Posts Tagged ‘cost’

Cop Shoots Man as He Literally Lies Down, Keeps Hands Up and Begs Not to Be Shot

Claire Bernish | The Free Thought Project An unarmed therapist, who had his hands in the air as he lay on his back on the ground attempting to calm an autistic patient in distress, was shot in the leg by a trigger-happy cop. Police in North Miami, Florida, responded […]

Copblock Radio EP 126: “Copblockers Speak Out”

This week on Copblock Radio our hosts were myself (Severin Freeman) from Lehigh Valley Copblock, Matt Taylor of Carbon County Copblock, and our very special guest host, Michael Storm! Our show was jammed packed with guests this week, however Asa J couldn’t make it, but you can read his take here. We started off the […]

Erdogan was nearly Erdogone, still I expect it’s just a matter of time. ISIS would certainly miss him

Turkey’s Attempted Military Coup d’Etat against President Erdogan By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, July 16, 2016 Contradictory reports are coming in. A faction within Turkey’s military announced that it had seized power against president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The statement accused Erdogan of “eroding the country’s secular traditions”,  Martial law was announced and a curfew […]

We Probably Won’t Have Invisibility Cloaks and Here’s Why

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) have finally answered the age of question of whether or not we can ever be invisible. In the spirit of H.G. Wells and Harry Potter, Andrea Alu, professor of electrical and computer […]

The growing epidemic of US cops shooting dogs and unarmed Americans

“In too much of policing today, officer safety has become the highest priority. It trumps the rights and safety of suspects. It trumps the rights and safety of bystanders. It’s so important, in fact, that an officer’s subjective fear of a minor wound from a dog bite is enough to justify using potentially lethal force, […]

European Immigrant Despairs for Canada

WATCH: Imploded Casino Collapses Just Like WTC7 on 9/11

During a controlled implosion, a high-rise Las Vegas casino collapsed at near free-fall speed – just like World Trade Center Building 7 on 9/11. The Riviera Hotel and Casino was demolished with explosives on Tuesday, bringing the tower down into its own footprint within seconds. “The 24-story Monaco Tower was demolished […]

UK: Syrians Arrested for Gang-Sex Attack on 14-Year-Old Girl

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer June 11, 2016 In a shocking event which no one ever could have predicted, Syrians have been arrested for raping a 14-year-old White girl in the UK. What you have to remember, goyim, is that there are gang-rapists in every bushel of apples. BBC: Three Syrian men have appeared in court accused […]

‘Moderate opposition’ involved in ongoing attacks on civilians in Aleppo – Syrian FM to UN

In the letter, which was addressed to the UN Secretary General and the Head of the UN Security Council, the Syrian Foreign and Expatriates Ministry complained about ongoing attacks on safe neighborhoods in Aleppo, accusing some “moderate” opposition groups of cooperating and coordinating with Al-Nusra and its affiliates in conducting them, state-run SANA news agency reports, […]

Kurdish forces equipped with T-55 tanks launch ISIS offensive (VIDEO)

The military convoy was advancing towards the Khazir front, near Iraq’s second city of Mosul, which has been one of Islamic State’s (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) strongholds. The plan is to capture 10 abandoned Kurdish villages, which belonged to the Kakei and Shabak Kurdish minorities.  Around 5,000 Peshmerga and Zeravani special forces are taking part in […]

Austria seizes Hitler’s birthplace to save it from Neo-Nazis

“Representatives of the Interior Ministry have been trying for several years to buy the property, but these attempts failed… Now the only option is to transfer ownership to the Austrian Republic through expropriation,” Austria’s Interior Ministry said. The bill was sent by the ministry on Friday. Nazi flag hoisted in Swedish town on Hitler’s birthday […]

Refugee camp destroyed near Aleppo; the West a little too quick to blame Assad

     The UN has condemned the bombing of a Syrian refugee camp in Sarmada, a city 30km from Aleppo, in which dozens of civilians, including women and children, were allegedly killed or injured. A video has emerged showing the aftermath of attack. Sarmada is located in Syria’s northwestern Idlib province close to the Turkish border […]

Does This Greek Statue Show an Ancient Laptop?

A conspiracy theorist’s YouTube video about how this ancient Greek grave marker depicts a laptop more than 2,000 years before personal computers were even a thing has resurfaced, and went viral Currently on display at the J. Paul Getty Museum in California, the marble carving entitled “Grave Naiskos of an Enthroned Woman with an Attendant” […]

Turkey forcibly returned hundreds of Syrian refugees to war zone – Amnesty

Around 100 Syrians are expelled from Turkey each day, according to research conducted by Amnesty. Many of the Syrians are not registered in Turkey.  The news comes just two weeks after Turkey and the European Union agreed a deal aimed at stemming the flow of migrants and refugees into the EU. According to the deal, […]

‘Disaster is Imminent’… Constitutional Attorney: "States Have The Legal Authority To Defend Border Under Constitution"

China goes “Minority Report” with Predictive Crime Initiative

The Communist Party has directed one of the country’s largest state-run defense contractors, China Electronics Technology Group, to develop software to collate data on jobs, hobbies, consumption habits, and other behavior of ordinary citizens to predict terrorist acts before they occur,” reports Bloomberg. “The program is unprecedented because there are no safeguards from […]

CBI mulling mortgage rate cuts

The Central Bank of Iran is considering the possibility of lowering mortgage interest rates. Head of the CBI credit department, Ali Asghar Mirmohammad Sadeqi, said. Regarding the recent cut in lending rates, he said “the CBI is also considering subsequent cuts” in a broad range of loans related to the housing sector,” Fars news agency […]

Real guts! Protester confronts Hillary Clinton about her calling inner city black youth "super predators"

     NBC News reported the following: A Black Lives Matter activist disrupted a fundraiser for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last night in South Carolina, calling into question the candidate’s rhetoric on race and criminal justice. Ashley Williams began her demonstration at the $500 a plate event, revealing a sign to guests that read, […]

China Warns U.S. Not To Adopt Donald Trump Policies

China warned the U.S. on Wednesday not to adopt punitive currency policies after Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump nudged up another victory in Nevada. Free Bacon reports: Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying told reporters in Beijing that “we are following with interest the U.S. presidential election.” Hua was asked about China’s response to a possible […]

Pennsylvania Councilman Proposes Bill For Cops to Target Music Festivals And Performers

The following post was submitted to the CopBlock Network by Isiah Holmes, who has been featured several times previously on Cop Block, via the Submissions Page. Ban All The Music Music festivals and concerts have always served as magnets, drawing in material from the far reaches of culture. Some gatherings, and their frequenting artists, […]

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