Posts Tagged ‘haredi’

Citing danger, top Haredi rabbis urge avoiding visits to Western Wall on Shavuot

Two of the leading figures in the ultra-Orthodox community on Sunday warned against visiting the Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem during the approaching Shavuot festival, citing the danger due to violence between the Jewish and Arab populations in the country. Chaim Kanievsky and Gershon Edelstein, considered top authorities in the Lithuanian-descended community, […]

Top NYC mayoral candidates vie for haredi Orthodox endorsements

Two frontrunners in the race for New York City mayor are vying for endorsements from leaders of the city’s haredi Orthodox communities. Andrew Yang, the businessman and former Democratic presidential candidate, announced endorsements Wednesday morning from Orthodox leaders in the Borough Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. They included community activists from the Belz, Bobov and Satmar Hasidic […]

Haredi mob ambushed cops in Jerusalem, injuring 3 and locking some in building

Ultra-Orthodox mob ambushes cops in Jerusalem, injuring 3 Three police officers were injured in overnight clashes with an extremist ultra-Orthodox mob in Jerusalem’s Mea Shearim neighborhood, according to police. According to police sources quoted by Hebrew media, cops entered the neighborhood to arrest organizers of repeated violent protests against work on the light rail that […]

Leader of anti-Zionist haredi group Neturei Karta dies from coronavirus

A leader of the extremist anti-Zionist haredi Orthodox Neturei Karta sect who once met with former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has died. Rabbi Moshe Dov Ber Beck was 87. Beck, a central leader of the Neturei Karta for decades, died Thursday night of complications of COVID following a long illness, according to the Israeli news […]

Leader of extremist haredi Orthodox sect Lev Tahor arrested in Guatemala

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

This southern Israeli city is worried it will become the next Secular-Haredi battleground

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source

Should Nikki Haley’s photo be in the paper? Haredi magazines aren’t sure

Back when Nikki Haley served as ambassador to the United Nations, someone close to her approached Mishpacha, a leading haredi Orthodox weekly magazine, about arranging an interview with the potential future Republican presidential candidate. The interview would have been a get, the kind that most news magazines would feature with a cover portrait. And indeed, […]

Netflix to Premiere New Docuseries About Former ‘Haredi’ Fashion Mogul

Julia Haart. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – Netflix announced on Wednesday the premiere of a new documentary series about fashion entrepreneur Julia Haart, a former member of the ultra-Orthodox haredi community. “My Unorthodox Life” will focus on the personal and professional life of Haart, who was born Talia Leibov. She is now the CEO, co-owner and […]

Netflix announces series based on ex-haredi fashion mogul Julia Haart

Netflix’s stream of Orthodox Jewish-themed content isn’t stopping anytime soon. The streaming giant is producing “My Unorthodox Life,” a documentary series about Julia Haart, a prominent fashion designer raised Talia Leibov in a haredi Orthodox home, Hello! magazine reported Wednesday. Soon after marrying at 19, Leibov left her Jewish community and founded a successful luxury […]

Haredi Parties Pledge Loyalty To Netanyahu; Smotrich’s Religious Zionism Doesn’t

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu partly reestablished the bloc of right-wing, religious parties that successfully prevented the formation of more centrist and secular coalitions after previous elections. The ultra-Orthodox Shas and United Torah Judaism parties signed on to Netanyahu’s loyalty pledge on Tuesday, agreeing that they will not independently join a government led by any party […]

Cholent, pizza and prayer cards: Haredi community targeted in vaccination drive

Israel’s world-leading vaccination campaign, which has been beefed up lately by incentivizing inoculations with free food and setting up mobile immunization units in forests, has in recent days focused efforts on the country’s ultra-Orthodox community. On Tuesday, the Magen David Adom emergency service sent mobile vaccination units to inoculate students in yeshivas around the country. […]

Relationship Between Haredim, Non-Haredi Israeli Jews at Breaking Point

The relationship between Israel’s Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) population and the rest of the country’s Jewish citizens is at a breaking point as a result of the coronavirus. “There hasn’t been anything like this in the last 50 years or so, maybe even more,” Professor Benjamin Brown of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Israel Democracy […]

How the Haredi street turned racist and ultra-nationalist

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Large haredi funeral processions in Jerusalem hit raw nerve after recent violent clashes

Browse > Home / Featured Articles / Large haredi funeral processions in Jerusalem hit raw nerve after recent violent clashes February 2, 2021 by   Read on for article Thousands of people packed the streets Sunday in Jerusalem to participate in the funeral processions of two prominent haredi rabbis, both of whom passed away due […]

Haredi Jews in London hold illegal weddings regularly – Jewish newspaper

Haredi Jews in London have held more than 50 weddings in violation of emergency measures to curb the spread of the coronavirus, a local Jewish paper reported. All of the weddings have had 150-200 guests, and at one of them the bride had been tested for the coronavirus and been found positive, according to an […]

Haredi mob attacks cops in Modiin Illit; graffiti likens police chief to Hitler

Clashes continued Wednesday between ultra-Orthodox rioters and police forces enforcing lockdown restrictions, and graffiti equating the new police commissioner with Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was spray-painted in Jerusalem. Cops arrived at a kindergarten in the settlement of Modiin Illit that was open in violation of lockdown rules, but were faced with dozens of people who […]

Four suspected of attacking police in Israeli Haredi city released to house arrest

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

Antwerp mayor: Haredi ignoring COVID measures triggered antisemitism

The mayor of Antwerp, a city in Belgium where about 15,000 haredi Orthodox Jews live, warned that their failure to comply with COVID-19 measures has triggered antisemitism — and it could turn into a wave. “In the Jewish community, not everyone realizes this, they have their own logic, but the backlash of public opinion that […]

As 4 cops hurt in fresh clashes, chief rabbi slams ‘delinquent’ Haredi rioters

Chief Rabbi Yitzhak Yosef on Monday condemned ultra-Orthodox rioters who have been violently resisting police efforts to enforce lockdown restrictions, calling them “young delinquents” and “rioters” who are “desecrating God’s name,” and urging the Haredi community to renounce them. “There is no justification for violent acts and that should stop immediately,” the Sephardic chief rabbi said in […]

Police, residents clash in Haredi neighbourhoods over yeshiva shutdowns

Browse > Home / News / Police, residents clash in Haredi neighbourhoods over yeshiva shutdowns January 25, 2021 by JNS Read on for article Clashes continued on Sunday in several Haredi neighbourhoods between residents and the police attempting to enforce Israel’s lockdown regulations. Religious students in Ashdod clash with police as they protest after authorities […]

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