Posts Tagged ‘hedge’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Demonic Hedge Of Protection

Time is ticking! Year-end is here, and with our generous 4X-match, your donation to fight back against Trump Republicans will go four times as far! Stand with us to uphold Norman’s legacy in defending democracy, protecting free speech, and safeguarding our rights from an increasingly hostile right-wing. Act now – let’s make 2024 a year […]

Hedge Fund Icon: “We’re Just Two Years Away From A US Debt Sustainability Crisis, Sparking A Major Global Market Event”

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “The last time the debt as a share of GDP was this large was in 1945-1946, at the end of World War II,” wrote Daniel Wilson and Brigid Meisenbacherat from the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. I was grinding through […]

Oil Attracts Cautious Buying From Hedge Funds

By John Kemp, senior market analyst at Reuters Portfolio investors purchased petroleum in the first full week of 2024, reversing sales the previous week and continuing the pattern of choppy trading that has continued since early December. Hedge funds and other money managers bought the equivalent of 54 million barrels in the six most important […]

Hedge Funds Are Taking Over the $25 Trillion U.S. Treasuries Market

Hedge Funds Are Taking Over the $25 Trillion U.S. Treasuries Market Sept. 27, 2023, (EIRNS)—The $25 trillion market in U.S. Treasury bonds is the largest market of any kind in the world today, and it is the pace-setter for all financial instruments throughout the trans-Atlantic financial system. An article in the Sept. 26 Financial Times […]

Hedge Funds Add China Stock Shorts Even As Growth Bottoms

Hedge Funds Add China Stock Shorts Even As Growth Bottoms By Ye Xie, Bloomberg Markets Live reporter and strategist China’s economy has shown signs of bottoming. Yet that hasn’t prevented hedge funds from boosting their short positions in the stock market once again. Wednesday’s market highlight was, of course, the US Federal Reserve meeting, which turned […]

CRYPTO CON: Disgraced Three Arrows Capital crypto hedge fund co-founders have a long history of questionable activities

(Natural News) The bankrupt crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, which is being blamed for plunging a number of cryptocurrency companies into bankruptcy and accused of unethical and possibly criminal behavior, showed plenty of signs of poor management long before its spectacular collapse. In fact, its two 35-year-old co-founders, Su Zhu and Kyle Davies, who… […]

Cryptocurrency collapse continues: Prominent crypto hedge fund defaults on $670 million loan

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Cryptocurrencies are continuing their staged collapse along with the rest of the U.S. economy under our hapless dementia patient of a president, Joe Biden.As reported by CNBC, major crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital has defaulted on a loan worth more than $670 million in the latest disaster for the new-age currency, … […]

Think It’s Funny This Hedge Fund Criminal And Currency Destroyer is Worried LOL; This Bastard Has Destroyed Millions of Lives & Put Millions in Poverty. Russian Christians Are America’s Greatest Allies if Only Americans Could See This & Were Not BLIND! TURN OFF YOUR TV!!!! ALL LIES!!!

ARCHIVE Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous By Human Events  |  April 02, 2011 Human Events??? readers, in an online poll, recently voted billionaire financier George Soros ???the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country.???  Here are the Top 10 Reasons George Soros Is Dangerous: 1.  Gives billions to left-wing causes:  Soros started the Open Society Institute in […]

Netflix Bloodbath Continues: 150 Laid Off as Hedge Funds Dump Stock

The bloodbath at Netflix continued Tuesday as the far left-wing streamer laid off around 150 employees as part of its ongoing efforts to cut spending amid a catastrophic subscriber forecast for the months ahead.

