Posts Tagged ‘coal’

We Probably Won’t Have Invisibility Cloaks and Here’s Why

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin (UTA) have finally answered the age of question of whether or not we can ever be invisible. In the spirit of H.G. Wells and Harry Potter, Andrea Alu, professor of electrical and computer […]

Civil Society Targetted While Responding To Human Rights Abuses

Print Friendly Above Photo: From The 2016 State of Civil Society Report, produced by CIVICUS, provides a comprehensive `year in review’ as well as 33 guest essays focusing on the topic of exclusion.  Addressing exclusion is an urgent political issue, which gained renewed emphasis with the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals in 2015. […]

Baghdad’s envoy demands Turkish troops out as Iraqi forces vow to free Fallujah ‘in a week’

“We have recently had our ambassador, new ambassador, sent to Ankara about last week, so we have given another sign to Turkey that we are serious about discussions and dialogue,” Ambassador Faily said. The move comes as Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described the Turkish troops’ presence in Iraq as unacceptable. Lavrov: Russia demands that […]

Challenging A Wall Street Giant On Pay

Print Friendly Above: BlackRock protest, Aimee Tebay, pictured at the Nurses protest at Bord Altranais at Blackrock. A prominent shareholder activist is fed up with money manager BlackRock over the firm’s practice of rubberstamping obscenely large executive compensation packages at thousands of U.S. corporations. Investor and philanthropist Stephen Silberstein has set up a CEO pay […]

The Ongoing Erosion of the Matrix/Control Agenda

29th May 2016 By Zen Gardner Contributing writer for Wake Up World Here’s an interesting dynamic that’s clearly at play in our ongoing reality. You can treat this as a “what if” perception or however you like, but I actually think the parasitic “powers that want to be” have a very real respect for people who […]

Special Operations Troops Assaulted Downtown Tampa … All to Thunderous Applause

Special Operations Troops Assaulted Downtown Tampa … All to Thunderous Applause May 26th, 2016 Via: Washington Post: On Wednesday, Special Operations troops from more than a dozen countries jumped out of helicopters, rappelled from buildings and expended hundreds of rounds of ammunition as they […]

Appeal From U.S. To World: Help Us Resist U.S. Crimes

Email* 1-25 of 47 signatures Number Date Name Organization Location Please add comments. 47 1 hour ago rose harris lgbt Salt Lake City, UT I am a gay women please help me 46 3 hours ago Paul Kemp DavidCampus Scotsburn, NS There are ten steps, or stages, to the evolution of a practical and efficient […]

Appeal From U.S. To World: Help Us Resist U.S. Crimes

Email* 1-25 of 47 signatures Number Date Name Organization Location Please add comments. 47 1 hour ago rose harris lgbt Salt Lake City, UT I am a gay women please help me 46 3 hours ago Paul Kemp DavidCampus Scotsburn, NS There are ten steps, or stages, to the evolution of a practical and efficient […]

KulturKampf: Lucretius’ On The Nature Of Things & Epicureanism

The Right Stuff May 14, 2016 This week Aristocles and Titus Flavius discuss the famous Roman poet and philosopher Lucretius and Epicureanism. Show Notes On the Nature of Thing Source Article from

Climate Disobedience And New “Public Trust” Laws Of Nature

Print Friendly Above Photo: Young people involved with the Break Free movement stopped an open-cast coal mine from operating for the day during a demonstration at the Ffos-y-fran coal mine in Wales on May 3, 2016. (Photo: Break Free) If you think there’s something odd about the US committing itself to at least a 26 percent reduction in greenhouse […]

Split Among 9/11 Commissioners: Saudi’s Involved, Release 28 Pages

Print Friendly Above Photo: In their joint statement last month, the chairman and vice-chairman of the commission suggested they agreed that there might be danger in releasing the full 28 pages of the congressional report. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images Saudi officials were ‘supporting’ 9/11 hijackers, commission member says First serious public split revealed among commissioners over […]

Israeli Soldier Who Was Filmed Executing Unarmed Palestinian Goes On Trial For Manslaughter

IMEMC : The Israeli state prosecutors decided not to pursue murder charges against Israeli soldier Elor Azaria, who was caught on video executing 21-year old Abdul-Fattah Sharif, on March 24 2016, after the Palestinian was already shot and seriously wounded. Azaria’s trial began Monday, with the head of the court, and the presiding judges Carmel […]

Gutting Habeas Corpus

Print Friendly Above Photo: Doug Mills/AP The Inside Story of How Bill Clinton Sacrificed Prisoners’ Rights for Political Gain ON THE EVE OF the New York state primary last month, as Hillary Clinton came closer to the Democratic nomination, Vice President Joe Biden went on TV and defended her husband’s 1994 crime bill. Asked in an interview if he felt shame […]

More Arrests At US Capitol As Democracy Spring Meets Black Lives Matter

Print Friendly Above Photo: From US Capitol Police separated those who staged a sit-in at the steps of the building from the main body of the protesters, and proceeded to detain them. In addition to the overall demands to remove corporate money from politics and ensure fair elections, on Wednesday ‘Democracy Spring’ focused specifically on “racial […]

Cable News Devotes 30 Seconds To Mass Arrests Protesting Political Corruption

Print Friendly Above Photo: Democracy Spring protesters calling for the end of big money in politics stage a sit-in on the Capitol steps and on the East Plaza of the Capitol on April 11, 2016. THE DEMOCRACY SPRING, a protest movement calling on Congress to “end the corruption of big money in our politics” and “ensure free and […]

Interview: The Syrian Refugee Crisis In Their Own Words

Print Friendly Above photo: A Syrian family on the Greek island of Lesbos, from the UNHCR. Samos, Greece –  Sallie Latch is an 83-year-old artist born in Cleveland and who grew up in Northern California. She left her current home in Mexico to go to the island of Samos in Greece, to voluntarily work with refugees […]

Chicago Teachers’ Strike Is Unlike Any Other In Recent Memory

Print Friendly Above Photo: An image from the previous Chicago teachers’ strike, September 10, 2012. Photo by Tannen Maury/EPA Note: The Chicago Teachers Union organized a one-day strike,involving not just teachers and students but low wage workers, Black Lives Matter and communities. Jacobin writes this strike was not the usual strike, and at its root was […]

Sabal Pipeline Project Files 160 Eminent Domain Lawsuits

Print Friendly Above Photo: AP Photo/Charles Krupa Natural-gas pipeline project for Duke, FPL and Spectra has filed 160 eminent-domain lawsuits in Alabama, Georgia and Florida. The lawsuits seek to seize hundreds of acres from landowners, and more lawsuits may follow. The project, called the Sabal Trail Transmission pipeline, is targeting 25 properties in Central Florida, mostly in Osceola County. […]

Bread & Circuses

This phrase originates from Rome in Satire X of the Roman satirical poet Juvenal (circa A.D. 100). In context, the Latin panem et circenses (bread and circuses) identifies the only remaining cares of a Roman populace which no longer cares for its historical birthright of political involvement. Here Juvenal displays his contempt for the declining heroism of contemporary Romans.[5] Roman politicians passed laws in […]

NASA Scientist: “There’s different kinds of chemtrails as you probably know”

The following video is Sue’s phone conversation with Douglas E. Rowland from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Heliophysicist – Laboratory for Space Weather. Sue referenced and article that appeared in the Huffington Post “ NASA’s Independence Day ‘Fireworks:’  Agency Marks Fourth Of July With Two Rocket Launches”. Her concern was the behavioral consequences of the […]

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