Posts Tagged ‘talk’

Fox News’ Shep Smith Repeatedly Scolds Gov. Bobby Jindal Live on Air for Saying “All Lives Matter”

Renegade Editor: I don’t like Jindal at all and disagree with much of what he says, but I decided to include this because it is hilarious to see a Fox News anchor go full SJW after hearing a non-White say “All Lives Matter”. by Melissa Dykes of The Daily Sheeple Is Fox News anchor Shep Smith’s […]

Lavrov: UN, ISSG Decisions on Syria Should Be Implemented

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov stressed that decisions made by the UN Security Council and ISSG (International Syria Support Group) on Syria should be fulfilled. During a press conference in Azerbaijan, Lavrov said he believes differences between Moscow and Ankara on the Syrian conflict could ease thanks to a thaw in relations following a letter […]

USA at War Against Its People: 960 Shot by Police since January 2016

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Against the backdrop of the recent killing of 5 police officers during a Black Lives Matter rally the sobering statistics show that police officers shot 960 since January 2016. About half of the shootings were fatal. In the same period 171 police officers were shot, some of them fatally. Seen from abroad, many would […]

Why a High-Fat Diet is Best When it Comes to Health and Longevity

6th July 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World I remember as a teenager in the 80s how low-fat diets were all the rage in the United States. Suddenly, a slew of ‘healthy’ convenience foods were lining the supermarket aisles — from cookies to snacks and everything in-between. Low-fat cooking was championed and labels […]


Ziad Fadel IDLIB:  Just when you thought it was safe to frolic in the neighborhood, you get bit hard in the buttocks.  And so the life and times of one, Muhammad Al–Ghaabi, the leader of the American-created neo-nonsensical troupe of imbeciles, the Jaysh Al-Tahreer (Liberation Army),  was captured yesterday by Alqaeda at Kafr Nubbul in […]

America is no more

     When I was young, America still existed. No more. Not even the blather from the 4th of July can hide the obvious fact. The young do not know that they have lost their country, because they are born into a time when the country is lost. To them that is normalcy. Besides, the young […]

How 100 Syrians, 200 Russians and 11 dogs out-witted ISIS and saved Palmyra

  Franklin Lamb Palmyra Something just didn’t feel quite right to Syrian army brass as they penciled in final plans to liberated Palmyra in early March 2016 and as they debated how best to drive Daesh (ISIS) out of Palmyra and deep into the surrounding unwelcoming Syrian desert. This, according to army intelligence officials […]

NASA, UAE join forces for Mars exploration missions

NASA and the United Arab Emirates have signed a collaboration agreement on aeronautics research and space discovery with a focus on one of agency’s key pursuits — the exploration of Mars. “NASA is leading an ambitious journey to Mars that includes partnerships with the private sector and many international partners,” said NASA Administrator Charles Bolden […]

‘Beyond good & evil’: Russian FM spokeswoman slams homophobic comments on Orlando massacre

The homophobic reactions justifying the actions of the shooter by the victims’ sexual orientation are “simply disgusting,” Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in an emotional Facebook post. “Such elaborations are beyond good and evil.” She likened such comments to justifying “shooting children with developmental problems” by saying as an excuse that “they are […]

Buddha Boy Shocked the World by Meditating 10 Months Without Food or Water. Where is He Now?

Back in 2005 Ram Bomjon started meditating under a tree for a period of 10 months without any food, water or sleep. What’s happened since? by Joost Lekkerkerker Back in 2005 Ram Bomjon (nicknamed ‘Buddha Boy’) started sitting and meditating under a similar tree Buddha became enlightened under for a period of 10 months without […]

Israel reduces fishing zone off Gaza coast

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israeli occupation decided to reduce fishing zone off Gaza coast just two months after alleged expansion, Fishermen Syndication said on Monday. Head of Fishermen Syndication Nizar Ayyash said that the Israeli occupation informed the Palestinian Authority (PA) about the reduction of the fishing zone to become six nautical miles instead […]

No ‘yellow card’ [nor bloody ‘red card’] for Ahrar Al-Sham in Syria despite massacre reports

Ahrar Al-Sham (Harakat Ahrar ash-Sham al-Islamiyya or “Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant”) is one of the largest rebel groups in Syria, and belongs to the Saudi-backed High Negotiating Committee (HNC). It is considered a party to the Syrian ceasefire, negotiated by Russia and the US. U.S. & Saudi partners in Syria […]

Peter Dutton says ‘illiterate’ refugees would be ‘taking Australian jobs’

Immigration minister criticises pledges by Labor and the Greens to increase Australia’s refugee intake, claiming it would lead to unemployment. The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, has said refugees aren’t numerate or literate and would take Australian jobs in inflammatory comments arguing against increasing the refugee intake. Labor has said the comments are deeply offensive and […]

People’s Convention Before Dem Convention Continues People’s Revolution

Print Friendly Above Photo: The historical Arch Street Meeting House’s West Room – Philadelphia, PA The 2016 election cycle has revealed a deficit of democracy in our country and a failure of our major institutions to respond to the needs of the American public. As a solution to this dilemma, a grassroots coalition of organizers is […]

Belgium to Launch Air Strikes in Syria

nsnbc : Belgian Defense Minister Steven Vandeput announced that Belgium will expand its mission against the self-proclaimed Islamic State from striking targets in Iraq to also strike at targets in Syria. These air strikes in Syria would be conducted in violation of international law. Defense Minister Steven Vandeput informed the press that key Cabinet ministers […]

Just Claim It All

9th May 2016 By Sarah Elkhaldy Guest Writer for Wake Up World People will say you are “too light” if they are not comfortable with the light. People will say you are “too dark” if they are not comfortable with the dark. They will say you’re egotistical if they are not comfortable with owning their […]

Students explain why they protested Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat at San Francisco State University

The following statement was sent to us from General Union of Palestine Students (GUPS) at San Francisco State University: “With the unwavering commitment to social justice that is central to the work of the university, SF State prepares its students to become productive, ethical, active citizens with a global perspective.”  -SFSU Mission Statement On April 6th, 2016 […]

US troops in Syria to topple government — Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: Zio-Watch, April 29, 2016

Hamas says it is determined to continue “resistance” against Israel as it warns of an “explosion” amid Tel Aviv’s crippling blockade on the Gaza Strip.  Addressing thousands of residents in Gaza on Thursday, top leader Ismail Haniyeh said, “Hamas and the sons of Hamas are committed to resistance and determined to pursue the intifada (uprising).” “We say to the […]

Elephant Dies From Exhaustion After Carrying Tourists For 15 Years

An investigation has been launched into the death of a female elephant called Sambo, who collapsed and died at a roadside in Cambodia while carrying tourists in blistering heat.  Sambo was between 40-45 years old and had been carrying tourists in cruel conditions for 15 years of her life. reports: Photos of the animal originally […]

The Zero-Waste Revolution: A New Wave of Eco-Consious Living

24th April 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing Writer for Wake Up World 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted worldwide each year. It’s time to change our habits. Zero-waste is the latest trend among eco-friendly and sustainable-living circles — and it’s taking the world by storm. From legislation in France forbidding supermarkets from throwing away unsold […]

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