Posts Tagged ‘cure’

Boogeyman rises: Al Qaeda leader issues dire warning if Boston bomber executed

     Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri issued a statement warning the United States that if the Boston Marathon bomber, or any other Muslim prisoner, is executed, there will be the “gravest consequences.” Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, now 22 years old, was named specifically in the warning. Tsarnaev is currently on death row for the detonation of an […]

MH17 could have been downed unintentionally – int’l investigation team

“An important question for the criminal investigation is whether a missile can be launched unintentionally. Did anyone accidentally push a button which caused the missile to be launched? Or can this only be done by means of a conscious act? And how exactly does the weapon system select its target?” reads a JIT report on the […]

New Moon In Gemini: Cultivating Adaptability

There will be a New Moon in Gemini on June 4th/5th, which is the beginning of the 29.5 day Moon cycle. In astrological practice, we view New Moons as a new wave of energy happening as the Sun and Moon meet at the exact same point in the zodiac. New Moons aren’t significant new beginnings like Solar […]

Parents Found Their Lost Kid…. But After 90 Years, Family Witnessed A Shocking Truth

6-year-old Bobby Dunbar. The Judge found the kid to be Bobby Dunbar and gave custody to Percy and Lessie, parents of Bobby Dunbar. And Walters was convicted of kidnapping the kid and was sentenced to jail for two years. Bobby Dunbar with his wife and kids in 1948. The boy raised as Bobby Dunbar grew […]

Resist tyranny: Let your life be a friction to stop the machine

Transcript: Nightmare and insanity are akin: mysterious and involuntary states that skew and distort objective reality. One wakens from nightmare; from insanity there is no awakening. Whether Americans live in the one state or the other is the paramount question of this era. For two hundred years Americans have been indoctrinated with a mythology created, […]

UN urges Turkey to allow probe in southeast, says lack of info ‘fuels suspicion’

“While Turkey has a duty to protect its population from acts of violence, it is essential that the authorities respect human rights at all times while undertaking security or counter-terrorism operations,” UN human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said in a Tuesday statement. In particular, the UN wants to investigate reports that more than […]

US-NATO Military Display Forced Out Of Moldova’s Capital After Protest

Hundreds took to the streets of the Moldova’s capital Chisinau, on Sunday to protest against a display of NATO and US military vehicles. US and NATO soldiers had organized an exhibition of military vehicles and equipment on a central square in Chisinau earlier in the day, but were forced to leave following the demonstration. Russia Today […]

‘Land of the Strays’ Houses 900 Free-Roaming Adoptable Dogs and It’s Paradise

“Land of the Strays” is the shelter every dog-lover has been dreaming of with 900 free-roaming happy pups. by Brianna Acuesta The “Land of the Strays,” or Territorio de Zaguates, is seriously heaven on Earth for dog-lovers, especially those looking to adopt a new family member. The privately-funded, volunteer-run organization is in Costa Rica, where […]

Shocking video emerges of IDF soldier executing injured ‘Palestinian attacker’

     Shocking footage has emerged online apparently showing an Israeli soldier executing a wounded Palestinian lying on the ground. The victim had reportedly been injured in retaliation for a stabbing attack before being cold-bloodedly shot in the head. The video has been uploaded to B’Tselem human rights center’s YouTube account. It shows a crowd of […]

Energy giants take Merkel govt to top court over nuclear phase out

On Tuesday, the Federal Constitutional Court of Germany opened a two-day hearing into a legal argument between the Merkel government and Germany’s E.ON, RWE and Sweden’s Vattenfall. ‘Fukushima lessons: Any notion that nuclear power is clean is obsolete’ The case comes five years after Berlin ordered the phasing out of all German nuclear plants by […]

Mysterious Ocean Noises Baffles Scientists

For the last 25 years scientists have been left baffled as to the cause of mysterious ocean noises that originate from the depths of the Pacific Ocean. The strange sounds, known as the ‘Upsweep’, were first discovered in 1991. Scientists initially believed the sounds to be whale songs or ship vibrations, but these theories were quickly […]

The Realist Report: Dr. Lorraine Day Download On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Dr. Lorraine Day. Dr. Day and I discussed a number of topics in this introductory podcast segment, including her background and medical career, her research into and experience with cancer and the AIDS epidemic, health issues, the New World Order, and related matters. […]

Neocons taking over US academic institutions, promote Islamophobia

     Neoconservative Zionists have taken over US academic institutions and are promoting Islamophobia while pushing out professors who are sympathetic towards Islam and Muslims, an American scholar says. “Unfortunately today, these neoconservatives whose philosophy is that intellectuals should be in the service of tyrants who rule using big lies and mass murder,” said Kevin Barrett, […]

‘Netanyahu at War’ on PBS was dreadful but not without interest

A week ago, PBS’s Frontline series was devoted to a two hour documentary entitled ”Netanyahu at War,” a name that recalls Lord Moran’s celebrated book, Churchill at War (2002). The reference to the title of Lord Moran’s history of Churchill makes sense because as the film makes clear, Netanyahu thinks he is Israel’s Winston Churchill. […]

This Is Why We Have That Groove Between Our Nose And The Top Lip

Have you ever thought about the groove between our nose and the top lip? Well, If you haven’t, we will give you enough reasons to notice it. Well, the best part of life is that all the human beings, despite having the same body parts, look completely different from each other. Even though there are […]

This Is Why We Have That Groove Between Our Nose And The Top Lip

Have you ever thought about the groove between our nose and the top lip? Well, If you haven’t, we will give you enough reasons to notice it. Well, the best part of life is that all the human beings, despite having the same body parts, look completely different from each other. Even though there are […]

BREAKING: Mother Of Cali KILLER Busted As Active Member Of THIS Terrorist Group…

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – It turns out that the mother of San Bernardino terrorist Syed Rizwan Farook, is an active member of the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a Muslim organization that promotes the establishment of a caliphate and has ties to a radical Pakistani political group called Jamaat-e-Islami. Her name is […]

How a Shaman’s Medicine is Curing Combat Veterans of PTSD

Dylan Charles, EditorWaking Times Wars should not be waged so frivolously as hey are today, for the human spirit is too fragile to engage in such barbarity without suffering terrible consequences. Even the strongest, most dedicated, and most courageous of soldiers can be haunted for life after combat. Killing others and surviving death while buddies may not have […]

Half of Obamacare’s co-ops have now collapsed as delusional socialist health care scheme implodes

(NaturalNews) While there was some partisan opposition to President Obama’s health care reform law when he first proposed it during the 2008 campaign, most […]

Gunfire, explosions, hostage situation as jihadists attack luxury Radisson hotel in Mali

RTL France is quoting Carlson Rezidor Group, the company owning the hotel, as saying that two people are holding 140 visitors and 30 hotel employees hostage.  “As per our information the persons who have entered the building and have initiated the hostage-taking have locked the property, so it is not locked by police or other […]

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