Posts Tagged ‘armenian’

The True Holocaust. Remembering the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides.

The True Holocaust. Remembering the Armenian, Assyrian and Greek Genocides by the Turks / Jews (Synagogue of Satan) On 7 February 2024 the NSW Legislative Council considered a motion on genocide prevention. Introduced by Liberal Party opposition Whip, the Hon Chris Rath, the motion called for the Upper House to acknowledge that 9 December 2023 marked the […]

The battle for Jerusalem plays out in the Armenian Quarter

Jerusalemite Armenians are under pressure from Israeli settlers to relinquish control of property in the Armenian Quarter in Jerusalem’s Old City. In the battle for Jerusalem, many Armenians are adamant keeping the property out of the settlers’ grip. Source

Moscow summons Armenian envoy, gives him a ‘tough presentation’

Sept 9, 2023 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen English Russia protested a number of issues to the Armenian ambassador, including Yerevan’s announcement of hosting joint military drills with the US next week. The Russian Foreign Ministry summoned Armenia’s ambassador to Moscow on Friday to protest Yerevan’s recent “unfriendly steps,” including its announcement of joint exercises […]

33 Armenian PoW’s are still being held in Azerbaijan

There are 33 Armenian prisoners of war currently held in Azerbaijan that have been confirmed and identified, Hsmik Samvelyan, press secretary of Armenian Representative for International Legal Affairs, Yeghishe Kirakosyan, presented to the Zhokhovurd newspaper. The number presented by Samvelyan is also confirmed by the representative of Armenian prisoners of war at the European Court […]

Ambassador Mkrtchyan: “Armenian-Greek relations are based on common values and blood ties”

Marking Armenia’s participation at the Philoxenia 2022 international tourism exhibition as an honoured country, held November 18-20 at the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair, Armenian Ambassador to Greece Tigran Mkrtchyan, speaking exclusively to Penta Postagma, said that Greek-Armenian cooperation should be raised to a significantly higher level and which will be in line with strategic cooperation,… […]

Raisi emphasizes protecting international borders in meeting with Armenian PM

TEHRAN— Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi underscored the importance of preserving international borders when he met Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday in New York. Raisi told Pashinyan that Iran emphasizes guarding joint and international borders and respecting other countries’ sovereignty, as well as preventing any kind of change in the region’s political geography. According to […]

Raisi emphasizes protecting international borders in meeting with Armenian PM

TEHRAN— Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi underscored the importance of preserving international borders when he met Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday in New York. Raisi told Pashinyan that Iran emphasizes guarding joint and international borders and respecting other countries’ sovereignty, as well as preventing any kind of change in the region’s political geography. According to […]

Raisi emphasizes protecting international borders in meeting with Armenian PM

TEHRAN— Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi underscored the importance of preserving international borders when he met Armenian Premier Nikol Pashinyan on Thursday in New York. Raisi told Pashinyan that Iran emphasizes guarding joint and international borders and respecting other countries’ sovereignty, as well as preventing any kind of change in the region’s political geography. According to […]

Armenian protesters demand their country leaves Moscow-led military alliance

Over a hundred people gathered in Armenia’s capital, Yerevan, on Sunday demanding their country leave the Collective Security Treaty Organisation (CSTO). The organisation is a Russian-led military alliance that includes several former Soviet nations, including Armenia. Azerbaijan, Armenia’s neighbour, is not part of the organisation. The demonstrators argued the alliance did not do enough to […]

Armenian festival celebrates wine

At this wine festival, the grapes are crushed the old-fashioned way – bare feet.

Iranian-Armenian pastor begins 10-year prison sentence

(Article18) — An Iranian-Armenian pastor has today begun serving a 10-year prison sentence for holding church services in his home. Joseph Shahbazian, who is 58 years old, was yesterday given 24 hours to hand himself in to the authorities at Tehran’s Evin Prison, and did so today at around midday, Iranian time. Meanwhile, a Christian […]

Armenian Fireworks Warehouse Blast Death Toll Rises to 16

Rescuers have recovered more bodies from the site of a fireworks warehouse blast in Armenia, raising the death toll from Sunday’s accident to 16, Armenia’s emergencies ministry said on Tuesday. Seventeen people remain missing, it said in a statement, after blasts ripped through the warehouse in a shopping mall in the Armenian capital of Yerevan […]

Armenian Embassy: Azeri claims on the Greek village of Mehmana is their usual policy of Armenophobia

The report broadcast on July 5 by CBC TV Azerbaijan and disseminated in Greek by the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Hellenic Republic regarding the village of Mehmana in Artsakh and its historical and cultural heritage, is nothing more than the usual Azerbaijani policy of Armenophobia, an irritating attempt to “export” to… […]

“Thanks to brotherly Greece,” says Armenian FM following meeting with Dendias in Athens

Foreign Minister Nikos Dendias met on Monday with visiting Foreign Minister of Armenia Ararat Mirzoyan in the presence of Deputy Foreign Minister Kostas Fragogiannis. The two top officials reaffirmed the strong friendship and historical ties between Greece and Armenia. They also discussed Greek-Armenian relations, including the trilateral cooperation between Greece, Armenia and Cyprus on diaspora… […]

Armenians Commemorate 107th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide

Armenians around the world commemorated the 107th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide Sunday, marking the onset of a Turkish slaughter of some 1.5 million Armenian Christians.

Tracing Scotland’s Neolithic Civilization Back To Armenian And Sardinian Roots

Around 5300 BC a revolution occurred on Orkney. A group of unnamed astronomers and seafarers dared to sail across one of the most hostile waterways in the world to establish the earliest stone circles in the British Isles, along with unusual conical towers and horned passage mounds. Such architecture had no parallel in Britain, it […]

One Armenian Christian Killed, Three Wounded, by Azeri Gunfire

Turkish-Backed Azerbaijan Targets Armenian Civilians Near Captured Shushi 11/09/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that November 8, 2021, Azerbaijani troops opened gunfire on a group of Armenian utility workers repairing water pipes near the city of Shushi, which was captured during the Turkish-Azeri war last year against Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenian: Artsakh). […]

Armenian president hails ties with Iran

Armenian president hails ties with Iran – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — Emphasizing that his country’s relations with Iran as a neighbor have always been good, the Armenian president has said what happened during the war in southern Armenia in 2020 was directly related to Iran. “Iran is our neighbor. What happened during the war in southern […]

TCCIMA holds meeting to honor former Armenian ambassador

TCCIMA holds meeting to honor former Armenian ambassador – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Representatives of Tehran Chamber of Commerce, Industries, Mines and Agriculture (TCCIMA) on Wednesday held a meeting to honor the former Armenian Ambassador to Tehran Artashes Tumanyan who has been recently recalled from his post, TCCIMA portal reported. Tumanyan, who will soon return to […]

Armenian Civilian Murdered in Front of Peacekeepers

Artsakh Citizen Killed by Azeri Sniper Fire While Gardening    10/12/2021 Washington D.C. (International Christian Concern) – International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that on October 9, Azeri snipers killed a 55-year-old Artsakh civilian while he was accompanied by Russian peacekeepers in the city of Martakert. According to reports, the civilian was reluctantly working in a pomegranate garden, […]

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