Posts Tagged ‘volunteer’

A Short (sort of) History of the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, The Marxist Mandatory Military Dictatorship Lincoln replaced the Volunteer Union With, and the UNITED STATES FOR PROFIT CORPORATION Lincoln’s Communist Dictatorship has Become

I read less and less “news” as time goes by. The stupidity of the American sheep makes it easy to peddle unadulterated USAD grade #1 PIG SHIT to them and have them gobble it down and demand more. Washington DC has worked hard to make Americans stupid. I recall looking at an eighth grade graduation […]

A volunteer doctor in Gaza faces her patients’ traumas along with her own

On January 1, 2024, while individuals around the world celebrated the New Year, Gazans were expressing gratitude toward God that we were still alive after 88 days of aggression without letup and long days of devastating massacres. I am living through the sixth or seventh assault in my lifetime. There have been so many I […]

Anyone Who Thinks The American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America survived Lincoln & Existed After 1861 Probably Waits In the Pumpkin Patch With Linus

Any American Sheeple who are trying to save the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union the united States of America and the Constitution, both which Lincoln and his puritan yankee marxist killed in 1861, probably wait in the pumpkin patch with Linus on Halloween for the coming of the “Great Pumpkin”. The Ole Dog! Source

If American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union Still Existed & Texas Were Still A State, US/DC Would Not Have Right To Tell Texicans Not To Defend Texas’s Borders

If the manic depressive rabidly racist against African Americans closet homosexual atheists Marxist yankee puritan Lincoln had not killed the American Revolutionaries Volunteer Union, which he did in 1861, and if the occupied Republic of Texas had not legally seceded in 1860 from that Volunteer Union which the Republic of Texas Voluntarily joined in 1847, […]

No dying for Israel: 72% of Americans UNWILLING to volunteer for MILITARY SERVICE, poll reveals

No dying for Israel: 72% of Americans UNWILLING to volunteer for MILITARY SERVICE, poll reveals Seventy-two percent of Americans are unwilling to sign up for voluntary military service, according to the results of a new poll. The survey conducted by Echelon Insights between Oct. 23 and Oct. 26 polled 1,029 respondents. According to the National […]

History of the Latvian SS Volunteer Legion

Joining up with Germany made complete sense, and the two of them got on incredibly well. This is the story of the Latvian SS Legion who chose to work with the Germans for the hope of a free and independent Latvia. Source

Israel: elite army intelligence reservists suspend volunteer service

More than 60 reserve officers from an elite Israeli army intelligence programme have announced plans to suspend their volunteer service in protest at the government's judicial overhaul, Wallah news website reported on Monday. According to the Jerusalem Post, the officers are from the Havatzalot programme, which trains intelligence officers for key roles in the Israeli […]

Proposed law to ban criticising Russian ‘volunteer groups’ in Ukraine passed by Duma

The State Duma, Russia’s lower house, approved a bill which would punish anyone found spreading false information or “discrediting” volunteer groups fighting in Ukraine with up to 15 years in prison. The amendment, which still needs to be approved by Russia’s upper house and President Putin, builds on Moscow’s existing laws, passed a year ago, which were […]

Volunteer Finds Intricate 5th-Century Gold Bead in Archaeological Debris

While sifting through dirt and rubble removed from a huge Roman structure discovered during excavations at Pilgrimage Road in the City of David in Jerusalem, a National Service volunteer found a small golden bead of a most peculiar type. Read more Section:  Artifacts Other Artifacts News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

Local Church Turns To Robo-Greeters To Combat Volunteer Shortage

PEORIA, IL — Members of Cornerstone Calvary Community Congregation City Church were in for a shock this past Sunday as they were greeted at the doors to the church by an army of state-of-the-art robo-greeters. Source

3rd Volunteer Grave Search Activist Killed in Mexico

MEXICO CITY—Yet another mother searching for her disappeared son has been killed in northern Mexico, becoming the third volunteer search activist killed in Mexico since 2021. Rubén Rocha Moya, the governor of the northern state of Sinaloa, identified the dead woman Wednesday as Rosario Rodríguez Barraza. “I deeply regret the killing of Rosario Rodríguez Barraza, […]

3rd Volunteer Grave Search Activist Killed in Mexico

MEXICO CITY—Yet another mother searching for her disappeared son has been killed in northern Mexico, becoming the third volunteer search activist killed in Mexico since 2021. Rubén Rocha Moya, the governor of the northern state of Sinaloa, identified the dead woman Wednesday as Rosario Rodríguez Barraza. “I deeply regret the killing of Rosario Rodríguez Barraza, […]

3rd Volunteer Grave Search Activist Killed in Mexico

MEXICO CITY—Yet another mother searching for her disappeared son has been killed in northern Mexico, becoming the third volunteer search activist killed in Mexico since 2021. Rubén Rocha Moya, the governor of the northern state of Sinaloa, identified the dead woman Wednesday as Rosario Rodríguez Barraza. “I deeply regret the killing of Rosario Rodríguez Barraza, […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Summer of arson: France charges volunteer firefighters with setting fires

France has charged two its volunteer firefighters of setting some of the devastating blazes that rocked the southern part of the country over the summer. One of the men firefighters is a 27-year-old who was arrested on 24 August. Authorities have accused him of starting a fire that burned through 230 hectares of land near […]

Ukraine volunteer fighter and US citizen Craig Lang armed by Colombia to overthrow Venezuela’s gov’t, FBI source says

Craig Lang, a US Army veteran accused by US authorities of carrying out murders on American soil as well as torture and other war crimes in Ukraine, allegedly joined a band of insurgents armed by the Colombian police to overthrow the Venezuelan government. An FBI affidavit against Lang states that he was in Colombia with […]

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