Posts Tagged ‘11’

Seven reasons eating dark chocolate supports healthy living

(NaturalNews) Chocolate has been a long-time favorite of children and adults alike to satisfy a sweet tooth or cure a broken heart. In the early day’s chocolate was seen as a mood-enhancing aphrodisiac and symbol of luxury and power only available to the wealthiest of people. Once touted as the “food of Gods” […]

Fox Contributor Calls For White America to Stand Up Against Black Lives Matter

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Sheriff David Clarke made an appearance on Fox News to speak out against Black Lives Matter (BLM), calling them a “domestic hate group” and comparing this movement to “radical Islam”. In his op-ed piece published by the right-wing news outlet, Clarke […]

Defending freedom of the press: Activists now suing Facebook over censorship

(NaturalNews) Pamela Geller is an explosive figure who is not daunted by the “politically correct.” In particular, when it comes to discussing the reality of violent Islamic extremism – her bailiwick – she is not only vocal, but relentless. Only, Facebook can’t seem to handle the truths that she and her supporters put […]

Harry Potter in New Movie About Nazi Terrorists

Harry Potter actor Daniel Radcliffe is starring in Imperium, an upcoming (((movie))) about a group of “White supremacist” “Nazis” terrorizing the country. The jews in Hollywood and government agencies certainly do seem to be worried about the rise of White racial consciousness. Youtube link: Source Article from

Deadly Dallas Standoff Which Claims Five Police Officer Lives Ends After Final Suspect Shoots Himself

In a scene reminiscent of a warzone, eleven Dallas police officers were shot overnight by at least two snipers here Thursday night during a protest over police brutality, leaving five officers dead and wounding six, throwing the city into chaos and turning parts of downtown into a massive crime scene by Friday morning. […]

Breaking Update: Video Shows Sniper Shootings of Police During Ambush at Dallas Protest

Overnight updates will be added to this post as they become available: Update (4:43am EST): A fourth suspect is reported dead of a self inflicted gunshot. “Suspiscious devices” discovered in parking garage where standoff happened. Update (3:45am EST): A fifth cop has died. Update (2:47am EST): Mark Hughes, man identified as “person of interest” had […]

128 dead, scores missing with 1.34 million evacuated; 41,000 houses destroyed as Biblical floods hit China

     Heavy rain has left 128 people dead and 42 others missing in five days, figures from the Ministry of Civil Affairs showed on Tuesday. Rain since June 30 has led to the collapse of 41,000 houses and forced the evacuation of more than 1.34 million people, mostly along the Yangtze River and its tributaries. […]

The Zionist Criminal Enterprise Which is ISIS

The entire ISIS entity, all that it represents and all that it perpetrates, is nothing than a Zionist Jew-orchestrated criminal enterprise. The front person for this enterprise is hard-core, extremist Zionist Jew Rita Katz. Make no mistake about it through that Mossad front SITE Katz has established as her entire purpose a malicious war against […]

European Immigrant Despairs for Canada

Mother says pharmacists killed son by prescribing toxic dose of ADHD medication

(NaturalNews) It’s a shame to see so many kids put on horrific ADHD drugs that cause physical and psychological drug dependence. It’s not just the drug itself that’s damaging; it’s the whole warped philosophy used to justify the drugging of children who won’t pay attention or sit still. Kids today are told to […]

Civil Uprising Escalates As 8th EU Nation Threatens Referendum

American Red Cross exposed as massive, incompetent fraud: built just six homes after collecting half a billion dollars in Haiti earthquake donations

About the author:Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger“) is a best selling author (#1 best selling science book on and a globally recognized scientific researcher in clean foods. He serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. […]

Why the British Said No to Europe

  by JOHN PILGER The majority vote by Britons to leave the European Union was an act of raw democracy. Millions of ordinary people refused to be bullied, intimidated and dismissed with open contempt by their presumed betters in the major parties, the leaders of the business and banking oligarchy and the media. […]

The Government Wants to Microchip All Kids ‘Sooner Rather Than Later’

The U.S. government intends to further their control over the lives of Americans by introducing microchipping for children in the near future. by Brianna Acuesta As time goes by, the government seems to want to regulate the lives of Americans more and more. Sometimes these decisions for further regulation actually help the American people, which […]

Iraqi forces start operation to liberate Anbar districts

Iraqi forces have launched a new operation to liberate two districts in the embattled Anbar Province as part of a push to drive out Daesh terrorists. Staff Major General Ismail al-Mahalawi, the head of the Anbar Operations Command, said on Monday that the forces began liberating Zankurah and Albu Rishah districts north of the provincial […]

15-Minute Low Level Daily Exercise Can Cut Death Risk For Older People

A new study has found that a brisk 15-minute walk can reduce the risk of death among the over 60s by up to 22%. Experts say that just fifteen minutes of exercise a day may be a reasonable target for people over 60 who do not feel able to reach the current recommended targets for […]

My Edited Video

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor ( source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Jews Fanning Feminism To Destroy Our Race

Trigger Warning: Fanning the Flames of Feminism to Take Focus From Jewish Culpability By Kyle Hunt @RENEGADE TRIBUNE Almost no one likes radical feminists. You know the caricature – they are aggressive, loud, often fat, with garishly colored hair, and always blaming men for all of their problems. Yet how many of you actually know some of […]

Iranian DM pledges continued advisory support for Syria

Speaking at a meeting with Syrian Defense Minister Fahd Jassem al-Freij in Tehran, Brigadier General Dehqan emphasized that taking firm and decisive action against terrorism is among Iran’s declared policies. “Based on the request of the legitimate government of Syria, we regard supporting the people and government of the country as our duty,” the Iranian […]

EU to Alot €15M for May Salaries and Pensions in Palestine

IMEMC : The European Union announced, Sunday, a contribution to the PA of €15.0 million for the payment of May’s salaries and pensions for over 66,000 Palestinian civil servants and pensioners in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. This contribution is being channeled through the PEGASE mechanism, the EU said according to WAFA. EU […]

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