Posts Tagged ‘nyc’


Ziad Fadel IDLIB:  Just when you thought it was safe to frolic in the neighborhood, you get bit hard in the buttocks.  And so the life and times of one, Muhammad Al–Ghaabi, the leader of the American-created neo-nonsensical troupe of imbeciles, the Jaysh Al-Tahreer (Liberation Army),  was captured yesterday by Alqaeda at Kafr Nubbul in […]

National Bugle Radio — Slattery and Sloan: Why the media hates Brexit

Don’t know what to do with the David Duke show off the air on July 4? How about the new National Bugle podcast with Patrick Slattery and Richard Sloan. Since the Brexit vote the media has been roundly criticizing Brits for allowing their racism to interfere with their better judgment about their economic self-interests. But […]

CNN is a ‘fact-free zone’ on everything from Obamacare to vaccines and even Trump

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media, as it is called, is becoming less and less trustworthy, as evidenced by its declining readership and viewership. One of the worst offenders of biased, politically lopsided and factually incorrect coverage is CNN. When reporting on everything from likely GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, to GMOs and vaccines, […]

What is an “Anti-Fascist”?

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 2, 2016 What the hell is going on with these guys? Do they think this is cool? Following the events of the Battle of Sacramento, I was interested in looking at what exactly is going through the minds of the anti-fascist (“antifa”) faggots who rushed the place and got all stabbed-up. […]

Engine set ablaze during emergency landing of Singapore Airlines flight

     A blaze engulfed the right wing of a Singapore Airlines aircraft after its engine caught fire during an emergency landing at Changi Airport, forcing the evacuation of 222 passengers and 19 crew aboard the Milan-bound plane. Several hours into the flight, an oil leak forced SQ368 en route to Milan to turn back and […]

Michael Lerner brings down the house at Muhammad Ali funeral by standing up for Palestinians and against Netanyahu

Master of compassion, god of compassion, send your blessings to Muhammad Ali and send your blessings to all who mourn for him and send your blessings for all the millions and millions of People who mourn for him all over this planet. I come here speaking as a representative of American Jews — and to […]

Growth mindset: Your reaction to failure determines your potential for future success

     Our weaknesses are the source of our strengths; our failures are the roots of our successes. This is not another motivational cliché, this is a fact of history and science. Evolutionary theorists long ago concluded that the power of the human species lay in its weaknesses. Aware of their bodies’ fragility compared to that […]

Do you feel the disturbance in The Force? There’s nothing wrong with you… it just means you’re TUNED IN

(NaturalNews) I’ve heard from many people that they feel a great sense of uncertainty about what’s ahead for our world, our nation and even our own families. Many are frightened by what they see as a vast chasm of uncertainty… others feel a sense of helplessness from being “trapped” in their daily commitments […]

Democratic Superdelegates Are Officially Abolished

An amendment has been made to completely eliminate the influence of superdelegates at the Maine Democratic Party’s statewide convention this week.  Rep. Diane Russell, who introduced the amendment, said that once it passed the crowd erupted into chants of “Bernie! Bernie!,” in celebration. reports: “I never expected this kind of response from the amendment,” […]

Government Announces Plans To Spray Seattle With ‘GMO Bacteria’

Source: Your News Wire The Washington State Department of Agriculture have approved a pesticide-bacteria spraying program to be used over Seattle, in an attempt to kill Asian and European gypsy moths. The program, opposed by many residents, will spray a bacteria with pesticide properties called Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), the same bacteria gene commonly used […]

Man Could Face Life in Prison After Off Duty Police Officers Assault Him While Moonlighting as Gas Station Security

David Sobelman, 23, was going to buy a pack of cigarettes from the Petro Mart on College Avenue in Columbia, MO on February 28th of this year. Thanks to the two Columbia Police officers who were moonlighting (term used when cops work as security for private businesses) at the gas station that night, this trip […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

Panama Papers leads The Guardian to collapse into self-parody

     You’d be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama Papers had something to do with Vladimir Putin. Maybe he was a kingpin of the whole thing. Maybe he was, at least, among the 12 world leaders implicated in various shady financial practices – along with Petro Poroshenko, the saviour of Ukrainian […]

Panama Papers leads The Guardian to collapse into self-parody

     You’d be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama Papers had something to do with Vladimir Putin. Maybe he was a kingpin of the whole thing. Maybe he was, at least, among the 12 world leaders implicated in various shady financial practices – along with Petro Poroshenko, the saviour of Ukrainian […]

Panama Papers leads The Guardian to collapse into self-parody

     You’d be forgiven for thinking, given the above picture, that the Panama Papers had something to do with Vladimir Putin. Maybe he was a kingpin of the whole thing. Maybe he was, at least, among the 12 world leaders implicated in various shady financial practices – along with Petro Poroshenko, the saviour of Ukrainian […]

RT visits injured Nagorno-Karabakh kids in hospital amid reports of ongoing hostilities (VIDEO)

Escalation of hostilities in disputed Nagorny-KarabakhLIVE UPDATES “We were heading to the school when suddenly there was a blast. I fell. We started calling for help and then were brought to the hospital,” one of the wounded boys told RT’s Murad Gazdiev. According to the child, he received a serious thigh injury in the attack, […]

US Elections Ranked Worst Among Western Democracies

Print Friendly Above Photo: Votes are counted during Minnesota’s Democratic caucus. Reuters/Eric Miller The world is currently transfixed by the spectacle of American elections. From New York, London and Paris to Beijing, Moscow, and Sydney there is endless heated debate in the news media and across dinner tables about the factors fueling the remarkable success of Donald Trump, speculation […]

With hasbara robot, the ‘startup nation’ enters its decadent phase

We’ve all heard of Israel’s prowess in science and technology, but this is ridiculous. Ha’aretz reports that right-wing advocacy group StandWithUs sent a “robot-spy” to a panel discussion on Israel/Palestine held last week at Brown University, featuring MK Haneen Zoabi of the Joint Arab List as keynote speaker. The outlandish apparatus is shown in the photograph […]

Invaders Attack Aussie Film Crew in Sweden

In an incident which the victims described as being “worse than Somalia,” a large group of violent African invaders attacked a 60 Minutes Australia TV crew making a documentary on the nonwhite invasion of Sweden. According to Sweden’s Avpixlat news service, the attack took place on Monday this week when an Australian film crew […]

Gates Foundation Will Pay College Students To Eat Genetically Modified Bananas

Iowa State University researchers plan to move ahead this year with a long-delayed project in which a dozen students would be paid to eat genetically modified bananas. The trial is controversial, because natural-food proponents claim genetically modified foods can be dangerous. Many mainstream scientists, including those running the ISU project, disagree. […]

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