Posts Tagged ‘sustainability’

Hedge Fund Icon: “We’re Just Two Years Away From A US Debt Sustainability Crisis, Sparking A Major Global Market Event”

By Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management “The last time the debt as a share of GDP was this large was in 1945-1946, at the end of World War II,” wrote Daniel Wilson and Brigid Meisenbacherat from the Economic Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. I was grinding through […]

The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals are not about sustainability, they’re tools to facilitate the implementation of a One World Government

From Note: many of us have been saying this for a very long time … dismissed by the masses as conspiracy theory. Now conspiracy fact. EWNZ The Rise of the Global Police State Story at-a-glance Digital ID- UN Sustainable Development Agenda 16 VIDEO LINK HERE At this point in time, it’s crucial to realize […]

European standup paddle championships promotes sustainability

Wind, waves and watersport action is gripping Denmark as it plays host to the 2022 European standup paddle championships. Two-hundred and thirty athletes from sixteen European countries are competing in four categories – surf, sprint, long distance and technical races – in the event which runs from 27 August to 3 September.  The smooth running of […]

European standup paddle championships promotes sustainability

Wind, waves and watersport action is gripping Denmark as it plays host to the 2022 European standup paddle championships. Two-hundred and thirty athletes from sixteen European countries are competing in four categories – surf, sprint, long distance and technical races – in the event which runs from 27 August to 3 September.  The smooth running of […]

Corona News Reject the Reset Sustainability Store

If 2020 taught us anything, it is the fragility of the economic supply chain and how fast it can do down. Suddenly “preppers” or “survivalists” were no longer laughed at. The following are Amazon Affiliate links that help support this website, for products in any well-stocked household. Please pay attention to Amazon “star” ratings combined […]

Mattel launches pilot program to recover and recycle toys with sustainability at the forefront

Mattel announced the launch of a pilot program that allows consumers to recycle their unwanted toys and then reuse the materials to produce future toys. The program titled, Mattel PlayBack, is a toy “takeback” program that helps support the company’s goal to achieve “100% recycled, recyclable or bio-based plastic materials across all products and packaging […]

Self-sustainability and independence: A beginner’s guide to living off the grid

Self-sustainability and independence: A beginner’s guide to living off the grid Going off-grid isn’t a decision preppers make lightly, especially since there are many factors to consider before you can be more self-sufficient.If living somewhere secluded is one of your goals as a prepper, read on to learn how to prep your own off-grid homestead. (h/t […]

Sustainability in a post-Covid-19 world: Is your business prepared?

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic emerged, it has brought significant change. When the Industrial Revolution came into force, businesses have continuously focused on growth, profitability, and earnings per share.  Although these metrics are still important today, there is another metric that cannot be ignored. It is sustainability. There are certain businesses that tend to be […]

Israel’s first School of Sustainability and Climate Change

Browse > Home / News / Israel’s first School of Sustainability and Climate Change March 11, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has announced the creation of Israel’s first School of Sustainability and Climate Change. Volunteers from Ben-Gurion University, including President Prof. Daniel Chamovitz “The School of […]

10 Ways to Increase Your Home’s Sustainability This Winter

February 11th, 2021 By Jane Marsh Guest Writer for Wake Up World If you live in an area that experiences cold weather, you know your energy bill can look a little scary come wintertime. As a result, you might be searching for ways to make your home more efficient and sustainable. There are many solutions […]

The Need to GROW – Sustainability Solutions – FREE Online Documentary Screening

Can we feed the world without destroying the planet? That depends – on what we do NOW. Soil scientists estimate that at the rate we are developing our farmland, we could have fewer than 60 years of soil left on earth. But the good news is that there ARE solutions, if we choose to embrace […]

How are locusts & worms helping with food sustainability in Kuwait?

Since January, many farmers in East Africa have seen their land besieged by swarms of hundreds of billions of locusts. Threatening both harvests and livelihoods, waves of locusts have also struck Argentina, Paraguay and Pakistan this year. In the Gulf state of Kuwait, people are reviving the age-old food practice of eating the destructive insects. […]

How are locusts & worms helping with food sustainability in Kuwait?

Since January, many farmers in East Africa have seen their land besieged by swarms of hundreds of billions of locusts. Threatening both harvests and livelihoods, waves of locusts have also struck Argentina, Paraguay and Pakistan this year. In the Gulf state of Kuwait, people are reviving the age-old food practice of eating the destructive insects. […]

Sustainability Boils Down to Scale

I was immediately struck by the impact of scale on markets (Capitalism) and the state (Socialism), an ideological spectrum I’ve written about recently. Both markets and governance function well at a small scale because those making the decisions must absorb the consequences of their actions/choices. In large-scale centralized systems, those at the […]

3 Easy habits that you can pursue today to dramatically improve your "sustainability score"

(Natural News) Green living isn’t only beneficial for the environment. By practicing certain habits, you can also greatly improve your “sustainability score.” Improving your health via green habits While it’s true that practices such as not buying products in plastic packaging, recycling, and taking shorter showers are part of a sustainable lifestyle, there are […]

Aquaculture could be the answer for sustainability of seafood supply chain, according to new study

(Natural News) With more than 70 percent of the Earth being covered in water, it may surprise you to know that there are still many aquatic places we have not ventured yet. A recent study now suggests that through aquaculture, many countries can not only put their underutilized coastal waters to better use but also […]

This High School In California Embodies Sustainability At Every Possible Level

Next Story If you were to walk into a high school, you’d surely notice the amount of electricity, electronics, paper, plastic, and food being wasted each day. It’s overwhelming and devastating to see, particularly when you consider how many people around the world lack access to the bare minimum an educational environment should entail, as well […]

NWO United Nations Admits: “Educated People Threaten Sustainability”

FreedomProject| Senior leaders of the United Nations gathered recently to continue plotting the future of globalized pseudo-education,which they said must be imposed on every child on the planet to advance the UN’s radical plan for humanity known as “Agenda 2030.” Speakers at the so-called “High-Level Event on Education,” including Muslims and communists, all agreed that UN-led […]

5 Easy Ways To Sneak More Sustainability Into Your Day

There’s no denying sustainability has become a trending topic. But why exactly is it so big? And have you been doing your part to be sustainable? To be sustainable means to maintain a certain rate or level. Because we live in a biological system, we must be diverse in order to survive. To become diverse […]

105yo woman walks 20 days in pursuit of better life in Europe

“My legs hurt, but I’m fine,” Bibihal Uzbeki, wrapped in a green scarf and a brown blanket, told AP in Opatovac, Croatia’s main refugee camp. The woman said that her 17-member family spent 20 days trying to reach Europe. Her 67-year-old son and 19-year-old grandson often carried her on their backs. “We had problems many […]

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