Posts Tagged ‘kind’

Fox News’ Shep Smith Repeatedly Scolds Gov. Bobby Jindal Live on Air for Saying “All Lives Matter”

Renegade Editor: I don’t like Jindal at all and disagree with much of what he says, but I decided to include this because it is hilarious to see a Fox News anchor go full SJW after hearing a non-White say “All Lives Matter”. by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple Is Fox News anchor Shep Smith’s […]

Here’s Why The Culinary Institute Of America Wants Restaurants To Serve Less Meat

Consumers have become increasingly more health conscious and ingredient-savvy in recent years. No longer satisfied with simply “apple” or “bread,” we want to know how and where that apple was produced and what chemicals and preservatives were put into that bread; we want to know whether our food was sprayed with pesticides and how nutritious it is for […]

Germany Prepare For War Against Russia

A new German report suggests that Germany is making the necessary preparations to go to war with Russia.  According to the German Economic News (Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten, or DWN), the German government have declared Russia “an enemy of the nation”. reports: DWN says: “The Russian secret services have apparently thoroughly studied the paper. In […]

‘Her absurd generals, her military junk’ — Daniel Berrigan’s prophetic speech on Israel in ’73

I believe this is called a drive-by shooting. The New York Times devotes a whole page or so to an obituary of the great Daniel Berrigan, the Catholic priest who died yesterday in NY at 94. But this is paragraph 39: After visiting the Middle East, he bluntly accused Israel of “militarism” and the “domestic […]

Big Pharma goes all-out with massive increase in lobbying of U.S. lawmakers to protect drug price monopolies

(NaturalNews) The long, drawn-out political circus that accompanies a presidential election can be exhausting to say the least, especially when, as usual, the candidates are far from representing the public’s needs and wants. But thanks to social media and alternative news outlets, some genuinely important matters have made their way to the surface […]

Ghost government: US special districts

Special districts spend more public money than all city governments combined. That’s odd considering most of us don’t know they exist. Source:HBO Source Article from

BREAKING: Cruz Makes Drop Out Offer To Rubio For SCOTUS Appointment [VID]

Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Alex Jones reports on information consummate Trump Insider Roger Stone relayed to him on Saturday night after a speaking with reps from both the Rubio and Cruz campaigns. Apparently Ted Cruz has offered to drop out of the POTUS race in exchange for a supreme court appointment. This is bombshell information […]

SOTT FOCUS: The Refugee Crisis and the Destabilization of Europe – Is Putin Behind It All?

     Finland is at a crossroads. The choices its leaders make today could determine the fate of Finland and Finns for decades to come. The atmosphere has become toxic as the loudest voices take aggressive, black-and-white positions over the refugee crisis. The ‘hunt for the guilty ones’ is on, with different parties pointing the finger […]


HATE CRIMES: ANIMAL RIGHTS GONE BONKERS. CYBER TROLLING & HARASSMENT – WHEN WILL IT STOP? PART I Hi, my name is Dr Jose C. Depre. I run the International Animal Rescue Foundation, which is a self funded organisation founded by myself, and other [unnamed] environmentalists from around the globe. International Animal Rescue Foundation doesn’t ask for […]

The Reason This Woman Woke Up With Bruises Covering Her Body Is Terrifying

1. After a fun night out, Wilson woke up to discover these. She spent the night sober, so she knew full well that these didn’t come from a forgotten tumble. At most, she experienced a few slight bumps on the dance floor. 2. When the bruises didn’t disappear, she sought medical help. At first, doctors […]

How To Drive Stake Through Heart Of Zombie Fossil Fuel

Print Friendly Above Photo: In this April 24, 2015 photo, pumpjacks work in a field near Lovington, N.M. As oil production in the U.S. rose in recent years, so did the spills of salty wastewater that is also pumped to the surface. (Charlie Riedel / Associated Press) When I was a kid, I was creepily fascinated […]

More Disturbing (But Amazing) Pictures Expose The Absurdities Of Modern Culture *Warning: Graphic Images*

Pictures like the ones you are about to see have been surfacing more and more lately, as artists around the world feel compelled to respond to some of the ugliness they see in the world. While it may be true that artists who truly have the courage to share their thoughts on important social issues are rare, […]

Russian intel spots 12,000 oil tankers & trucks on Turkey-Iraq border – General Staff

“The [aerial] imagery was made in the vicinity of Zakho (a city in Iraqi Kurdistan), there were 11,775 tankers and trucks on both sides of the Turkish-Iraqi border,” Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy told journalists on Friday. “It must be noted that oil from both Iraq and Syria come through this [Zakho] checkpoint,” General Rudskoy said.  Heavy-duty […]

Saudi Form Pro-ISIS Block, UK jumps on the bandwagon, possibly out of ignorance

Saudis Form Pro-ISIS Block British forces join Saudi SUPER ARMY to OBLITERATE evil Islamic State militants by Stephen Lendman Bahrain, Bangladesh, Benin, Chad, Djibouti, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Islamic Federal Republic of the Comoros, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Pakistan, Palestine, Nigeria, Qatar, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Togo, […]

When Will Martial Law Be Implemented? Ask Your Pastor

Pastors serving government over God.   I have never seen a time such as the one we are living in. We have so simultaneous threats to our health and well-being, that it is difficult to know where to begin. ISIS is running rampant across America. The Russians and Chinese are […]

Cameron accuses opposition to illegal Syria bombing as “terrorists supporters” , while the evidence suggests he’s one

If Cameron wins the vote, made possible by Corbyn’s decision to allow a free vote among Labour MPs, British warplanes could be seeking to bomb Islamic State (formerly ISIS/ISIL) targets in Syria by the end of the week. In an interview Tuesday morning, Cameron told journalists Britain must “answer the call from our allies and […]

6.9 quake, powerful aftershocks strike off Chilean coast

The epicenter of the earthquake was located at a depth of just 10 kilometers (6.2 miles), according to the United States Geological Survey, which initially reported it as having a magnitude 6.6. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said that based on all available data they have received, there is no threat of a tsunami. There were […]

11 Ways To Be A Proactive Patient

6th November 2015 By Lissa Rankin, MD Guest Writer for Wake Up World As I wrote about here, too many patients hand the power of their health over to physicians who they believe will fix them, and then if the doctor fails to cure what ails them, they get frustrated and feel like helpless victims of […]

Columnist Melanie Phillips defends Netanyahu’s lie about the Holocaust

David Cronin Media Watch 30 October 2015 Benjamin Netanyahu is following a trend set by British imperialists. (IsraelinUSA/Flickr) Few pundits have defended Benjamin Netanyahu’s by now infamous claim that a Palestinian leader gave Adolf Hitler the idea of exterminating Europe’s Jews. One exception is the right-wing British columnist Melanie Phillips. Writing in The Jerusalem Post […]

Top officials at Rome’s Israelite Hospital arrested in fraud probe: Zio-Watch, October 25, 2015

The California Democrat helped found the Israel Project. He’s been a leader in initiating and advancing pro-Israel legislation, and has for decades warned about Iran’s nuclear intentions. He is one of just 25 Democrats who voted to disapprove of the Iran nuclear deal in September.At a hearing Thursday on Palestinian incitement, which culminated in a […]

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