Posts Tagged ‘particles’

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

Killer Jabbed Shed Toxic Particles & Spike Proteins to Non Killer Jabbed, Expert Reveals

I had to fix the headline as there is no one anywhere on this rock can produce a verified, isolated, purified, reproducible sample of the mythical “SARS-COV-02” “virus”. 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever If one does not have a verified, isolated, purified, […]

SS Nazi Ratschild’s Bitch Soros Wants To Dump Heavy Medal Particles On You, Your Food, Your Land & Water

Nazi Ratschild’s Bitch Soros wants to Chemtrail your asses to death to “save” you from “Man Made Global Warming”. Ratschild’s whore bitch George Soros argued in favor using an “experimental” weather control technology which has been used already for many years called Chemtrails Some years back when I mentioned to a friend there were Chemtrails […]

Scientists Claim ‘Tiny Particles In The Air’ Triggering Spike In Sudden Heart Attacks

Scientists are now warning that “tiny particles” in the air are causing a sudden spike in heart attacks. Excess deaths have skyrocketed around the world in the past two years, with many young and healthy […] The post Scientists Claim ‘Tiny Particles In The Air’ Triggering Spike In Sudden Heart Attacks appeared first on News […]

White House Quietly Reveals 5-year Plan to Spray Particles in the Sky to Dim the Sun

By Matt Agorist Earlier this month, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) quietly revealed its plan to cool the Earth by reflecting sunlight back into space, The plan was tucked neatly away within the thousands of pages of the Consolidated Appropriations Act and the OSTP was directed by Congress to complete […]

Death via Graphene Oxide Nano-particles

American Intelligence Media  /  Our Spirit This article will address some of the following questions: Is there a diabolical plan behind superparamagnetic graphene/iron oxide nano-particles that are being found in the bloodstreams of people who have received the Covid vaccine or died from Sudden Adult Death Syndrome? Could the super-permeation of graphene family substances in […]

CON-CERN Erupts Over Portals, Particles & The Large Hadron Collider: Part 2

Vaxxter  /  Maryam Henein In Part 1, we asked the question: What are the scientists at CERN really looking for? The information seems fantastical or even apocalyptic, but is it conspiratorial? Here is Part 2: “This isn’t an episode of Saturday morning cartoons. Sorry to disappoint anyone wanting to test the event horizon theory but […]

CON-CERN Erupts Over Portals, Particles & The Large Hadron Collider

CON-CERN Erupts Over Portals, Particles & The Large Hadron Collider July 22, 2022 By Maryam Henein What are the implications of smashing particles together at such high speeds? Is CERN responsible for the Mandela Effects we’ve cataloged over the last few years? What are the facts and theories about portals and particles? Ten years after […]

So, what was the point? Cloth masks allow 90% of particles to filter through giving them little ability to prevent COVID transmission, study finds

Cloth masks barely filter any particles, making them near-useless for prevention of Covid spread Researchers built a computer model to simulate how well the masks filtered out particles, and found that 90% were able to get through Because cloth masks are made like clothing, and do not have filtering material built in, they fail to […]

Self Assembling Particles in Blood of Vaccinated People,

“This looks mechanical, it looks engineered, it’s artificial, it’s not natural, it’s definitely not biological. These particles were moving around and were self-assembling.” Source: Resonant Mind as found on TruthVideos1984.… Adverse reactions, Blood Clots and other Blood issues, FEMA guillotines, DUMBS, Black eyed children, Clones, Graphene Oxide, shortages and more:(WARNING GRAPHIC) A real look at […]


Eurofolkradio has just discovered the SECRET INGREDIENT of the Gates jab (mark of the BEAST): graphene oxide.  This is what is causing vaccinated people to be magnetic.  Spanish language video with English subtitles: Graphene Oxide ~ The Mechanism For Connection To 5G Grid 🥀 Magnetofection ( Graphene in vaccines: GRAPHENE IN VAX?! New Vax Study […]

Nearly All Covid Masks Are Worthless as Virus Particles Are FIVE TIMES Smaller Than Holes in the Masks

The best data to date indicates that the use of surgical or simple face masks are insufficient in most “Covid safety” situations. Even the N95 mask packaging has label verbiage indicating protection that can only go down to 0.3 microns, yet the Covid-19 virus particles have a diameter of approximately 60–140 nm, and that’s 0.06 […]

Soda pressing: All coronavirus particles in the world would fit inside a can, says British mathematician

Bath University mathematician Kit Yates has made the rather fanta-stical claim that all of the coronavirus particles present in the world at any given moment would fit inside a soda can, with room to spare. Factoring in global rates of infection, case numbers and estimations of viral load, Yates calculates that there are somewhere in […]

STUDY: Restroom hand dryers blow microscopic feces particles all over the place… but it’s called "green technology"

(Natural News) Hand dryers are supposed to help you clean up after using a public restroom, but a new study has shown that they actually make you dirtier thanks to their ability to blow particles of feces through the air. In a finding that is sure to make you think twice before […]

Top Bottled Water Brands Contaminated with Plastic Particles: Report

The world’s leading brands of bottled water are contaminated with tiny plastic particles that are likely seeping in during the packaging process, according to a major study across nine countries published Wednesday. “Widespread contamination” with plastic was found in the study, led by microplastic researcher Sherri Mason of the State University […]

Toxic Particles To Be Sprayed Into The Atmosphere In An MIT Geoengineering Experiment, Blocking Sunlight

By Arjun Walia If you’re concerned about our environment, geoengineering is something you need to be aware of. The sad reality is that most have no idea it’s happening, which is why it’s crucial to create more awareness on a subject about which the public has been kept completely in the dark. What is exactly […]

Plastic Micro-Particles Now Contaminating Drinking Water

Michael Parkes, Staff WriterWaking Times  The harmful impact of plastics on the environment, oceans and food systems is commonly known. Most people will have heard about the 18 ton island of plastic floating in the South Plastic with items found from all over the world including the United States, Europe, South America, Russia, Japan, […]

Patent Reveals Plan To Hide Vaccines In Food Particles

A disturbing patent discovered this week reveals plans to hide vaccines within food particles without the public knowing about it. US Patent application ‘US20080044481 A1’ (“Microparticles for oral delivery”) was filed in 2005, and allows drugs and vaccines to be embedded into tiny invisible particles of food.  Are we to assume the technology hasn’t yet […]

Who The F*ck Are These New People In Government?

Most people in the UK are wondering what is happening to the government. Who are all these new ministers and prime ministers darting in and out of No. 10 Downing street? What happened to David Cameron? For all his faults he was quite an honorable man. Who the bl…..n h*ll are these new crowd? Where did […]

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