Posts Tagged ‘ziowatch’

Trump Doctrine: Work with Russia, Draw Back NATO, Stop Arming Syrian Rebels

Republican nominee Donald Trump is anything but conventional bandying around suggestions that the United States force Mexico to pay for a wall to keep undocumented immigrants from fleeing into America, refinancing US debt as though the faith and credit of the dollar were akin to high-risk junk bonds, and declaring “you bet your ass I would” bring back waterboarding because the other side is “chopping […]

National Bugle Radio — Slattery and Fulford: EU, USA, Japan living in interesting times

Ever wonder what would happen if you ask Benjamin Fulford a question and leave the mike running? Dr. Slattery asks investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford for his take on Brexit, Black Lives Matter, the Japanese election, and more. This is an interesting listen.   Print PDF Source Article from

Trump picks neocon Pence as running mate: Zio-Watch, July 14, 2016

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s former chief of staff Ari Harow was detained by police at Ben Gurion Airport Thursday morning and taken in for questioning, reportedly in connection with a corruption investigation against the prime minister. In December, he was questioned by police under caution for a “range” of offenses he was suspected to have […]

After two years, Israeli offensive on Gaza in numbers

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israeli occupation launched widespread offensive on Gaza Strip in August 2014, left around 2,150 Palestinians dead and more than 11,000 injured. Here is a breakdown for the causalities of that Israeli genocide carried out against the Palestinians amidst full international silence. After two years, there are tens of the Palestinians […]

Dr. David Duke with UK Activist Mark Collett on the Battle for Western Civilization & the European People

Dr. David Duke with UK Activist Mark Collett on The Battle for Western Civilization & the European People Today Dr. Duke had his British correspondent Mark Collett as his guest for the hour. They discussed the Jewish led push for wars in the Middle East, which serve the dual purpose of weakening Israel’s potential […]

This 4th of July Vow To Expose The Bastards!

Look how they get away with all this lying BS, day-in, day-out. Extremely well-paid lefty traitor Charlie Rose pushed this crap on CBS’s “60 Minutes” like it was so great. By Phillip Marlowe (the INCOG MAN) Are you angry, WHITE people, yet? Well, you ought to be. The White-haters are busy turning our lands inside out […]

Black Lives Matter halts Toronto Pride parade to address ‘anti-Blackness’: Zio-Watch, July 4, 2016

“Entebbe is always with me. In my thoughts, in my mind, and deep in my heart,” the prime minister said. “The hijacking of the Air France plane to Entebbe touched a nerve for the people of Israel,” Netanyahu continued. “Thirty-one years after the Holocaust, another a selection process took place in which Jews were separated […]

Israel puts 65 Palestinian kids under house arrest

Days of Palestine, Jerusalem -Israeli occupation has put 65 Palestinian children under house arrest, 12 others in administrative detention since start 2016. Head of PLO’s Committee for Prisoners and Freed Prisoners Issa Qaraqe said Israeli occupation authorities expelled 18 Palestinian children from their hometowns during the first half of the year. Like our page on Facebook […]

Mark Dankof on the Brexit Vote and What it Means for Subsequent Strategies Against The New World Order

Mark Dankof: The Brexit Vote of June 23rd, 2016: A Temporary Setback for the New World Order or the Beginning of Its Unraveling? [This represents the total content of Mark Dankof’s responses on the Brexit vote of June 23rd for Jonas E. Alexis and Veterans Today, which will be posted at that site as individual […]

Brexit: It’s NOT the economy, stupid!

