Posts Tagged ‘el’

Top Spanish bullfighter gored to death in ring first time this century

     A top Spanish bullfighter has been gored to death in the ring during a fight observed by hundreds of horrified spectators. He is the first person to have died at a bullring in the country this century. Victor Barrio, 29, was killed on Saturday when a bull’s horn ripped through the man’s chest. The […]

Leftist riot in Berlin: Radicals clash with police, torch cars

An estimated 2,000 far-left radicals clashed with police in the Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg neighborhoods on Saturday and during the night that followed. They were opposed by some 1,800 security personnel. Police units came to the German capital from at least four different federal parts of Germany. Other sources suggest there were up to as many […]

US imported terrorism to Middle East, new Philippines president says

Speaking at an event being held in honor of the holy Islamic day of Eid’l Fit’r in Davao City on Friday, the leader challenged the narrative that the Middle East is the root of terrorism. “It is not that the Middle East is exporting terrorism to America; America imported terrorism (to the Middle East),” he […]

Marseille airport evacuated 2 days before city set to host Euro 2016 semi-final

According to a witness at the scene, the military has now allowed passengers to re-enter the airport. Marseille is the venue for Thursday’s Euro 2016 football semi-final between France and Germany. The airport is located 27km from Marseille, and is the fifth busiest airport by passenger traffic and third largest for cargo traffic in France. […]

EU disintegration ‘practically irreversible’ – Soros

“Britain eventually may or may not be relatively better off than other countries by leaving the EU, but its economy and people stand to suffer significantly in the short to medium term,” Soros wrote in a commentary on the website Project Syndicate. “The catastrophic scenario that many feared has materialized, making the disintegration of the […]

Power failure disrupts Brussels Airport departure area (PHOTOS)

Power failure in several airport areas. We’re working hard on solving this asap. Sorry for the inconvenience, we’ll keep you posted. — Brussels Airport (@BrusselsAirport) June 10, 2016 Update: we’ve detected the cause of the power failure & are now fixing this. It may take some time before all systems are up and running. — […]

Bad Goy Alert: Czech Politician Demands Islam be Crushed

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 21, 2016 Bad goy alert! Shut it down! Breitbart: Islam is a “criminal” ideology which deserves to be ranked with “Nazism, fascism and communism”, is “incompatible with the principles of European law” and, like its totalitarian predecessors, must inevitably be defeated. So argues Czech lawyer, activist and politician Klára Samková in a hard […]

Donald Trump Warns Of Another 9/11-Style Attack By Syrian Refugees

Donald Trump has warned that the Obama administration’s effort to step up asylum for Syrian refugees has put the US on the verge of another large-scale terrorist attack. The presumptive US Republican presidential nominee thinks that a 9/11 level attack would be led by refugees entering the United States with mobile phones funded by the […]

Philippines ‘Donald Tump’ On Track To Win Presidency

Filipinos are casting their votes on Monday for a new president, with a tough-talking straight-shooting Donald Trump type of candidate poised as favorite to win. Voice of America reports: Rodrigo Duterte, the long-serving mayor of the southern city of Davao, is leading in public opinion polls by as much as 10 percentage points over his […]

France to create de-radicalization centers for would-be jihadists

“Every era has its challenges. The fight against jihad is the great challenge of our generation,” Valls wrote on Twitter on Monday, presenting a plan of new anti-terror measures. According to the prime minister, France should be “moving up” to prevent and track radicalization. READ MORE: Most European ISIS fighters come from France, Germany, UK […]

Main Motivation Behind US Voters Is Blocking Unwanted Candidate

Almost half the American voters are going to vote “against” rather than “for,” in order to ensure that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump doesn’t win the presidential election, according to a poll released this week. RT reports: Nearly half the supporters of Republican candidate Donald Trump plan to vote for him out of fear […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

What does science say about the topical use of castor oil?

     For many centuries, folklore medicine has recommended the use of castor oil, either orally or transdermally, for a wide range of complaints. Naturopathic doctors and other practitioners continue to utilize its therapeutic potential in the management of the health of their patients and clients. When confronted with the recommendation for topical application by their […]

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