Posts Tagged ‘hicks’

George Conway: Hope Hicks ‘absolutely’ corroborates Cohen story on Trump

Conservative lawyer George Conway said former Trump aide Hope Hicks’ testimony at former President Trump’s hush money trial “absolutely” corroborates his ex-lawyer Michael Cohen’s story about Trump in the case. “She put in Donald Trump’s mouth, the fact that he understood that those payments were made on his behalf before the election by Michael Cohen,”… […]

Hope Hicks offers dramatic testimony in Trump trial: 5 takeaways

Former President Trump’s trial closed out the week in dramatic style as former aide Hope Hicks took the stand. Hicks, who served as press secretary in the early, ramshackle days of Trump’s first campaign for the presidency, went on to become his White House communications director. It appears the two have been estranged since it… […]

How Hope Hicks went from Trump confidante to key prosecution witness

Hope Hicks was known as Donald Trump’s gatekeeper, a calming force for the former president who has been by his side for years as a loyal confidante. She is now playing a key role as a witness in his trial. On Friday, Hicks took the stand as a witness for the prosecution in the New […]

Hope Hicks, other Trump alums join hedge-fund exec’s Senate camp

Sarah Huckabee Sanders makes an appearance on “Fox & Friends” in New York on Sept. 6, 2019. | Richard Drew/AP Photo The roster provides a hint at how McCormick would likely run his campaign: As a staunch Trump ally. The 56-year-old McCormick, who launched an exploratory committee this week, has deep ties to the Trump […]

Trump Beginning ‘Quarantine Process’ After Hope Hicks Tests Positive for Coronavirus

President Donald Trump on Thursday confirmed that his senior aide Hope Hicks tested positive for the coronavirus, and he said that both he and the first lady tested for the disease. “She tested positive. She’s a hard worker, a lot of masks, she wears masks a lot, but she tested positive and I just went […]

Trump in ‘quarantine process’ after top aide Hope Hicks gets COVID-19

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump says he and first lady Melania Trump are beginning a “quarantine process” as they await coronavirus test results after a top aide he spent substantial time with this week tested positive for COVID-19. Trump’s comments came after he confirmed that Hope Hicks, one of his closest aides, had […]

Reports: Hope Hicks Tests Positive for Coronavirus

President Donald Trump’s aide Hope Hicks has tested positive for the coronavirus, according to reports. Bloomberg News reporter Jennifer Jacobs cited “people familiar with the matter” as a source, and New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman also cited two sources confirming the news. Hope Hicks traveled with the president aboard Air Force One to the […]

WATCH LIVE: Professor Stephen Hicks Puts the Current Culture Clash in Historical Context

March 12, 2018 By Vin Armani WATCH livestream at 10am PST (1pm EST) below. In the first hour, Vin discusses news that affects your liberty – statists hate Uber and free markets, want to charge you a tax to access por sites, and more. And, in the second hour, the words […]

Hope Hicks, Trump’s Communications Director, to Resign

Hope Hicks, White House communications director, said Wednesday she is resigning, marking the departure of a presidential confidante and longtime lieutenant from the West Wing. Ms. Hicks has been one of President Donald Trump’s longest-serving aides, handling most of the communications responsibilities for his 2016 election campaign before joining him as director of strategic communications. […]

Bill Hicks – It’s just a ride

Bill Hicks, was brilliant, prophetic and way ahead of his time. His only drawback in my opinion was his relentless use of the F Word, which made him look like a very angry, ranting, man. It is a pity his life was cut short by cancer.   William Melvin “Bill” Hicks (December 16, 1961 – February […]

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