Posts Tagged ‘Fire’

What is it? Bizarre, winged, fairy-like creature found in Mexico

     I wasn’t going to write about this. I was trained as an attorney and I am skeptical by nature, and so I generally don’t like to write about things that I can’t prove. But in the case of this bizarre winged creature, a couple of factors changed my mind. First of all, we actually […]

‘Graveyard for traitors’: Istanbul mayor allocates final resting place for coup plotters

Following the failed July 15 coup attempt that left 246 people dead, including many members of the security forces and civilians, cemeteries across the country are refusing to bury those who plotted against the government. Erdogan announces 3 month state of emergency in Turkey after coup attempt In an attempt to remedy the situation, Istanbul […]

Distracted Pokemon Go Player Crashes Into Police Car

A Maryland man driving a Toyota Rav-4 rear-ended a parked Baltimore Police Department patrol car while playing Niantic’s augmented reality app, Pokemon GO. A Police body cam captured the crash early Monday morning.  CBS SF reports: According to the Baltimore Police Department, an officer was talking to two of his colleagues next to his parked […]

Ex-Marine Baton Rouge Shooter Wanted To ‘Fight Back’ Police ‘Devils’

Gavin Eugene Long, the 29-year-old gunman who shot three police officers dead in a Louisiana ambush, was an ex-Marine and Iraq war veteran who had received several commendations. He carried out the police massacre on his 29th birthday and advocated on social media that the world is run by “devils”. Long was honorably discharged from the United […]

NATO ‘forces us’ to adjust to a new security reality – Russian ambassador to NATO

NATO ‘speaks of defense, prepares offensive’, says Gorbachev The council met for the second time since 2014 after NATO suspended its military cooperation with Moscow over what it perceived a Russian aggression in Ukraine. The gathering also came at the heels of this month’s NATO summit in Warsaw where the alliance agreed to deploy four […]

Interests First; Tel Aviv plays with Ankara, Moscow against Tehran

Alwaght- Foreign policy in today’s world is one of the crucial priorities of all countries, and as foreign it is part of the wider internal policies, there exists a diversity of alliances and coalitions across the world. The best example of such alliances is partitioning the world into East and West during the Cold War […]

Not just Dallas: Attacks in three states target cops for two days in row

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Swedish Politician Says It’s "Worse" When Swedish Men Rape Women Compared To When Immigrants Do

In most sane circles, the act of rape is reprehensible and it makes absolutely no difference who perpetrated the act. However, in what will inevitably make blood shoot out of one’s eyes to read, a politician in Sweden actually makes a distinction on the severity of the act depending on who committed it. Swedish Left […]

‘Don’t infringe upon our sovereignty!’ China warns US ahead of South China Sea ruling

A phone conversation on maritime issues took place between Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi and US Secretary of State John Kerry on Wednesday, Chines Xinhua agency reported. READ MORE: ‘Greatest threat to peace & stability’: Beijing criticizes US meddling in South China Sea region The conversation comes less than a week ahead of the ruling […]

Australia: Haji Hater Hanson Elected as Senator

ZeigerDaily Stormer July 6, 2016 Pauline “Blast Away Every Mosque” Hanson. What’s with all these right-wing parties with women as leaders? I thought this was 2016… As the tides are changing and nationalist sentiment grows stronger everywhere in the west, we’re starting to see it being reflected in election results. Parties that were previously confined […]

How the 2003 Iraq invasion devastated the country’s health service

Ahmed Aber (TC) : Thirteen years ago, American and British troops launched Operation Iraqi Freedom. The Iraqis were promised freedom from tyranny, but the subsequent destruction of the Iraqi state apparatus as well as the cycle of violence that continues to this day destroyed the health system that cared for the nation. Iraqi doctors weighs […]

Remembering Elie Wiesel, who inspired me to write about Palestine

I learned of Wiesel’s death through Facebook, and immediately went searching in my old file drawer for a photograph. The photo shows my face, very young and fresh, between the faces of Elie Wiesel and Oprah. I had written an essay for a contest in which we were asked to apply the story of Night […]

Kellogg’s opens ‘trendy’ NYC cafe selling overpriced GMO cereal with green tea to entice health conscious consumers

(NaturalNews) Faced with the falling popularity and sales of its flagship cereal products, Kellogg has launched a campaign to revitalize the image of dried cereal, particularly with younger consumers. As part of that effort, on July 4 the company will open a restaurant called Kellogg’s NYC. The restaurant will sell bowls of cereal […]

14 Vote Frauds: Austrian Election Rerun

The Austrian Constitutional Court has annulled the federal presidential election because of 14 proven cases of voter fraud and ordered a rerun of the election. The announcement, made on Friday morning, means that the entire election will have to take place again, most likely within the next two months. The president was supposed to have […]

Kazakh Airline starts Tehran-Astana flights

Tehran, June 30, IRNA – The flights between Tehran and Kazakhstan’s Almaty were officially established after the passenger plane of Air Astana landed at Imam Khomeini International Airport.  ‘With the beginning of Air Astana flights to Imam Khomeini Airport, the number of foreign airlines operating in Imam Khomeini International Airport increased to 41,’ Deputy Head […]

Obama’s AFRICOM Nominee Will Seek Authority to Assassinate

FLASHBACK: Trump and the liberal intelligentsia: a view from Europe

     A new specter haunts the American elites: the candidacy of Donald Trump in the US President election and his success so far in the Republican primaries. The Republican establishment itself hopes to block his rise, even as he is drawing huge crowds into the party. As for the Democrats, they are hoping that his […]

Introducing SpotMini

Introducing SpotMini June 23rd, 2016 Via: Boston Dynamics/Google: <!– –> <!– AD CAN GO HERE END: AD CAN GO […]

65 million people displaced worldwide, breaking all records – UNHCR

According to UNHCR the current figure stands at 65.3 million, up from 2014’s record of 60 million displaced since World War II. The refugee influx into Europe last year has contributed by 10 percent, the agency said on Monday. “An unprecedented 65.3 million people around the world have been forced from home. Among them are […]

Islam stands above German law for half Turkish Germans – survey

The study by the University of Münster titled “Integration and Religion from the viewpoint of the Turkish Germans in Germany” outline some deep divisions within the German society as 47 percent of ethnic Turks living in the country said that following religious dogmas was “more important” to them than obeying “the laws of the land in […]

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