Posts Tagged ‘fills’

NYC hotel rates reach record highs as city fills available rooms with illegal immigrants

(NaturalNews) The cost of hotel rooms in New York City has increased by 8.5 percent after the local government turned hotels into shelters to provide temporary… Source

Ancient Alphabetic Script Found in Israel Fills Gap in Historic Record

A team of Austrian and Israeli archaeologists working the fertile ground of the famed Tel Lachish site in central Israel made a discovery that has altered existing theories about how the first alphabetic script was transmitted from ancient Egypt to other parts of the world. While exploring architectural ruins previously unearthed at this ancient site, […]

Franco-Belgian cellist Camille Thomas fills empty Louvre galleries with classical music

At over 500 years old, the Mona Lisa will have seen many things in her life on display – but rarely this: almost four months with no visitors. With the Louvre closed due to COVID-19 restrictions since late October, what could be the world’s most famous painting stares out from her panel across bulletproof glass […]

Biden fills out incoming communications team with campaign veterans

Kate Berner, who was deputy communications director for messaging on the Biden campaign, will serve as White House deputy communications director, the transition team announced. Emma Riley, who was the Biden campaign’s deputy communications director in Pennsylvania, has been named the White House communications office’s chief of staff. Remi Yamamoto, the Biden campaign’s traveling national […]

Nadler Urges Democrats to ‘Expand’ Supreme Court if GOP Fills Ginsburg Seat Before Inauguration

House Judiciary Chairman Jerry Nadler (D-NY) urged Democrats on Saturday to “immediately” mobilize to “expand” the Supreme Court if Republicans succeed in confirming a replacement for the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg. “If Sen. McConnell and [the] Senate GOP were to force through a nominee during the lame-duck session—before a new Senate and president can take office—then […]

Russian artist fills Moscow museum with colourful latex sculptures

Big, bright… and made out of latex. These sculptures and dresses were created by Russian artist Sasha Frolova. Her works include sculptures, music performances, and latex dress designs. “I think that the main job of an artist is to create a parallel reality,” says Frolova. “The parallel reality made from the artist’s creativity and filled […]

‘At Damascus Time’ fills Zarif’s eyes with tears

“Today, I with my wife and a number of the deputies at the Foreign Ministry, were hosted by Mr. Ebrahim Hatamikia at Owj Arts and Media Organization, to watch the new masterpiece of this great artist,” Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif wrote Thursday on his Instagram, describing the movie as an “unparalleled masterpiece”. At Damascus […]

GPS Tracking Devices Catch Major U.S. Recyclers Exporting Toxic E-Waste

A two year investigation of electronics recycling using GPS tracking devices has revealed that policies aimed at curtailing the trade in toxic e-waste have been unsuccessful, with nearly one third of the devices being exported to developing countries, where equipment is often dismantled in low-tech workshops — often by children — endangering workers, their families, […]

Imperial rights: Netanyahu says Golan will remain "forever" in Israel’s greedy paws

     Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Tel Aviv will never withdraw from the Golan Heights, a strategic area captured from Syria in 1967, claiming it has been in Israeli hands “since antiquity.” Comment: Funny, since Israel didn’t exist before 1949. While the UN-led peace talks on the future of war-torn Syria take place in Geneva, […]

UAE banks stand to benefit from Iran’s rebound

Many multinationals are likely to anchor operations through Dubai Dubai: Lifting of economic sanctions on Iran could be a boon for the UAE banks that have close ties with businesses in Iran according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF). “The UAE and Lebanon would benefit from the economic rebound in Iran. Given Lebanon’s financial […]

Ancient mass extinction led to dominance of tiny fish, paleontologist shows

     When times are good, it pays to be the big fish in the sea; in the aftermath of disaster, however, smaller is better. According to new research led by the University of Pennsylvania’s Lauren Sallan, a mass extinction 359 million years ago known as the Hangenberg event triggered a drastic and lasting transformation of […]

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