Posts Tagged ‘rightwing’

Israel’s rightwing government represents the Judaization of Zionism

Early Zionism sought to reform the “Ghetto Jew” into the secular Zionist militant. But now the new Israeli government not only wants to push society to the right, but to dismantle its secularism as well. Source

Algeria’s Gas vs. Rightwing Ideology: Will Italy Change Its Position on Jerusalem?

MARCH 22, 2023 BY RAMZY BAROUD – ROMANA RUBEO When Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu left Tel Aviv for Rome on March 9, he was flown to Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv by a helicopter because anti-government protesters blocked all the roads around it. Netanyahu’s visit was not met with much enthusiasm in Italy, either. […]

Biden’s response to the rightwing whirlwind in Israel — weakness

We are beginning to see how Israel’s next far-rightwing government will make things difficult for the White House through the de facto annexation of the West Bank. And the early indications from Joe Biden’s administration indicate a continuation of the weak responses that have characterized his policy toward Israel for decades. Source

Netanyahu poised to lead most rightwing government in Israeli history

September 15 was a deadline for the submission of parties for the Israeli elections, set for November 1. At this point it appears likely that Israel will be seeing one of its most extreme right-wing governments in history. Benjamin Netanyahu has reemerged as a beacon of stability for the right, and if he leads Israel’s […]

Democrats have jolly meeting with rightwing Israeli minister who is trying to ban Palestinian human rights groups

In October the Israeli Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, shocked the American liberal Zionist community by designating six leading Palestinian human rights as “terrorist” groups. These organizations have been around for decades and receive funding from European governments, but they have drawn the Israeli government’s ire for assisting the ICC investigation of war crimes by Israel, […]

Rightwing smears and ‘both sides’ lies

When covering the excesses of the far right, it’s common for cable news pundits to lump them together with what they usually call the ‘radical’ or ‘hard’ left, arguing that these are issues ‘both sides’ need to deal with. Those most often compared to armed groups of ‘patriots’ like the Oathkeepers, who have members accused of […]

To oust Netanyahu, Lapid would choose rightwing religious Jews over Palestinian parties

For those who follow Israeli politics, the news is continued stalemate. The fourth parliamentary election inside of two years on March 23 produced no clear result, and though Prime Minister Netanyahu got the nod from the Israeli president to try to form a governing coalition, it is quite an uphill climb for him. He has […]

Netanyahu vows to form ‘stable rightwing’ government (with Kahanists) to avoid a 5th election

Update: The Israeli election appears to be deadlocked, judging by exit polls. Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party has the upper hand with 31 or more seats, far more than the nearest competitor, per the polls, but the anti-Netanyahu parties have as many as 60 seats, or half the parliament. Netanyahu called the election a “huge victory” […]

Kingmaker Bennett says Israel is overwhelmingly rightwing — so don’t worry about Lapid

On Tuesday next week, Israel will be going to its fourth elections in two years. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed certainty that there will not need to be a fifth election – but such confidence appears premature. Center-right blocs could well be deadlocked again. Here is an overview of who’s in the race, who […]

Rightwing video says New Israel Fund supports ‘foreign agents’ who persecute Israeli soldiers

The rightwing Israeli Jewish group “Im Tirtzu” has published an incitement video, featuring Adi Shosberger, who has recently called soldiers near the Gaza fence ‘terrrorists,’ and an activist from ‘Machsom Watch’ (‘Checkpoint watch’) who tells an Israeli soldier “you are a disgrace”. The video frames these actions as a conspiracy of the progressive New Israel Fund. New […]

Netanyahu cancels watershed refugee deal with UN following rightwing criticism

Hours after announcing a watershed deal with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to relocate African asylum seekers in Israel to Western Europe and Canada, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reneged, saying he is “suspending implementation of the agreement,” throwing the fate of tens of thousands into uncertainty. Making his statement directly to […]

Rightwing campaign against Jewish exec who called for exposing Nakba seems likely to fail

A rightwing campaign has begun against a prestigious Jewish organization, the Center for Jewish History, to fire a new executive who has called for discussions of the Nakba and against demonizing the BDS campaign (boycott, divestment and sanctions). And happily, it appears that this campaign will fail. David N. Myers is a former professor of […]

TODAY’S COLUMN: Troops on the Streets of Britain, More Rightwing Anger Towards Muslims

The UK inched closer towards martial law today, as Prime Minister May announced that British troops will be deployed on the streets in the aftermath of Monday night’s alleged ‘ISIS terror attack’ in Manchester.  Along with the government’s ramping-up of police state measures, the UK arm of the ‘Alt-Right’ appear to be inciting street confrontations with British Muslims – labeling them as […]

Israeli rabbi who advocated rape of ‘comely gentile women’ during war becomes chief army rabbi

Just on my way to my flight from Israel’s Ben Gurion Airport, I noticed this cover headline in the Yediot Aharonot newspaper front page: “New IDF Chief Rabbi: It is permissible to rape during war”. Under that: “Major Col. Eyal Qarim has declared in the past “draft of girls is totally forbidden” – and claimed […]

Another U.S. Proxy Force Defeated By ISIS – Incompetent Training or Intent?

Outrage over Turk masturbating on sleeping woman on bus

During a journey from Muğla to İstanbul on Tuesday, a Metro Turizm bus assistant identified only by the initials C.G. is reported to have started masturbating beside a woman, known only as C.D., while she was asleep on the vehicle.  The woman is understood to have been woken up by the sound of the man, […]

Seven days in Hebron

I took off for Hebron on a Sunday morning, on a number 405 bus from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Throngs of Israeli soldiers filled the station, soldiers on the move, barely more than teenagers, large backpacks and automatic weapons flung over their shoulders, smart phones in their hands. Sitting beside me on the bus, a […]

Lawsuit Claims Flint Mayor Diverted Charity Donations To Her Super PAC

The former city administrator of Flint claimed in a lawsuit filed Monday she was fired after raising concerns the mayor’s office redirected funds meant for victims of the water crisis towards the mayor’s campaign fund. Natasha Henderson claimed in the lawsuit that Flint Mayor Karen Weaver directed city employees to stop potential donations […]

Number of Palestinian children detained– 440– is double figure of a year ago

Violence / Incursions / Detentions — West Bank, Jerusalem Rise in Palestinian children held by Israel ‘alarming’ JERUSALEM (Al Jazeera) 24 Apr by Jonathan Cook — A jabbing pain in his shoulder and thigh roused Obada from his sleep at 3am. In the half-light, the 15-year-old could make out eight masked men surrounding his bed, […]

“Screaming” Teenager Schools Police Officers During Traffic Stop (VIDEO)

Watch how the teenager in the video above takes two cops to school after they pull him over for yelling at another officer on a different traffic stop. What did the teenager yell? “You’re causing a traffic hazard!” After (possibly) realizing that the illegality of the stop could be in question officer Willard (pension #29) […]

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