Posts Tagged ‘raided’

New York City police raided vendors selling Islamic goods ahead of Ramadan: Report

(NaturalNews) The New York City Police Department raided a street in the city’s borough of Queens, just two days before the start of Ramadan, where Bangladeshi… Source

New Zealand Whistleblower who Shook the World has Been Raided by Police

From Karen Kingston @ substack December 3, 2023: Breaking News -New Zealand Reporter, Liz Gunn, reports that the whistleblower exposing the catastrophic deaths caused by the COVID-19 injection in New Zealand (120 or more deaths per day since the COVID-19 injection rollouts) has been raided by the police, as has one of his colleagues. Liz […]

Police Raided Afroman Searching for a ‘Dungeon.’ His Record Label Says He Doesn’t Even Have a Basement

Officers from the Adams County Sheriff's Office in Ohio raided the residence of rapper Afroman last summer in part because a confidential informant told them Afroman has a “dungeon” where he keeps women locked up and forces them to defecate and urinate in a bucket as punishment, according to a search warrant and body camera […]

Afroman Got Raided by Cops, So He Put Them in His Music Video

Afroman isn’t the first rapper to turn a damaging experience with law enforcement into music, but he’s definitely the first to shout out his mom’s lemon pound cake in the process. After the Adams County Sheriff’s Office conducted a raid on his Ohio property in 2022 with a warrant for drug trafficking and kidnapping, Afroman, […]

Amish Farmer raided by Jack Booted Feds, extorted for $300,000 For Producing Healthy Food

The U.S. Government mafia is running wild once again as they try to shake down an Amish farmer, another entry in the war against self-reliance. When you think of enemies of the state, I would guarantee that the Amish would never come to mind. The Feds didn’t seem to think so, however, as they decided […]

10 Telltale Signs You’re About To Get Raided By The FBI

From investigating school board parents to raiding Mar-a-Lago, the FBI is on a rampage! Who will they raid next? It could be you! Source

So-Called Conservative Hasn’t Even Been Raided By The FBI Yet

CARMEL, IN — According to several reports, so-called “conservative” Mike Pence hasn’t even been raided by the FBI yet. Source

King Tut’s Tomb Was “Raided” By Artifact Thief Howard Carter

New evidence suggests Howard Carter, the until now respected English archaeologist who excavated Tutankhamun’s (King Tut’s) tomb in Egypt in 1922, was a tomb-raiding “artifact thief.” Read more Section:  News History & Archaeology Read Later  Source

German Finance Ministry Raided in Money Laundering Probe

BERLIN—German prosecutors raided the finance and justice ministries on Thursday as part of an investigation into possible obstruction of justice by the government’s anti-money laundering agency. The probe into the Financial Intelligence Unit, an agency of the finance ministry under SPD chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz, is looking at whether the division failed to act on […]

Offices of senior German lawmaker in Merkel’s party raided over allegations he claimed huge fee in Covid mask deal – reports

Police in Germany raided the offices of a senior politician in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s party, Georg Nuesslein, who is accused of pocketing hundreds of thousands of euros for securing a face-mask contract, according to reports. A total of 13 properties were raided in Germany and Liechtenstein as part of a probe into alleged corruption and […]

Hebei, Beijing Churches Raided by Local Authorities

Photo Credit: Chickenonline/Pixabay China (International Christian Concern) – Several house churches in Yanjiao town, in central Hebei province, bordering Tongzhou District, Beijing, were recently raided by the police. A church even had its door broken into and church supplies confiscated. According to what some house church members in Beijing told China Aid, from Jan. 25 […]

German Doctor Raided by Armed Police During Live YouTube Stream

Top pathologist Dr. Roger Hodkinson told government officials in Alberta during a zoom conference call that the current coronavirus crisis is “the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public.” Hodkinson’s comments were made during a discussion involving the Community and Public Services Committee and the clip was subsequently uploaded to YouTube. Noting that he […]

Church Service in Central India Raided by Mob of Hindu Nationalists

Photo Credit: Ron James/Pixabay (International Christian Concern) – On Oct. 16, a Christian worship service was attacked by a mob of radical Hindu nationalists in India’s Madhya Pradesh state. After being falsely accused of engaging in forced religious conversions, a pastor and seven other Christians were taken into police custody for questioning. According to Pastor […]

Watch “AUSTRALIA Food Market RAIDED By NWO RIOT COPS” on YouTube

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Humanitarian Camp Raided By Border Patrol, 30+ People Arrested

Above photo: US Customs and Border Patrol special operations unit, BORTAC, raid humanitarian aid camp. Photo from No More Deaths. For more photos view the original. The government ramped up its efforts to stop humanitarian workers on the U.S.-Mexico border and raided the ‘No More Deaths’ aid station, Byrd Camp, arresting over 30 people. The […]

Innocent Couple Raided by Cops for Facebook Post of LEGAL Morel Mushrooms

May 15, 2018 By Matt Agorist Darlington, MD — It is a travesty enough when the drug war lays waste to the rights and lives of entirely decent people who’ve harmed no one simply because they choose to ingest a substance deemed illegal by the State. However, because the drug war […]

Scientists Raided After Discovering Dangerous Nanoparticle Contaminants in Common Vaccines

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times In an unabated attack on vaccine science and public health, two world renowned scientists who discovered contaminants in common vaccines have recently had their home raided and much of the documentation of their findings confiscated. Dr. Antonietta Gatti is most known for her work in the 1990’s studying […]

72 Year Old Grandma Shot Dead As SWAT Raided Her Home To Arrest Her Son For Marijuana

Michael Anthony Livingston, 50, was suspected of selling a plant that is legal in some form in well over half the country. Because the other half of the country still violently and callously kidnaps, cages, and kills people for this plant, however, Livingston is in jail and his mother is now dead. Geraldine Townsend, 72, […]

Far Reich: Terrorist cell aiming to bring back German Empire raided by cops

Searches were carried out in three German states after police found evidence that the alleged members of the group held a meeting in the summer of 2017. Reichsburgers, which translates to “Reich citizens,” do not recognize the Federal Republic of Germany as a state, and instead identify with the German Empire that existed from 1871 to […]

Father Murdered, Family’s Home Raided by 240 Cops for Exposing High-Level Gov’t Pedophiles

After trying to expose a group of high-level government pedophiles, a victim’s father was murdered, the victim kidnapped by the state, and the family persecuted by government officials. A teenage refugee from Lithuania has come forward with a White House petition and a damning testimony showing what happened after his family tried to […]

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