Posts Tagged ‘key’

Over 5,000 displaced by floods in Nicaragua and Guatemala; 14 inches of rain in 24 hours for the latter

     Around 5,000 people have been forced to evacuate their homes after heavy rain caused floods in Nicaragua and Guatemala. The heavy rain began to fall on 09 July, 2016. La Aurora International Airport in Guatemala City recorded 360 mm of rain in 24 hours between 10 and 11 July. Flores in El Peten Department, […]

Resumption of Talks with Afghanistan’s Taliban Unlikely

nsnbc : The spokesman for Afghanistan’s President Ashraf Ghani, Haroon Chakansuri, informed the press that there is no time set for another meeting of the four nation group and that the resumption of talks with the Taliban is unlikely. Several countries, including China, India, and the USA have recently increased their support of the government […]

Here’s Why The Culinary Institute Of America Wants Restaurants To Serve Less Meat

Consumers have become increasingly more health conscious and ingredient-savvy in recent years. No longer satisfied with simply “apple” or “bread,” we want to know how and where that apple was produced and what chemicals and preservatives were put into that bread; we want to know whether our food was sprayed with pesticides and how nutritious it is for […]

Five billion dollars invested on ports development: Official

Tehran, July 12, IRNA – Managing Director for Ports and Maritime Organization Mohammad Saeednejad said that public and private sectors have invested more than five billion dollars to develop trade ports in Iran. Saeednejad, who is also deputy minister of Road and Urban Development, said on Monday afternoon that private sector has so far invested […]

Chemotherapy That Costs $70,000 in the U.S. Costs $2,500 in India

Gleevec, a drug used to treat leukemia, costs $70,000 a year in the US but only $2,500 in India. This costly gap exists thanks to US patents that prevent competitors from making and selling lower cost versions. Such patents do not exist to the same extent in India, and, in fact, just this month India’s […]

Fed’s focus on ‘too big to fail’ won’t save taxpayers from next bank bailout

Oz Shy (TC) : Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that 31 out of 33 U.S. banks had passed its latest “stress test,” designed to ensure that the largest financial institutions have enough capital to withstand a severe economic shock. Photo courtesy of Jorge Royan Passing the test amounts to being given a clean bill […]

Germany: AfD Party Split Up Over Meaningless Gibberish

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 7, 2016 Well, we reported a couple weeks ago that the guy who made remarks the Jews didn’t like was going to be ejected from Germany’s AfD party. Turns out many people in the party supported him, and they couldn’t get enough votes to eject him. Sigh. So these AfD guys aren’t […]

Bikini islanders still deal with fallout of US nuclear tests, 70 years later

Timothy J. Jorgensen (TC) : In 1946, French fashion designer Jacques Heim released a woman’s swimsuit he called the “Atome” (French for “atom”) – a name selected to suggest its design would be as shocking to people that summer as the atomic bombings of Japan had been the summer before. 1956 Operation Redwing bombing at […]

Adolf Hitler and Gun Control Laws

Youtube link Most people think that “Hitler took the guns” because shills like Alex Jones have been repeating this law for years, but this really was not the case at all. Quite the opposite in fact. Source Article from

Iran FM due in Norway for talks, Oslo Forum

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will visit Norway to hold talks with the European country’s officials and participate in an international forum. Zarif and his accompanying delegation will leave Tehran for Oslo on Sunday night for a two-day visit to hold negotiations with Norwegian authorities and take part in the Oslo Forum, Iranian Foreign […]

Flanked by AIPAC and Israeli consul, Cuomo signs anti-BDS order

You’ve all heard by now of NY Governor Andrew Cuomo’s historic Israel-loving move: he signed an executive order yesterday making it illegal for NY state entities to do business with companies or organizations that boycott the state of Israel. The order targeting BDS (boycott, divestment and sanctions) was a naked expression of power for all […]

Hiroshima bombing changed the world – but it didn’t end WWII

     President Obama’s visit to Hiroshima on Friday has rekindled public debate about the U.S. atomic bombings of Japan — one largely suppressed since the Smithsonian canceled its Enola Gay exhibit in 1995. Obama, aware that his critics are ready to pounce if he casts the slightest doubt on the rectitude of President Harry S. […]

Iran calls for cooperation with China on tourism

Beijing, May 19, IRNA – Vice President Masoud Soltanifar on Wednesday, referring to the historical-cultural ties between Iran and China, called for stronger tourism ties between the two countries. Chief of the Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization made the remarks at an Iran-China tourism conference in the Chinese capital. Getting familiar with Iranian civilization […]

Resist tyranny: Let your life be a friction to stop the machine

Transcript: Nightmare and insanity are akin: mysterious and involuntary states that skew and distort objective reality. One wakens from nightmare; from insanity there is no awakening. Whether Americans live in the one state or the other is the paramount question of this era. For two hundred years Americans have been indoctrinated with a mythology created, […]

Aim for the Head

I am sick and tired of these planted agents and shills suggesting that we should ignore the Truth, the Jews, their Power, Influence and Agenda. What is wrong with these people? How are we going to heal ourselves if we do not identify the sickness? How can we even make our enemies afraid if we […]

ALERT! Everyone who lives in these states needs to contact their governor and representatives to encourage this action to stop Obama’s invasion…

Iran urges Turkey to revise policy towards terrorists

Khan really made history in London? Alwaght- History was made at London’s mayoral elections, or so Western headlines are declaring. But amid all the commotion of the first… Source Article from

Instead Celebrate Red Army Defeats

On May 9 the Russians celebrate ‘Victory over Nazi Germany’. Each November Russia celebrates the ‘October (Gregorian calendar) Revolution.’ New York banker Jacob Schiff celebrates too; The German-born Jew rejoices his successful investment in the overthrow of Russia’s legitimate government. Russia sure loves to celebrate its funeral directors. Meanwhile, we wait for Russia to celebrate […]

Salehi: Amano presents positive report on Iran

Vienna, May 5, IRNA – Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi declared that Secretary General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano has presented a good report on implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). ‘We also reiterated that the IAEA should base its comments merely […]

Army Captain Sues Obama Claiming ISIS War Is Illegal

An Army Captain is suing US President Barack Obama, claiming that the war against ISIS is illegal because it was not authorized by Congress. In court documents filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, Captain Nathan Michael Smith, a 28 year old military intelligence officer said: “Under the 1973 War Powers […]

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