Ex-Marine Baton Rouge Shooter Wanted To ‘Fight Back’ Police ‘Devils’

Gavin Eugene Long, the 29-year-old gunman who shot three police officers dead in a Louisiana ambush, was an ex-Marine and Iraq war veteran who had received several commendations.

He carried out the police massacre on his 29th birthday and advocated on social media that the world is run by “devils”.

Long was honorably discharged from the United States Marine Corps six years ago and called for black people to “fight back” against police oppression just days before his attack.

The Daily Record reports:

The 29-year-old was named last night as the gunman behind the horrific ambush and massacre which left three other officers injured.

Now, footage has emerged of the former sergeant ranting about the treatment of African-American protesters by police – and urging them to ‘shed blood’.

In one video, posted on YouTube only eight days ago, the suspect says there are only two ways to defeat the perceived injustices: fighting or money.

Using the name Cosmo Setepenra, he describes how ‘simply protesting’ does not work, saying: “You’ve gotta fight back, that’s the only way a bully knows to quit.”

And in another video, he appears to defend the man who shot dead five cops in Dallas, Texas, on July 7, declaring: “It’s justice, you know what I’m saying?”

Dressed in a white T-shirt and a long metal chain: Long tells his viewers: “One hundred per cent of revolutions, of victims fighting their oppressors, from victims fighting their bullies… 100 per cent have been successful through fighting back, through bloodshed.

“Zero have been successful over simply protesting. It has never worked and it never will. You’ve gotta fight back, that’s the only way a bully knows to quit.

“He doesn’t know words. He can’t understand words, I promise you. He doesn’t understand protests.”

“If y’all want to keep protesting but for the serious ones, the real ones, ones, the alpha ones – we know what it’s going to take,” he continues. “It’s only fighting back or money.

“That’s all they care about. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Revenue and blood. Nothing else. Don’t even think about it, alright?”

The suspect claims that ‘when an African fights back, he’s wrong’, but ‘every time a European fights back against his oppressor, he’s right’.

He refers to the recent protests in Baton Rouge following the death of black dad of five Alton Sterling, who was shot after being tackled to the ground by two white cops.

He says that demonstrators who are ‘articulate’ and can inspire others – like himself – are always the ones arrested by police.

“I know they would try to arrest me and I know I would die right there because you’re not going to kidnap me,” he says. “You’ve got to stand on your rights.”

Long, from Missouri, also claims the world is run by ‘devils’, before going to on to explain a life lesson that he learned from the ‘elders’ in Africa.

‘When the men would go out to fight the enemy, the woman would tell her man: ‘if you come back here defeated, I’m killing YOU.’ You get what I’m saying?

“The man knew he couldn’t go home. Either he killed his enemy or he die, that’s it. Because the kid sees that, you see that?”

“I’d rather have this mother****** die, at least now the kid knows he stands for something.”

He concludes: “Don’t ever give up.”


Baton Rouge Police Officer Montrell Jackson, one of three officers killed on Sunday

Long, who left the Marines six years ago with an honourable discharge, appears to have carried out the deadly shooting on his 29th birthday, CBS News reports.

Born on July 17, 1987, he lived in Kansas City, which is hundreds of miles away from Baton Rouge, the scene of the killings.

Records show that Long served in Iraq from June 2008 to January 2009 and received several commendations, according to the New York Times.

The suspected gunman was killed at the scene in Louisiana but not before three police officers were killed, all of whom have now been named and pictured.

One of the officers killed has been identified as Montrell Jackson, who recently celebrated the birth of a baby boy.

He became a police officer in August 2013, according to his Facebook page.

Days before his death officer Jackson posted a prophetic post on his Facebook page after Alton Sterling was killed by police officers in Baton Rouge two weeks ago.

He wrote: “I’m tired physically and emotionally”, adding :”These are trying times. Please don’t let hate infect your heart. This city MUST and WILL get better.

“I’m working in these streets so any protesters, officers, friends, family or whoever, if you see me and need a hug or want to say a prayer. I got you.”

Another has been named as Matthew Gerald, 41, a former Marine who was reportedly married with two children.


Police Officer Matthew Gerald

The third has been named as Brad Garafola, a 45-year-old East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff’s deputy.

A reporter from Kansas City says she was met by someone armed with an assault rifle when she went to the address where Long lived.

The gunman was killed and two men have been arrested and are being questioned by the FBI.

A source told Reuters that investigators also said there was reason to believe a 911 call may have been used to lure police to the shooting scene. The possibility it had been a conspiracy is being investigated.

The officers were responding to a call of shots fired when they were ambushed by at least one gunman, said Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden.

However, one witness said the shooting started before the police officers arrived at the scene.

NOLA reporter Kevin Litten tweeted a picture of a man being arrested and officers searching a car near the police station.

Officers reportedly found a ‘long rifle’ in what appears to be a 4×4.

Source Article from http://yournewswire.com/ex-marine-baton-rouge-shooter-wanted-to-fight-back-police-devils/

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