Posts Tagged ‘ideology’

How Gender Ideology Breeds Toxic Law

In Robert Bolt’s play A Man for All Seasons, which was a textbook back in my high school in India, the following exchange occurs between Sir Thomas More and his future son-in-law William Roper. When More says he would grant the protection of the law even to the devil, Roper counters that he’d ‘cut down […]

Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology

Climate change has become a dangerous ideology according to Cambridge University professor Mike Hulme. Hulme, Professor of Human Geography at Cambridge University, says climate change is NOT going to end the world and we need […] The post Cambridge Academic Says Climate Change Alarm Is Now A Dangerous Ideology appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Putin Slams Woke Gender Ideology Destroying the West: ‘There Is Only Male and Female’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed the woke agenda being promoted in the Western world that teaches children there are dozens of genders and that biological sex does not exist. According to Putin, the woke agenda is part of the New World Order’s satanic agenda to spread degeneracy in the West, corrupt the traditional family, […]

Putin Slams Woke Gender Ideology Destroying the West: ‘There Is Only Male and Female’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed the woke agenda being promoted in the Western world that teaches children there are dozens of genders and that biological sex does not exist. According to Putin, the woke agenda is part of the New World Order’s satanic agenda to spread degeneracy in the West, corrupt the traditional family, […]

Putin Slams Woke Gender Ideology Destroying the West: ‘There Is Only Male and Female’

Russian President Vladimir Putin has slammed the woke agenda being promoted in the Western world that teaches children there are dozens of genders and that biological sex does not exist. According to Putin, the woke agenda is part of the New World Order’s satanic agenda to spread degeneracy in the West, corrupt the traditional family, […]

The End of the End of Ideology

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL In 1960, Harvard sociologist Daniel Bell published a book called The End of Ideology. It argued that it was time to put aside all our ridiculous arguments of the past – socialism, fascism, liberalism, anarchism, technocracy, etc. – and just recognize that elites like him have it all under control. […]

Zionism Vs Nazism, Israel’s Connection To Extremist Ideology & ADL’s History of Faking Nazi Marches

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (2/24/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

New poll: Majority of Californians REJECT gender ideology

A recent poll conducted by Spry Strategies revealed that the majority of Californians are still rejecting gender ideology despite the legislative push of state Democrats to erase biological reality. According to the poll, conducted last month on 1,000 prospective voters in California, only 22 percent of respondents believe that sex is not binary compared to 62 percent who […]

An Satanic Ideology Synthesized to Destroy America: Protect Your Child From Tranny LIES

How to Protect Your Child From Transgender Lies Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked October 15, 2023 Previous Next Comment:  Wherever the CIA goes the Transgender Ideology follows and the Rothschild/Vanguard/Blackrock/BritishEmpireCrimeSyndicate Media encourages the fallacies of Transgender Ideology as do the Schools funded by Bill Gates (compromised CIA ASset) Common Core.  Bill Gates I was told […]

German Authorities Jail 87-Year-Old Granny Who Criticized Liberal Ideology Online

Authorities in Germany have arrested and imprisoned an 87-year-old grandmother for the crime of speaking out against far-left ideology online. According to reports, the woman was sentenced to prison for posting her criticism of leftist […] The post German Authorities Jail 87-Year-Old Granny Who Criticized Liberal Ideology Online appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

How ideology can help (or hurt) movements trying to build power

Political educator Harmony Goldberg discusses whether the ideological traditions of the left are helpful for practical organizing. Source

Identity Crisis: The Network Behind Gender Identity Ideology

Part 4: The Network Behind Gender Identity Ideology   The Transgender Ideology In the final sections of this series we will examine the claim made by critics who believe we are witnessing a push to divide the public using the gender identity issue, specifically by promoting a narrative that transgender people and gender identity questions […]

Pope Says ‘Backward’ American Conservatives Have Replaced Faith With Ideology

Pope Francis, who embraces tackling issues like climate change and poverty, said a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time. Source

Author & Journalist Helen Joyce Explains How Trans Ideology Spreads

Irish journalist Helen Joyce has been causing quite a stir. YouTube recently removed her conversation with Jordan Peterson ((due to vague accusations of “hate speech” and “inciting violence”) and the BBC doesn’t invite her on […] The post Author & Journalist Helen Joyce Explains How Trans Ideology Spreads appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Video: DeSantis Warns “Woke Leftist Ideology Is A Threat To Our Freedoms”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis warned Thursday that unless Americans “hold the line” against the “woke mob” their fundamental freedoms could vanish. Speaking in Michigan at the Midland County Republican Party breakfast, DeSantis warned “This leftist agenda, the woke ideology is a threat to our freedoms.” He continued, “It’s not limited to the halls of the […]

What Is the Ultimate Endgame For ‘Woke’ Ideology, Actually?

Is it really just a silly product of bored academics, or is there a greater utilitarian purpose to the ideology that has permeated every aspect of Western society? Source

Algeria’s Gas vs. Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?

MARCH 22, 2023 BY RAMZY BAROUD – ROMANA RUBEO When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on March 9, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu’s visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. […]

DEI Director Fired After Rejecting ‘Woke’ Ideology Speaks Out: ‘I’m Not Going Quietly’

Renegade Editor’s Note: DEI is an inherently anti-White program, so someone who does not absolutely hate White people and espouse every aspect of Cultural Marxism is not welcome, even if he or she is Black. By Colleen Farabaugh ‘If the public knew what was happening on their tax dollars … there will be an outrage […]

Swedes shift from Liberal ideology to a more Conservative one, poll shows

    According to a study conducted by the polling company Ipsos on behalf of the Swedish media, fewer Swedish voters now identify as liberals than they did a year ago. The percentage of Swedish voters who identified as liberals last year was 31%; today, it is only 26%. The shift in sentiment is especially […]

Weekly Briefing: Dear Democrats– Zionism is not a liberal ideology

Just when you thought U.S. policy toward Palestinians could go no lower, Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited the region last week and offered “meaningless and empty gestures” about the violence being delivered to Palestinians while expressing great concern over the Netanyahu government’s plans to gut the powers of the Israeli judiciary. Source

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