Posts Tagged ‘bush’

The Daily Traditionalist: More White Victims

Radio Aryan July 20, 2016 Sven Longshanks joins Matthew Heimbach for today’s episode to talk about the recent spate of attacks against White people in Europe. We have had a Moslem who drinks alcohol mow down 90 people in a truck, an ‘unaccompanied child refugee’ chop up 20 people on a train in Germany, a […]

Turkey May Be Expelled From NATO

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has threatened Turkey with being expelled from NATO if Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan continues with his ruthless power-grab.  As rumours of Turkey’s coup being a false flag gather momentum in the press, tensions between the U.S. and Turkey have increased dramatically. reports: Recall that on Saturday, as part of its […]

Survey Of Police Chiefs: ’76 Percent’ Say Armed Citizens Reduce Violent Crime

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Ahead of Friday’s “Day of Rage,” Obama Met for Three Hours with Black Lives Matter Leaders

by Piper McGowin of The Daily Sheeple Gee, could there be a plot afoot? President Obama met with Black Lives Matter members for three hours on Wednesday, as Tweeted out by BLM member Deray McKesson. We are at the @WhiteHouse right now for a 3-hour convening w/ President Obama re: the recent events in #BatonRouge […]

France closes embassy and consulate in Turkey for ‘security reasons’

     French embassy and consulate were closed in Turkey due to security concerns, the Embassy of France in Ankara said in a statement on Wednesday. “The embassy of France in Ankara, as well as the consulate general in Istanbul will be closed from Wednesday July 13, 1 p.m. local time, until further notice,” the statement […]

More Evidence Trump Is A Secret Clinton Operative

More and more people are beginning to believe Donald Trump is a secret Clinton operation designed to get Hillary elected. Trump is, after all, the only Republican nominee who was a lifelong Democrat and Clinton donor. He is also the only Republican running who called his friend Bill Clinton to discuss running before he entered […]

US Mission to Train Syrian “Opposition Forces” Goes Awry

Dallas Shooter, Army Vet Micah Johnson, “Wanted To Kill White People”

Now that the Dallas shooting tragedy is officially over, attention turns to what the motive behind the murderous rampage may have been. And while the Dallas police chief said during a press conference that while talking with police negotiators, the suspect said he was not affiliated with any group, as we reported moments ago the […]

Feeble UFC Retracts Decision to Lifetime Ban Jew Reporter After Tribal Backlash

Boxdog HadokenDaily Stormer June 19, 2016 (((Ariel Helwani))), mixed martial arts journalist Just when I thought the UFC was going to start gassing all kikes. Note: Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) is owned and managed by Aryans: The Fertitta Brothers and Dana White. The UFC has recently come under attack by the mainstream media after they […]

Elderly Indian Woman Gives Birth

An elderly Indian woman has given birth at the ripe old age of 72 through IVF treatment.  Daljinder Kaur and her 79-year-old husband became parents in March following two years of fertility treatment in Haryana, India. Sky News reports: The baby was conceived using the couple’s own egg and sperm and, despite being very small […]

Worldwide Abortion Rates Fall Thanks to Family Planning & Contraceptives

Susanne Posel,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   Researchers with the Guttmacher Institute say abortion is controversial but never more than in developed nations where the number of procedures have dramatically dropped in the last decade. Using statistical data garnered from national surveys, official government statistics, and other […]

Where’s the Beef? Hamburgers Contain Disturbing Ingredients

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   Clear Labs (CL) has released a new lab report ; this time tackling delicious burgers that may contain more than the customer ordered. Utilizing a molecular-based analysis method, CL looked at 258 samples of hamburger meat from 22 retail […]

MMR Vaccine Whistleblowers Sue Big Pharma

Two MMR whistleblowers have begun a lawsuit against leading vaccine manufacturer Merck, claiming that the pharmaceutical giant fraudulently misled the government and omitted, concealed, and adulterated material information regarding the effectiveness of the MMR vaccine.  The two former virologists for the company, Stephen A. Krahling and Joan A. Wlochowski, launched a devastating lawsuit, which could finally see the […]

Wikipedia Explains the Difference Between Black Pride, Gay Pride, Asian Pride and White Pride

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 8, 2016 There is a big difference here, goyim. Learn it. Black Pride: Black pride is a movement in response to dominant white cultures and ideologies that encourages black people to celebrate black culture and embrace their African heritage. In the United States, it was a direct response to white racism […]

Equality and Justice For All… Just Not in North Carolina

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   Republicans in North Carolina have passed a broad anti-LGBT bill during a special session with just 3 hours of deliberation. North Carolina HB 2 essentially voids all local nondiscrimination ordinances; gives ultimate control to the General Assembly with regard […]

Rockefeller Divests From Fossil Fuels & Drops Exxon Like a Bad Habit

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Brands   The Rockefeller Family Fund (RFF) have revealed a divesting plan to take their money out of fossil fuels because they feel that “we must keep most of the already discovered reserves in the ground if there is any hope […]

Angel Cloud Formation Appears In Sky Above Beach In Cornwall

A man was walking along the coast at St Peter’s Point beach in Hayle, Cornwall when he saw this stunning cloud formation. According to strange sounds, meteorologists say the phenomenon is so rare it doesn’t even have a name. Ian Warne was walking with his dog, when he suddenly spotted something incredible in the sky. […]

Thanks to the USA, Ukraine is a haven for organized crime groups including ISIS drug trafficking

ISIS Takes Over Drug Trafficking in Europe ISIS in Europe, the future of Ukraine and the migrant crisis in the interview with Mateusz Piskorski, PhD in political science and a co-founder of the European Centre for Geopolitical Analysis. How would you assess the current situation in Ukraine considering what Yulia Tymoshenko said recently. She believes […]

Thanks to the USA, Ukraine is a haven for organized crime groups including ISIS drug trafficking

ISIS Takes Over Drug Trafficking in Europe ISIS in Europe, the future of Ukraine and the migrant crisis in the interview with Mateusz Piskorski, PhD in political science and a co-founder of the European Centre for Geopolitical Analysis. How would you assess the current situation in Ukraine considering what Yulia Tymoshenko said recently. She believes […]

Thanks to the USA, Ukraine is a haven for organized crime groups including ISIS drug trafficking

ISIS Takes Over Drug Trafficking in Europe ISIS in Europe, the future of Ukraine and the migrant crisis in the interview with Mateusz Piskorski, PhD in political science and a co-founder of the European Centre for Geopolitical Analysis. How would you assess the current situation in Ukraine considering what Yulia Tymoshenko said recently. She believes […]

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