Hope Hicks, other Trump alums join hedge-fund exec’s Senate camp

Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes an appearance on “Fox & Friends” in New York on Sept. 6, 2019. | Richard Drew/AP Photo The roster provides a hint at how McCormick would likely run his campaign: As a staunch Trump ally. The 56-year-old McCormick, who launched an exploratory committee this week, has deep ties to the Trump […]

There’s a Lot More to Investigate than Just Zombie Risk Managers in the Archegos Hedge Fund Blowup

The Swiss mega bank, Credit Suisse, lost $5.5 billion in late March and early April from the highly-leveraged, highly concentrated stock positions it was financing via tricked-up derivatives for Archegos Capital Management, the family office hedge fund of Sung Kook “Bill” Hwang. Archegos blew up on March 25 after it defaulted on its margin calls […]

Leaked Audio of Wall Street Hedge Fund Managers After Reddit Rally 🤣

GetFit posted this in the comment section yesterday and I thought it was pretty funny. Even though there are definitely some jews benefiting from the Reddit rally, it is great to see Wall Street kvetching about how unfair it is for everyday people to manipulate stocks, which is what hedge fund managers do every day. […]

GameStop: Reddit users claim victory as $13bn hedge fund closes position, accepting huge losses

Melvin Capital had bet against GameStop by short-selling its shares, meaning it stood to gain if the price went down and lose if it went up. Members of the Reddit thread “wallstreetbets” decided to pile in to GameStop with the aim of pushing up the share price to inflict losses on short-sellers including Melvin Capital. […]

Wall Street in Panic As Hedge Fund Short Sellers Lose $70 BILLION!!!! (Hope They ALL GO Bankrupt as I’m Sick of Them Dismantling Businesses & Destroying People’s Lives)

28 Jan, 2021 19:12Get short URL A GameStop outlet in Arizona, seen alongside a trader on the New York Stock Exchange © AFP / Scott Heins and Frederic J. Brown Follow RT onShort-selling investors lost a staggering $70.8 billion this month, according to financial data analytics firm Ortex. Their losses were partly driven by small […]

Saving Local Newspapers Squeezed By Hedge Funds

Above photo: Drew Angerer/Getty Images. A Replanting Strategy. Hundreds of newspapers are languishing in the hands of hedge funds and chains. It’s time to replant them with community nonprofit groups and mission-driven owners. Download this white paper as a pdf The conversation about the crisis in local news has tended to focus on two solutions: […]

Left-Wing Activists Want To Defund Mercer Hedge Fund

Left-Wing Activists Want To Defund Mercer Hedge Fund Daily Caller October 24, 2017 Left-wing activists who have successfully pressured some corporations to stop advertising on Breitbart are now pressuring investors to pull their money from hedge fund Renaissance Technologies because its co-CEO is conservative billionaire Robert Mercer. Sleeping Giants, an anonymous group of left-wing activists, […]

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros

Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Funds Linked to Russia and George Soros Offended America October 23, 2017 Robert Muellers complex financial entanglements include investments linked to George Soros and Russia. During Muellers tenure at the FBI, high profile cases of financial wrongdoing within hedge funds that he invested in were ignored by federal law enforcement. […]

Zero Hedge and the Hazardous Week of October 9 – 13, 2017

Zero Hedge is one of the leading faux-truther / controlled-opposition propaganda sites on the Web. And judging by the elephant walk of NWO propaganda that paraded across their front page yesterday, this could be an eventful week. First, there are the Trump threats to North Korea… …top article link, bottom article link So Trump is […]

Zero Hedge and the Hazardous Week of October 9 – 13, 2017 (complete)

Zero Hedge is one of the leading faux-truther / controlled-opposition propaganda sites on the Web. And judging by the elephant walk of NWO propaganda that paraded across their front page yesterday, this could be an eventful week. First, there are the Trump threats to North Korea… …top article link, bottom article link So Trump is […]

Libya – Part III – The Return Of The King Saif Gaddafi

By Richard Galustian In an article in early May, I wrote “Keep in the back off your mind the potential future importance of Saif Gaddafi.” In Libya’s 2011 Arab Spring uprising, Saif joined his father and sons on the barricades, castigating NATO-backed rebels in a bitter revolutionary war. While those […]

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