WASHINGTON — The economic fallout from Britain’s vote to leave the European Union was swift and stark. The pound cratered to its lowest level in three decades. When the London Stock Exchange opened the next morning, its leading share index immediately fell by more than 8 percent, the largest single-day drop since the 2008 financial […]

Professor Cohen: Media silencing Trump on New Cold War — He would win if given a fair chance

By Dr. Patrick Slattery — Once again, my apologies to Professor Stephen F. Cohen. I know it doesn’t do him any favor to be quoted on, but our readers need to hear these thoughts expressed by a high-profile Princeton University Professor Emeritus. On his June 20 radio broadcast on the John Batchelor Show, he […]

Expecting migrants to enrich German economy is ‘fairytale’ – AfD leader: Zio-Watch, June 21, 2016

Avigdor Liberman speaking during a Knesset meeting about Operation Protective Edge, Aug. 4, 2014. (Flash 90) WASHINGTON (JTA) — Israel’s newly installed defense minister, Avigdor Liberman, met Monday with his U.S. counterpart, Ashton Carter. Liberman, who last month replaced longtime defense minister Moshe Yaalon, is in Washington, D.C., seeking to reassure Israel’s closet ally that […]

Donald Trump praises Israel’s racial profiling, calls for same in US: Zio-Watch, June 20, 2016

Ehud Barak speaking at a launch event for the Reporty app in Tel Aviv, March 16, 2016. (Flash90) (JTA) — Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak said Benjamin Netanyahu’s government is encouraging “budding fascism.” “A fanatic nucleus of extremist ideology has taken over Likud by using loopholes in the primaries constitution, purging Likud’s leadership of […]

Former Israeli defense minister Moshe Yaalon says he will run for prime minister: Zio-Watch, June 18-19, 2016

An Iron Dome Missile Defense battery firing near the Southern israeli town of Ashdod, July 16, 2014. (Miriam Alster/Flash90) WASHINGTON (JTA) — Despite President Barack Obama’s veto threat, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a $576 billion defense appropriations bill, including an allocation of $635 million for Israel’s missile defense program. Thursday’s vote on the […]

Jews Fanning Feminism To Destroy Our Race

Trigger Warning: Fanning the Flames of Feminism to Take Focus From Jewish Culpability By Kyle Hunt @RENEGADE TRIBUNE Almost no one likes radical feminists. You know the caricature – they are aggressive, loud, often fat, with garishly colored hair, and always blaming men for all of their problems. Yet how many of you actually know some of […]

Watch why Palestinians shot Israelis in Tel-Aviv

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Here are some videos show why two Palestinian youths carried out Tel-Aviv shooting, killed four Israelis and wounded 16 others. Here you will see a number of extremist Israeli Jewish settlers storming a Palestinian house in the occupied West Bank and evacuate its Palestinian inhabitants. The settlers ignore the Palestinian […]

Crooked Hillary Violated US National Security Laws

By Patrick Howley @BREITBART Hillary Clinton posted and shared the names of concealed U.S. intelligence officials on her unprotected email system. Federal records reveal that Clinton swapped these highly classified names on an email account that was vulnerable to attack and was breached repeatedly by Russia-linked hacker attempts. These new revelations — reminiscent of the […]

Lieberman warns northern neighbors: ‘Don’t test us’: Zio-Watch, June 7, 2016

Mark Zuckerberg speaking at a conference in Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 21, 2016. Mobile (Pau Barrena/Bloomberg) (JTA) — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg had some of his social media accounts hacked. Zuckerberg’s Twitter and Pinterest accounts were hacked Sunday by a hacker group called OurMine, according to reports. The group reportedly discovered Zuckerberg’s password during a breach […]

UK charity revokes prize of Palestinian refugee

Days of Palestine, London -The Palestinian refugee, who won the final of Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge, is no longer being sent to the grand final of the competition. Leanne Mohamad of Wanstead High School, in London, won the Redbridge regional final earlier this month with a speech entitled ‘Birds not Bombs.’ During the speech, […]

The US is dropping calls for Assad to go because the Syrian regime is a better bet than Isis: May 27-28

Chris Evans playing the title role in the 2016 film “Captain America: Civil War.” (Screenshot from YouTube) The new Captain America comic book includes an epic reveal, and some people are not happy about it. When fans ran out to grab Marvel Comics’ “Captain America: Steve Rogers #1” on its release Wednesday, they were not expecting this. […]

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