearings: Philippine government briefed on the declining birth rate and skyrocketing excess deaths related to COVID vaccines

Explosive hearings: Philippine government briefed on the declining birth rate and skyrocketing excess deaths related to COVID vaccines The Philippine House of Representatives is now actively investigating the surge in excess deaths and the decline in births following the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. The Joint House Committees on Public Order and Safety on Human […]

Philippine President’s Trip to the United States

On April 30, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., the president of the Philippines, departed for a five-day trip to the United States of America. In a way, the trip served as the culmination of a number of in-depth assessments designed to probe the stance of all three significant players in the region who form the field of […]

Philippine Senator Wants China Envoy Recalled Over ‘Threat’ to Oppose Taiwan

A Philippine senator has called for Beijing to recall its representative in Manila “as soon as possible” following his “threat” to the Philippines to oppose Taiwan’s independence. “How dare he threaten us,” Senator Risa Hontiveros said in a statement on April 16. “He, along with his country’s ships and artificial islands in the West Philippine Sea, […]

Wreckage of Missing Philippine Plane Found After Month-Long Search, No Survivors

A Philippine rescue team has found the wreckage of a Philippine air force plane that crashed in northern Isabela province on Jan. 24 and went missing, but there were no survivors, an official said on Thursday. Constante Foronda, head of the Isabela incident management team, said the wreckage was found within a 20-kilometer (12 miles) […]

Philippine Governor, 5 Others Killed By Gunmen In Attack

Pamplona Mayor Janice Degamo called for justice in the wake of the attack that killed her husband, Negros Oriental Gov. Roel Degamo, on Saturday. Source

Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. visits China

From January 3 to 5, 2023, Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. was on a visit to China at the invitation of Chinese leader Xi Jinping. In itself, this fact has taken an important place in the list of events developing in Southeast Asia, which is characterized by an intensifying all-round struggle between the leading world powers […]

Kamala Harris To Visit Front-line Philippine Island In South China Sea Feud

Vice President Kamala Harris is visiting the Philippines to underscore America’s commitment to defend its treaty ally. Source

Philippine Former Senator Briefly Held Hostage in Jail Rampage

MANILA, Philippines—Philippine police killed three detained terrorists linked to ISIS after they staged a jail rampage Sunday that saw a police officer stabbed and a former opposition senator briefly held hostage in a failed escape attempt from the maximum-security facility in the police headquarters in the capital, police said. National police chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin […]

Philippine Arts High School Downplays Abuse Allegations Amid Accountability Calls

Child rights advocates are urging the Philippine government to take action on alleged rampant abuse at a state-run arts boarding school, even as the school’s administrators downplay the allegations a week since VICE World News revealed them in an investigative report. “For years, reports on sexual abuse, harassment, and other forms of violence committed against […]

West Decries Philippine’s New Government – US-backed Protests Begin

Recent general elections in The Philippines appear to signal the island nation’s continued but gradual move out from under US subordination and its rise with the rest of Asia as China emerges as both a regional and global superpower. With Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. set to become the next president along with his running mate, […]

New Research Shows Philippine Indigenous Group Has Most Denisovan DNA

A small indigenous group surviving on the Bataan Peninsula on the Philippine island of Luzon has more Denisovan DNA than any other ethnic population in the world. That is the conclusion of an international team of evolutionary geneticists, led by Maximilian Larena and Mattias Jakobsson from Uppsala University in Sweden, who recently finished examining more […]

Fifty killed in Philippine military’s worst ever air disaster

Fifty people have died in the Philippines’ worst ever military air disaster. Troops found the last five dead from a crash of a transport aircraft that happened on Sunday in the south of the country. The Lockheed C-130 Hercules was carrying 96 mostly combat troops when it overshot the runway while landing at the Jolo […]

Aquino, Philippine ex-leader who challenged China, is buried

Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III was buried in austere state rites during the pandemic Saturday with many remembering him for standing up to China over territorial disputes, striking a peace deal with Muslim guerrillas and defending democracy in a Southeast Asian nation where his parents helped topple a dictator. Aquino died Thursday at age […]

Former Philippine Leader Benigno Aquino III Dead At 61

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, the son of pro-democracy icons who helped topple dictator Ferdinand Marcos and had troublesome ties with China, died Thursday, a cousin and public officials said. He was 61. Former Sen. Bam Aquino said he was heartbroken by the death of his cousin. “He gave his […]

Philippine democracy scion, ex-leader Benigno Aquino dies

Former Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, the son of pro-democracy icons who helped topple dictator Ferdinand Marcos and had troublesome ties with China died Tuesday, a cousin and public officials said. He was 61. Former Sen. Bam Aquino said he was heartbroken by the death of his cousin. “He gave his all for the Filipino, […]

Philippine President Threatens To Arrest Filipinos Who Refuse COVID-19 Vaccination

MANILA, Philippines (AP) — The Philippine president has threatened to order the arrest of Filipinos who refuse COVID-19 vaccination and told them to leave the country if they would not cooperate with the efforts to contain the pandemic. President Rodrigo Duterte, who is known for his public outbursts and brash rhetoric, said in televised remarks […]

Philippine president lauds guards’ courage in using unauthorized vaccine

MANILA – Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte has commended his security detail for their “loyalty and courage” in inoculating themselves with unauthorized COVID-19 vaccines, his spokesman said on Monday, as some lawmakers called their actions illegal. The military detail broke no laws when they administered the COVID-19 vaccines to themselves, presidential spokesman Harry Roque said, even […]

philippine women

I expect no other issue hits closer to one’ s private life when getting used to another lifestyle like that of inter-personal relationships; ie –- meeting women listed here in the philippine women It’ s a classic clashof East satisfies West thus consider this a – heads up ‘ of kinds to you […]

10 killed as plane crashes into home, wiping out Philippine family (PHOTOS)

The six-seat Piper PA-23 Apache aircraft crashed in Plaridel, Bulacan province, shortly after takeoff at around 11:20am, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said. The plane was flying from Plaridel Airport to the city of Laoag. Plaridel police chief Agustin Joseph said in a radio interview that the plane hit a house at […]

Philippine Leaders Reject US Intel Report that Duterte is a ‘Threat to Democracy’

     The US intelligence community labeled Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte a “threat to democracy” in their Worldwide Threat Assessment (WTA) report, provoking a rebuke from Philippine leaders in defense of their oft-controversial president. The WTA was published on February 13 and spent most of its time running down the “threat” posed by the US’ top […]

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