Posts Tagged ‘soul’

A Brief History of Our Decline

Dr. Pierce discusses how Whites were seemingly on top of the world, controlling their own destiny in homogenous countries, but quickly fell from grace due to subversive influences. Youtube link: Source Article from

Akhmed Chataev: The inconvenient ‘fighter against Russia’ accused of planning the Istanbul attakcs

The confusing operation in Lopoto Gorge      On August 29, 2012, Georgian special units carried out a bloody operation in the foothills. This was the most serious incident in Russia-Georgia relations since the 2008 war. Police engaged an Islamist group which held hostage five Lapankuri inhabitants for two days. Negotiations failed, making fighting inevitable. TV […]

Mumps is Being Spread By and Among Vaccinated People

9th June 2016 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World Vaccines are a very lucrative business. Pfizer’s vaccine Prevnar, which targets 13 strains of pneumococcus bacteria, generated $6.25 billion in revenue last year. And that’s just one vaccine.[1] Even ineffective vaccines allow vaccine makers to make a mint. One of the most […]

Why You Should ‘Activate’ Your Nuts & Seeds – And How To Do It

Nuts and seeds are full of nutrients, healthy fats, and fibre, and if they aren’t already a part of your diet, you should definitely consider adding them in. They make for easy, delicious, and satisfying snacks, and can add a huge punch of essential nutrients to otherwise lacking meals and smoothies. Get The Most Out Of Your […]

GPS Tracking Devices Catch Major U.S. Recyclers Exporting Toxic E-Waste

A two year investigation of electronics recycling using GPS tracking devices has revealed that policies aimed at curtailing the trade in toxic e-waste have been unsuccessful, with nearly one third of the devices being exported to developing countries, where equipment is often dismantled in low-tech workshops — often by children — endangering workers, their families, […]

Study Shows HBOT As Reliable Treatment For Fibromyalgia

According to researchers of Rice University and some institutes in Israel, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) may be helpful for women suffering from fibromyalgia. A clinical trial carried out on women with this disorder disclosed an improvement in the painful condition for each of the 48 women who underwent 2 months of HBOT for fibromyalgia treatment. Brain scans taken […]

10 Small Things Parents Can Do To Make Their Children Feel Loved Every Day

As a parent, you may find yourself caught up in the motions of day-to-day life with your children, but it’s important to take a step back and evaluate the things you’re doing that are making them feel loved. Sometimes, it’s not always what meets the eye at first. Beyond the simple “I love yous,” do […]

A Simple Mistake That Keeps Millions Overweight (Video)

We all know we should eat better. Even those of us who follow the healthiest of diets could still probably make an improvement here or there. But “better” is a terribly ambiguous word, and the food industry, along with the diet industry, has placed various conditions on the term over the years. First it was fat. Fat was […]

How Conservatives Have Successfully Circumvented Roe v. Wade

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   According to a report from local media in Texas, there has been a 14% drop in abortions in that state in 2014 and this phenomenon can be attributed to a 2013 change in laws. Then Governor Rick Perry signed […]

The Lasting Lethal Legacies of the Fukushima & Chernobyl Nuclear Disasters

Despite all the evidence to the contrary, the nuclear industry and its government supporters continue to hide the threats of nuclear power from the public. The real risk of nuclear power, however, is inescapable for hundreds of thousands of Chernobyl and Fukushima survivors. Despite the immense suffering that accompanies losing your home or living in […]

Japanese Master Demonstrates the Power of Chi by Controlling Animals

Buck Rogers, StaffWaking Times We too often take it for granted that human beings only have five senses, and whenever something cannot be immediately explained within the framework of modern science, we tend to brush it off as an anomaly, or an oddity. “I exchange energy with the animals, and then they go to sleep.” […]

How you’ve been hypnotized by Big Pharma and your drug pushing doctor to self-identify with diseases, drugs and vaccines

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is the founding editor of, the internet’s No. 1 natural health news website, now reaching 7 million unique readers a month. In late 2013, Adams launched the Natural News Forensic Food Lab, where he conducts atomic spectroscopy research into food contaminants using high-end ICP-MS […]

Proper nutrition is the KEY to decelerating the aging process, says leading complementary medicine oncologist

(NaturalNews) Dr. Francisco Contreras is a well established oncologist and surgeon at the Oasis of Hope Hospital in Tijuana, Mexico, who’s passionate about changing the lives of those with cancer, particularly grade four cancers. He does so through the combination of conventional and integrative (complementary medicine) treatments, such as laetrile vitamin B-17 therapy, […]

The Realist Report: Dr. Lorraine Day Download On this edition of The Realist Report, we’re joined by Dr. Lorraine Day. Dr. Day and I discussed a number of topics in this introductory podcast segment, including her background and medical career, her research into and experience with cancer and the AIDS epidemic, health issues, the New World Order, and related matters. […]

Setup for failure: The facade of the Geneva peace talks for Syria

     The talks on the Syrian settlement in Geneva have taken a turn that could have been easily predicted. After the start of negotiations under the authority of the UN, launched on February 4 under an extensive amount of pressure from Washington, they were suddenly disrupted. The official statement reads that the talks have been […]

Ontario Pulls Plug on 36,000 Rural ‘Smart’ Meters: Is Big Energy Imploding?

Last night I watched The Big Short — maybe the most important Hollywood film in years. This true story is a powerful and eloquent invitation to wake up to the sheer depravity at the core of the system of commerce. The fact that the film got nominated for 5 Oscars including Best Picture is a huge […]

Taharrush: The Arab “Rape Game” Now in Europe

The new game in town The New Years Eve mass sexual assaults in Cologne and other European cities revealed the ugly face of it. Now, we actually have a name for it: Taharrush – the Arabic “rape game”. This is a term which is now already starting to trend, which many of you may already […]

New Poll: ‘Number 1 Problem Facing Americans Today’ is US GOVERNMENT

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Healthcare, economy, unemployment, immigration, and terrorism are mere sideline issues among most Americans, according to a recent Gallup poll. The number one problem in America today–is America–or, at least, the government which represents it. In 2015, for the second straight year, the […]

White 20-year old Female College Student Shot in Head on New Year’s Day by 5 or 6 Young Black Men – Where is the Media Outrage?

From: Denton Police say a 20-year-old University of North Texas student has died after being taken off life support following a shooting overnight. Sara Mutschlechner was driving along North Elm Street around 2 a.m. Friday when a black Toyota or Lexus SUV pulled up next to her. Words were exchanged […]

Why You Can’t Avoid Toxin-Laden Food

Tera Graham, GuestWaking Times From hormones to pesticides to preservatives to flavorants, there are literally thousands of different contaminants that can make their way into your food and beverages. Some are put there on purpose, to improve taste, texture, or longevity, while others seep in without producers’ or consumers’ awareness or consent. Yet, no matter […]

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