Posts Tagged ‘mps’

Military aircraft crashes at Portugal’s Montijo Airbase, 3 killed

The four-engine military transport aircraft caught fire during take-off on Monday, Portugal’s RTP broadcaster reported. At least three Portuguese Air Force personnel have died, a source in the National Medical Emergency Institute told Lusa news agency, adding that the authorities are still reviewing the status of the other three crewmembers. Observador newspaper reported there were […]

More Evidence Trump Is A Secret Clinton Operative

More and more people are beginning to believe Donald Trump is a secret Clinton operation designed to get Hillary elected. Trump is, after all, the only Republican nominee who was a lifelong Democrat and Clinton donor. He is also the only Republican running who called his friend Bill Clinton to discuss running before he entered […]

A Frexit Would Be the Final Nail in the EU’s Coffin. A Potential Exit-Referendum in France?

Iran’s President hopes for strong Muslim bonds

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani in a congratulatory message to the nation on Eid al-Fitr hoped for the solidarity of Muslims on the basis of morality and moderation. In his message released late on Tuesday, President Rouhani felicitated the Iranian nation on the Islamic festival of Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of […]

Americans Get Ready To Leave United Nations

As the people of the world continue to show signs they are waking up and rejecting the New World Order’s plans in droves, members of Congress are seizing the moment and pushing for America to exit the United Nations. In the wake of Brexit, there is a growing belief that the idea of America exiting […]

Another U.S. Proxy Force Defeated By ISIS – Incompetent Training or Intent?

Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev a Double Agent Recruited by the FBI?

Introduction by WhoWhatWhy Omar Mateen had been on the FBI’s radar for some time before he opened fire at a nightclub in Florida, killing 49 and wounding 53 people. Now the public is asking why the FBI didn’t do something to prevent the tragedy. Glenn Greenwald responded with an article in […]

‘Our views are either similar or coincide’: Putin on comprehensive strategic China-Russia alliance

Praising the unprecedented current level of trust between Beijing and Moscow, Putin said the phase of “strategic cooperation” doesn’t fully describe the scale of partnership between the states. “To say we have strategic cooperation is not enough anymore” Putin told Xinhua. “This is why we have started talking about a comprehensive partnership and strategic collaboration. […]

‘Grandma’s WWII stories still send shivers down my spine’

“I came here today to honor the memory of my two great uncles and my grandparents – who survived the Battle of Stalingrad, the horrors of the concentration camps and the rest of the war,” a woman who came to light a candle on the Moskva River embankment told RT. WWII pilots revisit their planes, […]

Swedish Hospital LGBT Certified

Greve HansDaily Stormer June 11, 2016 This is the future we chose Sweden is a nation known these days for absolute total poz. Recently a hospital in the country decided that it needed to be more inclusive (aka give useless people useless jobs with their useless degrees) and has ”LGBT-certified” themselves now. I will leave […]

Bahraini protesters demand release of jailed cleric Sheikh Salman

Demonstrators staged a protest rally in the northwestern village of Diraz, situated about 12 kilometers (7 miles) southeast of Manama, following Friday prayers, demanding the release of Salman, who heads Bahrain’s main opposition bloc al-Wefaq National Islamic Society. The marchers, carrying portraits of Salman and Bahrain’s national flags, also censured a recent court ruling on […]

Iran, Austria must counter financing for terrorism

Iranian Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs Ali Tayyeb-Nia says Iran and Austria need to enhance cooperation in the banking sector and work toward stopping the flow of financial aid to terrorists. In a meeting with Austrian Finance Minister Hans-Joerg Schelling in Vienna on Saturday, Tayyeb-Nia outlined Iran’s steps to achieve economic development. He also discussed measures […]

Over half of every tax dollar you give to Uncle Sam is spent on the military industrial complex

     Most people probably don’t think too much about this, but are you aware of just how much of your income is being used to fuel the military industrial complex? Conveniently omitted from the corporate/state-run media organizations is the fact that some 53 percent of your tax dollars are spent on the military. That’s right, […]


  DONALD TRUMP DESTROYS LYING JEW MEDIA DURING TODAY’S PRESS CONFERENCE ON VETERAN’S DONATIONS report from infostormer note – you’re probably wanting to ask me, is Trump really the real deal ? yes, otherwise why would a billionaire want a 400K$ per year job? Donald Trump destroyed the lying Jew media during today’s press conference at Trump […]

Iceland’s Biggest Political Party Is Now The “Pirate Party”

Michaela Whitton (AM) : Iceland’s anti-establishment Pirate Party continues to lead nationwide polls as the most popular choice for the next elections. The party — whose policies include internet freedom, drug decriminalisation, and open democracy — has consistently led the polls for the last year and, as a result, has secured more funding than any […]

The Science that Ties Severe Depression to Your Coming Spiritual Awakening

Alex Pietrowski, StaffWaking Times Is depression simply a disease as many psychiatrists and doctors would have us believe, or is there tremendous potential for personal growth and spiritual awakening locked up in the struggle against this common ‘disorder?’ For those who are battling, or who have already conquered depression, there is […]

Brazil’s Rousseff ousted by media boycott, conspiring businessmen – ex-president Lula to RT

RT: Thank you very much, Mr. President, for finding the time to meet with RT. Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva: I would also like to thank the international media for its interest in Brazil and the current political discussion with respect to the impeachment [of President Dilma Rousseff]. I’m very happy that I’ll have a […]

IMF delegation arrives in Tehran

Tehran, May 15, IRNA – First Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) David Lipton at the head of a delegation arrived here Sunday. Members of IMF delegation are to hold talks with senior Iranian officials on economic issues. The visit of IMF delegation will last for three days. The visit is an […]

Brazil’s acting president used to be US intel informant – WikiLeaks

According to the whistleblowing website, Temer communicated with the US embassy in Brazil via telegram, and such content would be classified as “sensitive” and “for official use only.”  READ MORE: ‘Coup & farce’: Brazil’s Rousseff vows to fight impeachment with all legal means Two cables were released, dated January 11, 2006 and June 21, 2006. One shows a […]

US allies in Syrian conflict go to Moscow for solutions, not to Washington

     Thanks to its skillful diplomacy, Russia has taken leading positions in providing a solution to the Syrian crisis; Moscow has outmatched Washington both militarily and diplomatically to such an extent that even Washington’s allies now come to Moscow to “probe Putin’s intentions” rather than listening to the State Department, according to Le Figaro. Russia’s […]

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