Posts Tagged ‘bankrupt’

John Kerry Vows To Bankrupt the Fossil Fuel Industry on Behalf of the WEF

John Kerry has vowed to accelerate his plan to bankrupt the fossil fuel industry worldwide as part of the WEF’s Net Zero agenda. Coal plants should be made illegal “everywhere in the world” Biden’s self-described […] The post John Kerry Vows To Bankrupt the Fossil Fuel Industry on Behalf of the WEF appeared first on […]

Trans Activist Owner Of Miss Universe Pageant Goes Bankrupt One Year After Purchase

Get woke, go broke strikes again?  A year ago the Miss Universe Pageant made headlines after a Thai business tycoon, transgender activist and biological male named Jakapong Jakrajutatip purchased the organization for $20 million.  The CEO is the biggest shareholder of JKN Global Group and was made popular after appearing on Thai versions of television […]

To Shutdown Dope, Inc., Bankrupt Them

To Shutdown Dope Inc., Bankrupt Them By LaRouchePAC Posts September 08, 2023 Login to follow Contributors : Barbara Boyd ShareFacebookTwitterPrintFriendly As hundreds of thousands of Americans die from poisoned Dope traversing our open borders, calls mount to use lethal military force against the cartels whether the government of Mexico agrees or not. Larry Johnson, an expert in terrorism […]

Healthcare Job-Cuts Up 65% From Q1 2022-Hospitals Going Bankrupt

I read the other day where many high end hospitals are going bankrupt. Now I see an article talking about the bloodbath in healthcare jobs. Well, when an industry turns on the public they are supposed to serve, takes “government” funds to mass murder folks with killer jabs for a mythical illness, 213 health/science institutions […]

This is where bankrupt FTX’s money went

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Joel Osteen Bankrupt After Local Woman Names And Claims His Estate

HOUSTON, TX — In a shocking turn of events, famed prosperity gospel preacher Joel Osteen has suddenly gone bankrupt after local woman Carissa Stewart named and claimed his entire estate. Source

Founder of bankrupt FTX crypto exchange lost billions but not before donating millions to Dems, left-wing causes

(Natural News) The corporate world’s financial fealty to cancel culture Democrats continues to the detriment of investors who have now lost billions of dollars after foolishly handing money over to a left-wing con artist. Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of crypto exchange FTX, has vanquished more than $15 billion in claimed assets, but while he still had… […]

Energy prices in Germany soar 1,000% as companies go bankrupt

(Natural News) Remember back at the start of the covid plandemic when the media generated mass hysteria about toilet paper hoarding? It looks like that was a foreboding of things to come as German toilet paper manufacturer Hakle, along with a growing number of other producers in Deutschland, is closing up shop due to skyrocketing […]

Energy prices in Germany soar 1,000% as companies go bankrupt

(Natural News) Remember back at the start of the covid plandemic when the media generated mass hysteria about toilet paper hoarding? It looks like that was a foreboding of things to come as German toilet paper manufacturer Hakle, along with a growing number of other producers in Deutschland, is closing up shop due to skyrocketing […]

Energy prices in Germany soar 1,000% as companies go bankrupt

(Natural News) Remember back at the start of the covid plandemic when the media generated mass hysteria about toilet paper hoarding? It looks like that was a foreboding of things to come as German toilet paper manufacturer Hakle, along with a growing number of other producers in Deutschland, is closing up shop due to skyrocketing […]

Energy prices in Germany soar 1,000% as companies go bankrupt

(Natural News) Remember back at the start of the covid plandemic when the media generated mass hysteria about toilet paper hoarding? It looks like that was a foreboding of things to come as German toilet paper manufacturer Hakle, along with a growing number of other producers in Deutschland, is closing up shop due to skyrocketing […]

Here’s how they’ll bankrupt You

8TH SEPTEMBER 2022 Their plan is to make every one of us bankrupt and they’re well on the way to succeeding. Only the billionaire conspirators are likely to avoid this. The conspirators must be delighted at the way things are going. To start with, of course, the rising cost of food and energy will eat […]

Christopher Rufo on Critical Race Theory, a ‘Bankrupt’ and ‘Elite’ Ideology Subsidized by Public Dollars

Christopher Rufo on Critical Race Theory, a ‘Bankrupt’ and ‘Elite’ Ideology Subsidized by Public Dollars “If they are committed to lying to parents, even in the face of overwhelming evidence, what else are they lying about?” At the National Conservatism Conference in Florida, we sat down with Christopher Rufo to discuss the Virginia gubernatorial race […]

Mainstream Media Going ‘Bankrupt’ in Post-Trump World

There has been a catastrophic drop in viewership and advertsiing revenue at most of the mainstream news networks since Donald Trump left office, according to a new analysis. The size of the audience watching “CNN Tonight With Don Lemon” between March 1-5 was down a whopping -32.5% compared to the average audience between Nov. 30-Dec. […]

Wall Street in Panic As Hedge Fund Short Sellers Lose $70 BILLION!!!! (Hope They ALL GO Bankrupt as I’m Sick of Them Dismantling Businesses & Destroying People’s Lives)

28 Jan, 2021 19:12Get short URL A GameStop outlet in Arizona, seen alongside a trader on the New York Stock Exchange © AFP / Scott Heins and Frederic J. Brown Follow RT onShort-selling investors lost a staggering $70.8 billion this month, according to financial data analytics firm Ortex. Their losses were partly driven by small […]

Hollywood FX Can’t Save Bankrupt USA Inc.

Hollywood FX Can’t Save Bankrupt USA Inc. Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis / Benjamin Fulford It’s over folks, the criminal enterprise known as the Corporation of the United States of America is finished. Actual on the ground reporters with White House Press passes, confirm that nobody is in the White House. The corrupt members of […]

Report: Joe Biden’s Brother Under Federal Investigation for Role in Bankrupt Healthcare Firm

Joe Biden’s younger brother, James, is purportedly under federal investigation by the United States Attorney in the Western District of Pennsylvania for his role in a now-bankrupt healthcare firm. On Wednesday, Politico reported that federal prosecutors “have been asking about James Biden’s dealings” with Americore Health, a company that operates rural hospitals . James Biden, […]

Why Haredi willingness to contract COVID could bankrupt Israel

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

They Are Trying To Bankrupt The Meat Industry Because Bill Gates and Other Global Elites Have Invested Heavily In A Lab-Grown Stem Cell Replacement

I think it is crystal-clear what is happening, and with the rise of Bill Gates and the New World Order, the coming global vaccine and digital ID, there is one man and one man only standing in the way of all that end times insanity. The man that God, against all odds and predictions, raised […]

Will Bankruptcy Venue BILL Bankrupt Delaware?

By Aaron Kesel This reporter has been doing an ongoing series about Wall Street frauds aided & abetted by federal corruption; which includes issues of Goldman Sachs & Bain Capital partnerships in “Bankruptcy Rings” spearheaded by crooked attorney at law, Paul Traub (see here – here and here). Due to a sudden illness, […]

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