Posts Tagged ‘funder’

Biden won’t set red lines for Israel so long as AIPAC is ‘top’ Democratic campaign funder

AIPAC has spent $12 million in just two congressional races. Joe Biden notices even if the media doesn’t. Source

Just Stop Oil Funder Plans To Target Primary School Children With Green Propaganda

Dale Vince, the multi millionaire former ‘Just Stop Oil’ backer, is pushing ahead with plans to flood British primary schools with environmental and Net Zero societal propaganda. Children under the age of 11 are being […] The post Just Stop Oil Funder Plans To Target Primary School Children With Green Propaganda appeared first on The […]

Rand Paul: “Bill Gates Is Largest Funder Of Trying To Find Viruses In Caves And Bring Them To Big Cities”

Senator Rand Paul teed off on globalist Bill Gates Sunday, heavily intimating that the billionaire’s obsession with funding research into deadly viruses led directly to the COVID pandemic. Appearing on Fox News, Paul noted that Gates visited China last week. Source

Corruption: Gov. Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning major shares in Pfizer & BioNTech

sept 15 2022 An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the primary funder of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech. The Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) extended the emergency authorisation of the Pfizer / […]

Corruption: Gov. Documents prove Bill Gates is Primary Funder of UK Medicine Regulator despite owning major shares in Pfizer & BioNTech

sept 15 2022 An investigation has revealed that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the primary funder of the UK’s Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency, and the Foundation also owns major shares in both Pfizer and BioNTech. The Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) extended the emergency authorisation of the Pfizer / […]

Comirnaty Approval, Funder Pressure, Truckies Blockade – New World Next Week

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Watch on Archive / BitChute / Minds / Odysee This week on the New World Next Week: the FDA approves Comirnaty; even Nature is reporting how health research funders are suppressing inconvenient results; and Aussie truckies are preparing to block every highway in anti-lockdown strike. CLICK HERE for show notes and mp3 audio […]

Russian-Jewish billionaire, communal funder arrested for alleged bribes

Boris Spiegel, a Russian-Jewish pharmaceuticals mogul, has been arrested in Moscow in connection with a corruption investigation. Spiegel, who has donated substantial time and effort to various Jewish community projects and the World Without Nazism anti-racism organization that he founded, was charged with offering a local politician the equivalent of about $400,000 in bribes, RIA […]

The head of the World Health Organization is not an MD & neither is its largest funder Bill Gates (Corbett)

Thanks to James Corbett for the video. This is Global Government by the decree of the health technocrats basically. The head of WHO is not a medical doctor. Its largest funder is Bill Gates whose expertise is IT not health. He is also self appointed. He used to be second largest funder next to the […]

Jared Kushner: "Peace envoy" and funder of illegal Israeli squatters in Palestine

     As Jared Kushner leads the U.S. government’s effort to develop an Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, the Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation is funding a hardline Israeli settlement in the West Bank. The charitable fund made a donation of at least $18,000 at the “Master Builders” level to American Friends of Bet El Yeshiva Center, according to […]

One of Puerto Rico’s biggest creditors is also big funder of Israeli propaganda

“We can finally identify one of the largest holders of Puerto Rican debt,” The Intercept headlined its expose of American financier Seth Klarman on Tuesday after Klarman’s Boston company disclosed its Puerto Rican investments. Reporter David Dayen linked the Puerto Rican credit with some of Klarman’s political activity. Klarman, who has been described as the Oracle of Boston, […]

Libya – Part III – The Return Of The King Saif Gaddafi

By Richard Galustian In an article in early May, I wrote “Keep in the back off your mind the potential future importance of Saif Gaddafi.” In Libya’s 2011 Arab Spring uprising, Saif joined his father and sons on the barricades, castigating NATO-backed rebels in a bitter revolutionary war. While those […]

Latest Fashion Trend: European Women in Hijab

By Red Ice Since forced multiculturalism and “diversity” into the West we are now being told that hijab is the latest thing. This is where Dolce & Gabbana meets the anti-White establishment, trying to be “edgy” teaming up with the political mainstream, who is enforcing multiculturalism and “diversity.” Since some […]

Cops are asking and 23andMe for their customers’ DNA

Mitch Morrissey, Denver’s district attorney and one of the nation’s leading advocates for familial DNA searching, stresses that the technology is “an innovative approach to investigating challenging cases, particularly cold cases where the victims are women or children and traditional investigative tactics fail to yield a solid suspect.” Familial DNA searches have indeed […]

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