Posts Tagged ‘vendors’

New York City police raided vendors selling Islamic goods ahead of Ramadan: Report

(NaturalNews) The New York City Police Department raided a street in the city’s borough of Queens, just two days before the start of Ramadan, where Bangladeshi… Source

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Suggests Street Vendors Go Cashless to Stop Theft

Democrat Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot suggested that street vendors start going cashless in order to prevent robberies.  Source

Street vendors are essential workers. Where are our rights? | View

Opinions expressed in View articles are solely those of the authors. _Opinions expressed in View articles are solely those of the authors._ Street vendors are not often considered part of the labour movement. We are, after all, the workers who must resort to the informal economy to survive. But we are still workers, and we […]

Yang tweets about street vendors — and ignites fury on the left

“No one is saying this but you,” the NYC chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, which has not endorsed in the race, tweeted Sunday. “We don’t need more cops arresting street vendors.” The fight over street vendors in New York City encompasses multiple hot debates — from aggressive policing of women selling churros in […]

Observant Jewish vendors squeezed by Amazon’s 6-day-a-week shipping requirement

JTA — A change in requirements for participating in a select Amazon delivery program is posing potentially insurmountable challenges for Orthodox sellers. As of February 1, Amazon businesses that deliver from non-Amazon warehouses through Amazon Prime, a subscription service that includes free two-day delivery, must agree to fulfill orders six days a week. The sellers […]

Mozambican child street vendors accuse police of aggression

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Although it is technically forbidden, poverty drives many children in Mozambique’s Nampula province into trade to help support their families. […]

Gates Foundation Will Pay College Students To Eat Genetically Modified Bananas

Iowa State University researchers plan to move ahead this year with a long-delayed project in which a dozen students would be paid to eat genetically modified bananas. The trial is controversial, because natural-food proponents claim genetically modified foods can be dangerous. Many mainstream scientists, including those running the ISU project, disagree. […]

Man Caught Women Bathing In His Pond

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