Posts Tagged ‘jets’

More lunacy: Pokémon Go players scale perimeter, sit next to tiger enclosure

     Two Pokémon Go players in their 20s were arrested after breaking into a Toledo, Ohio zoo in the middle of the night while playing the augmented reality video game. Robin Bartholomy, 25, and Adrian Crawford, 26, were found sitting next to a tiger enclosure by police after they jumped a fence at about 2.30 […]

The Cop Who Killed Philando Castile Wasn’t White

Editor’s Comment: Cries of racism and trending hastags over the death of Philando Castile have ceased. Why? Because the cop who shot him isn’t White. If the media was truly concerned with police violence, they’d cover all instances equally not just hyper focus on the cases that involve only White cops and black men while denying the far […]

Deterrence & dialogue: Merkel says Russia key to European security but defends NATO buildup

“There is an agreement among our partners and the [NATO] alliance, and we are united on this, that long-lasting security can only be ensured in cooperation with, not in defiance of, Russia,” German Chancellor Angela Merkel said, speaking to MPs on Thursday. The chancellor’s parliamentary speech comes ahead of the upcoming NATO summit in Warsaw. […]

Marseille airport evacuated 2 days before city set to host Euro 2016 semi-final

According to a witness at the scene, the military has now allowed passengers to re-enter the airport. Marseille is the venue for Thursday’s Euro 2016 football semi-final between France and Germany. The airport is located 27km from Marseille, and is the fifth busiest airport by passenger traffic and third largest for cargo traffic in France. […]

LuxLeaks trial: Corruption watchdog says sentence increases fears for whistleblowers

“Transparency International is very disappointed with the verdict on the LuxLeaks whistleblowers,” Anja Osterhaus, regional program manager for Transparency International, a global anti-corruption organization, told RT. “It’s very bad news for whistleblowers, the sentence. We are afraid this can add to the fears these people [have],” Osterhaus said, adding that while the certain level of […]

Israel steals money of Palestinian workers

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israeli treasury withheld NIS31bn ($8bn) from Palestinian workers in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip, Palestinian Authority (PA) Working Minister Mamoun abu-Shahla revealed on Tuesday. The Israeli treasury owes this money to around three million Palestinian workers working in Israel over the past 46 years, the minister said. […]

Donald Trump’s Full Anti-Hillary Clinton Speech

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Zarif arrives in Netherlands

Amsterdam, June 23, IRNA – Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif arrived here on Thursday morning after wrapping up his two-day visit to France. Zarif is slated to meet and hold talks with his Dutch counterpart and some other senior Dutch officials during his stay in Amsterdam. Zarif will depart for The Hague after his […]

HPV Vaccine To Be Trialled On Babies

Pharmaceutical giant Merck has announced plans to trial a new HPV vaccine on babies.  The controversial trial aims to look at the effects of the HPV vaccine in infants, with the possibility of rolling out a mandatory HPV vaccine program in the future. reports: The Gardasil / HPV vaccine has caused pain and agony on […]

No end in sight: At least 40 injured and 58 arrested in Paris anti-labor reform protests

     At least 40 people, including 29 officers, were injured as protesters against France’s highly unpopular proposed labor law clashed with police in Paris. Police made 58 arrests and deployed tear gas and water cannons against the demonstrators. Twenty-nine officers and 11 rioters have been injured during clashes in the heart of the French capital, […]

‘Beyond good & evil’: Russian FM spokeswoman slams homophobic comments on Orlando massacre

The homophobic reactions justifying the actions of the shooter by the victims’ sexual orientation are “simply disgusting,” Russian Foreign Ministry’s spokeswoman Maria Zakharova wrote in an emotional Facebook post. “Such elaborations are beyond good and evil.” She likened such comments to justifying “shooting children with developmental problems” by saying as an excuse that “they are […]

Iran, UN urge Yemen ceasefire to continue in Ramadan

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab and African Affairs Hossein Amir Abdollahian and Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, the UN special envoy to Yemen, called for a ceasefire that has been in place in Yemen since April to continue as the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan is approaching. In a telephone conversation on […]

‘We shouldn’t look up to the US’ – philosopher Michel Onfray to RT on France’s foreign policy

“We call Obama and ask him, ‘What are you planning to do? What is on your agenda?’ The US say, ‘We are planning to do this and that,’ and we say, ‘Yes, sir.’ We should come up with our own policy line and stop looking up to the US,” Onfray told RT. ‘Clinton as president […]

Corporate fear mongering: How big food & big pharma have driven ‘thinning bone fears’ to sell products

If you’re worried about thinning bones, or bone fractures, you probably have Big Food and Big Pharma to thank for keeping you up at night. For decades, these two industries have used scare tactics to convince the general population that they’re bones are at risk—and that they, and they alone, have the answers to your […]

Corporate fear mongering: How big food & big pharma have driven ‘thinning bone fears’ to sell products

If you’re worried about thinning bones, or bone fractures, you probably have Big Food and Big Pharma to thank for keeping you up at night. For decades, these two industries have used scare tactics to convince the general population that they’re bones are at risk—and that they, and they alone, have the answers to your […]

‘Unprecedented steps’: Russian military explores Kuril chain island as potential Pacific Fleet base

Some 200 members of the joint expedition by the Russian Ministry of Defence and the Russian Geographical Society are currently on Matua reviewing the state of infrastructure on the abandoned Soviet military base there. ​Russia builds up, modernizes military on disputed Kuril Islands “The main goal of the expedition is to study the possibility of […]

Lavrov, Kerry discuss Moscow’s proposal to join against militants violating Syria ceasefire – FM

Lavrov, Kerry: Syria meeting sees progress, agrees to turn truce into real ceasefire During a phone call on Monday Lavrov and Kerry discussed the current state of affairs in Syria, paying special attention to a recent proposal from Moscow that envisions joint US-Russia military attacks on militant groups and other terrorist networks which disregard the […]

Lawsuit: SC detective demanded rape victim participate in nude ‘catfights’

A lawsuit filed by a woman whose sexual assault case was being investigated by an Horry County detective accuses him of demanding that she participate in a nude, videotaped fist-fight with other women while a group of men watched. The suit, filed Wednesday, accuses former HCPD Detective Allen Large of offering the […]

EgyptAir flight 804 disappears en route from Paris to Cairo with over 60 on board

“An informed source at EGYPTAIR stated that Flight No. MS804, which departed Paris at 23:09 (CEST), heading to Cairo has disappeared from radar,” the airline said on its Twitter. Flight MS804 left Charles de Gaulle Airport at 11:09 pm on Wednesday Paris time and was expected to arrive in Cairo by 3 am on Thursday. […]

7 Reasons Why Going Nuts Makes Perfect Sense!

16th May 2016 By Katrin Geist Guest writer for Wake Up World Nuts are amazing. Their properties and potential dietary uses has spurred intensive scientific investigation for the past few decades (Russo & Siani 2012). Provided there are no allergies present, incorporating nuts into your diet could be a worth while consideration with a potentially big pay-off. […]

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